Trouble in Paradise #22

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Jack's POV

"We come baring groceries!!" Johnson called into the apartment as Sam and I trailed behind him, our hands full with bags. Peyton and Mrs. Logan were sitting next to each other on the couch, Peyton was leaning her head against her mom's shoulder and Mrs. Logan's arm was wrapped around Peyton. They turned when they heard us come in. I felt a weight lifting off my shoulders as I saw them sitting there with each other. Peyton gave me a bright smile, I winked at her and walked into the kitchen. "How kind of you gentlemen, how can we help?" Mrs. Logan asked while getting up off the couch and walking into the kitchen. "Well, I wouldn't exactly say any of us are qualified to cook a Christmas dinner..." Sam began with a chuckle. We all started laughing. "Alright, alright. I'll do the cooking but be prepared to be bossed around." Mrs. Logan told us with a smile as she made her way through us towards the bags to see what we had bought. "She's serious," Peyton said, leaning against the counter. "She will boss you around to no end," Peyton smiled and Mrs. Logan gave her a loving wink. We all laughed. "Alright, Sam and Johnson, start on the salad and mashed potatoes," Mrs. Logan said while dishing out ingredients. "Aye, aye, captain." Johnson repsonded. "Jack and Peyton, clean up the living room and get the table ready." I smiled at Peyton and we turned to leave the kitchen. As we walked out of the kitchen, Peyton snaked her arm around my waist and leaned into me. "I love you, Jack Gilinsky." She whispered into me. I wrapped my arm around her, pulling her closer to me. "Is everything worked out now?" I asked her. She looked up at me. Her blue eyes finally had their sparkle back. "Yes, I can't thank you enough." I kissed her forehead. "You don't need to thank me, Pey." I told her while removing my arm from around her. I turned to look straight at her. "I would do anything to make sure you were happy," I told her while staring down into her crystal-like eyes.

Peyton's POV

I gazed up at Jack, his brown eyes turning somewhat green. A wide smile was spread across his face as he looked down at me, a glisten in his eyes. "How did I get so lucky?" I whispered in awe at the man in front of me. He had changed my life in so many incredible ways. It was amazing to see how far we had come, that we had met at some high school show choir competition yet now I physically couldn't go without him in my life. "I ask myself that question everyday when I wake up with you next to me," Jack said quietly, his hand gently stroking my cheek as he stared deeply at me. "Hey lovebirds, get to work!" Johnson called to us from the kitchen, breaking the silence between Jack and me. Jack chuckled and quickly kissed my lips. "Alright, let's clean this up," he said while walking over towards the Christmas tree. I trailed behind him, picking up wrapping paper that littered the ground. I heard a little whimper coming from behind me, I turned around in confusion. My eyes then fell upon the little golden retriever puppy. How had I forgotten about Jack's present for me? "Aw come here baby," I said in a squeaky voice to the tiny dog. Cali's tail started wagging rapidly once my attention was on her. "How's my little girl doing?" I asked her in that high pitched voice people use when they talk to babies. It always annoyed me when people talked to their dogs like that but I couldn't help it. Cali was so cute and happy. I unlatched the metal hook to the cage she was in and gently lifted her out. She began squirming in my arms, attempting to crawl all over me. Cali gave me wet kisses on my nose, causing me to giggle. "Cali, stop," I said through giggles as she continued her new found love fest for me. Jack turned around from where he was throwing trash away. "Oh shit, I turn around for 2 minutes and I've already been replaced," he said in an offended voice. "Yeah, Cali is a way better kisser than you. You should really take lessons from her," I told Jack, a grin creeping on my face. Jack narrowed his eyes at me. "Oh that's it, you're gonna get it," Jack said while picking up wrapping paper from the ground. He crumpled it in a ball and began throwing it at me. "Ah Cali, he's gonna get us!" I said to the puppy in my arms while sheilding her and running away from Jack. More crumpled bits of wrapping paper hit my back as I ran away. Jack quickly caught up to me and grabbed me around my waist. "I'm sorry Pey, but you're not allowed to leave me," he said sternly. "Jack, put me down." I demanded in a pouty voice as he spun me around. Eventually my feet found the solid ground again, Jack and I both trying to catch our breath from our laughter. Jack took Cali out of my arms and held her in the air, like she was Simba from the Lion King. He gazed up at her little face. "Don't steal my girl's love," he told Cali sternly but his face quickly softened as he pulled Cali in against his chest and cuddled her against him. "How many times do you two need to be told to work!? Do we need to supervise you out there?" My mom called from the kitchen. "Sorry Mrs. Logan, we'll start working now!" Jack called back to her, giving me a guilty look. I giggled at his reaction. "Jack Gilinsky! I told you to call me Mandy!" My mom called back. Jack chuckled while setting Cali on the floor. Jack and I then began to finish cleaning the living room. After all the gifts and wrapping were put away, we began to set the table. "It needs to be more festive." I declared. Jack rolled his eyes. "Pey, I think you decorated enough this past week for every apartment in the building," Jack said, referring to all the decorations I had set up. I ignored his comment and walked over to the stereo system. I played with the buttons until Christmas music was playing throughout the whole apartment. I danced my way back to Jack and continued to place silverware on the table. "Much better," I told him. He chuckled at my childish ways but I knew he secretly enjoyed all my craziness.

