Distance #27

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Peyton's POV

"Jack, shhhh!" I giggled while we fumbled up the stairs. It was pitch black in the house and Jack and I were stoned out of our minds plus we had snuck into my mom's liquor cabinet and helped ourselves to a few drinks. "Pey, you've got a nice ass," Jack whispered as we snuck into my room, still completely naked from our fun in the hot tub. I giggled and quietly closed the door behind. "Why thank you, Mr. Gilinsky." I said with a smirk while Jack wrapped his arms around my waist and pushed me against the closed door. I slung my arms around his neck, Jack smiled into a kiss. "I love you," he said as he pulled away before quickly going in for another kiss. "I love you and your neck," Jack whispered while moving his lips down to my neck. "I love you and your collarbones," Jack smirked against my skin as he kissed down to my collarbones. "I love you and your perfect boobs," Jack said while gently kissing them and cupping them in his hands. I laughed and pulled his head back up to mine. "I get it, you love me." I said to him while running my fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck. Jack's brown eyes were sparkling as he gazed down at me. I had never liked brown eyes before but all of sudden I realized they were my new favorite color. I gazed back up at him, his defined jaw somewhat clenched as he looked down at me. He laughed at my comment. "It's just that you're so beauitful. And you deserve to hear that every single moment of every single day." Jack whispered to me while he brushed a piece of my blonde hair out of my face. The only sound in the room was of my ceiling fan pushing around the cold, air conditioned air. The glowing Christmas lights that hung across my ceiling were the only source of light. Jack and I stayed like that for a while, just gazing at each other, taking in each other's features. All of sudden, a shiver ran through my body. The cold hair brushed against my naked skin and left goosebumps in it's place. "C'mon, let's get you clothed," Jack said while taking my hand. Jack walked into my bathroom and found a towel. "I'll be back," he said while wrapping the towel around his waist and quietly sneaking out of my room, down the hall to the guest room. He returned a few moments later in basketball shorts and he handed me a sweatshirt of his. I smiled. "I love having your clothes," I told him softly while slipping into the big grey sweatshirt. "And I love having you," he said, while climbing into my bed. I blushed at his constant compliments while crawling in next to him. Jack wrapped his strong arms around me and pulled my backside against him. I leaned over and unplugged the lights so that Jack and I just laid in darkness.

Jack's POV

Peyton and I laid in silence for a while. I felt her heart beating and listened to her steady breaths. "Jack," she finally whispered after a while. "Yeah babe?" She repositioned herself so that she faced me, our faces inches away from each other. "Thank you." Was all she said. "For what Pey?" I asked, confused at the random thanks. "For being a part of my life, for loving me." She said quietly. I ran my fingers across the soft skin on her arm. "It's just, after losing my dad and then having such a terrible breakup with the last guy I was with, I don't know..." Peyton trailed off for a bit. "I suppose it feels like things are finally going right, I'm finally genuinely happy and I guess that's a feeling I've been missing." I continued rubbing my fingers up and down her arm, letting her continue talking if she wanted. "So, thank you. For teaching me how to be happy again and for sticking around. I know you could have any girl and I'm just happy you gave us a shot." I tilted her chin up so she was looking at me. "You're the only girl I want Peyton. It's you. It's only you, okay? Don't think about those other girls. And you've made me the happiest I've ever been too, baby. Because seeing you happy makes me happier than you even know. I love you. And I love us." I whispered back to Peyton through the dark. She snuggled in closer to my chest. "I'm just so happy we'll finally be together everyday in less than a month. This whole distance thing will finally be over." I could tell she was smiling even through the dark. My stomach churned a bit. After everything Peyton had just told me, I didn't want to break that happiness or ruin anything so I just kissed the top of her head in response. "Goodnight, Jack." Peyton whispered while burying her head into my chest. "Goodnight, Pey." I whispered back. I laid there, staring through the darkness and thought about the future. What if things changed? What if this was just the beginning of even more distance between me and the girl I loved?

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