Jack's POV

"Well don't you look handsome," Peyton said as she walked out of the bathroom, attempting to put the back on her earring. I stood in the mirror making sure my khakis and button up shirt all looked nice and pulled together. Peyton came over to me and wrapped her arms around my neck, flattening down my collar. "You're so sexy," she said quietly, a sexualness in her voice while she smirked at me. I bit my lip and looked her over. She wore a red dress that gripped her bust. The bright red brought out her tan skin. She wore brown combat boots on the bottom and her hair was loosely curled, falling down to nearly her hips. I gently kissed her cheek as the doorbell rang. "Let's go get this party started," I said while leading Peyton downstairs. Sam had already opened the door, allowing all of our parents in. "Oh boys, it's so good to see you all again!" Mrs. Wilkinson exclaimed as she walked in. "We missed you too, Mama Wilk." I chuckled while she hugged me, Johnson and Sam. After tightly wrapping us in her arms, she let go and made her way over to Peyton. "Oh my, Peyton you are so beautiful." She said in awe as she looked at Peyton. Peyton blushed. "Thank you, Mrs. Wilkinson." She said quietly. "I don't know how you're living with all these boys but it's a peace of mind knowing there's at least one person with a brain in the house." Mrs. Wilkinson said, making everyone laugh. We all got reunited. I greeted my parents and Mr. and Mrs. Johnson. Emily, Sam's sister had come too, and my two sisters had made the trip with my parents. Mandy came in then and was greeted by the crazy amount of people filling the apartment. I took a second to take it all in. It was so festive and cozy. Sam had gotten a fire going in the fireplace and all the Christmas lights sparkled around the rooms. Red and green decorations hung in different places and instrumental Christmas music drifted peacefully throughout the house. "Well, parents and siblings, let's eat!" Johnson got everyone's attention and led them to the dining room table Peyton and I had decorated earlier. Everyone found a seat while Sam, Peyton, Johnson, and I brought the dishes of food out to everyone. We all settled in, saying a quick grace and then digging into the amazing meal Mandy had prepared. The house was filled with conversation as we all told each other stories and memories from the past few months away from one another.


After dinner, we all gathered around the tree and fire and exchanged the gifts our families had brought for us. My sister Molly made her infamous hot chocolate that we all couldn't get enough of. After hours of talking, eating, and opening gifts, our families began to head back to their hotels for the night. They weren't leaving for a couple of days so we all just say goodnight. After all the people had gradually left, Johnson began picking up the living room as Sam helped Peyton with the dishes. The music was still quietly playing but none of us were talking, rather just enjoying the peace. I walked into the kitchen and wrapped my arms around Peyton's waist while she stood at the sink. "Hey baby," I whispered into her ear. She nuzzled her face into my neck while still scrubbing the dishes in the sink. "I'm going to take Cali for a walk and then I'll be up for bed," I told her. She nodded. "Okay babe," she said while turning her head slightly to give me a kiss on the cheek. I then walked out of the kitchen and picked up the little puppy from her bed and hooked her up to her leash. "Come on, cutie, let's take you for a walk."


As I quietly opened the apartment door after walking Cali, the house was quiet. All the lights were off on the first floor, the city lights illuminating the living room. I made my way upstairs, Cali held against my chest. When I walked into Peyton and my bedroom, the only light was given off by dozens of candles placed around the room. "Pey?" I gently called while placing Cali in her bed. Peyton walked out of the bathroom then in a black lacy robe. "How was your walk?" She asked causally. "It was good...but uhm...what's all this?" I asked, distracted with the room. Peyton approached me. She ran her hands down my chest. I licked my lips as I tried to contain my need for her. Peyton's collarbones and bare skin were showing through her robe and her messy hair rolled over her shoulders. I looked down at her, trying to stay focused on her eyes. Peyton went on her tippy toe then and leaned into my ear. "I want you to make love to me, Jack," she whispered. Her warm breath tickled my neck as she pulled away. I gazed down at her small frame in front of me before gently lifting her up and carrying her over to the bed.

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