Trouble in Paradise #5

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Trouble in Paradise #5

Peyton's POV

Three weeks had passed since Jack first went in to a coma and nothing had changed. The doctors had moved him to the ICU so he could be better looked after. Since he couldn't eat on his own, they had attached a feeding tube to keep giving him the nutrients he needed. I had flown back to school since it was only first semester of my freshman year and I couldn't afford to get behind. Yet, I still wasn't doing as well as I should be in school. All I could focus on was Jack and whether or not I would ever have the chance to talk to him again. My mom was constantly worrying about me, she called me three or four times a day to make sure I was still going to classes. "Peyton, honey, you still have to keep going. You can't let this situation shut you down." Was usually the typical phone call with her. My roommate Allie was concerned about me, too. I never went out and socialized so I was always in our dorm room. It was usually quiet between us but every so often she would check on me or tell me things. "Hey Peyton, I was looking on Twitter and Instagram and all of Jack's fans are worried. They keep saying they're thinking of both of you guys. Maybe you should reach out to them?" Allie told me as I laid in bed, attempting to study. It was a Friday night but I didn't plan on going out. "Okay thanks," I responded to Allie. She sighed and got out of bed and placed her laptop on her desk. "Well I'm going out, I wish you'd join me Pey." She told me while fixing her hair in the mirror. "I think I'll just stay in," I said. Allie looked defeated but didn't press the issue. "Okay, well if you need me you can call me." She smiled as she left the room. I set my book and notebook down next to me and stared ahead. All I wanted was a phonecall saying Jack was okay, that he had woken up. Instead, I picked up my laptop and scrolled through Twitter. All the fans were freaking out. Johnson and the other guys had tweeted about Jack and were keeping them updated, I was glad because I didn't feel like handling the issue. I was shocked to see how many people were tweeting me. Girls were saying how sorry they were for me and couldn't wait for us to be reunited. I hadn't realized how much Jack's fans had grown to like me. It was almost like how they loved Johnson and Mallory. My stalking was interrupted by my phone ringing. I grabbed it off the nightstand only to see it was just my mom. "Hello?" I answered, trying to not let the disappointment show. "Peyton, why are you answering my phone call on a Friday night? You should be out." My mom told me. "I'm just catching up on some studying," I defended myself. She sighed. "Pey, we can't go through this depression again, I-" I cut her off. "Mom, stop. We won't. Now I have to study. Goodnight." I quickly hung up, not wanting to dig up the past. I closed my laptop and climbed out of bed. I began digging through all the papers in my bottom desk drawer until I found the envelope I was looking for. It was the letter Jack had written me months ago when we hadn't seen each other in a long time. The envelope was worn and a bit ripped from me carrying it around everywhere but I still loved it. I opened it up and reread Jack's letter. His handwriting seemed to be the closest thing to him I could find. I let myself cry while reading the letter since no one was around. I laid in bed, clutching the paper to my chest when I had an idea. I picked up my notebook and began writing a letter to Jack, a letter I could give him once he woke up. I decided I would apologize first before scribbling down our best memories together. I had just picked up my pen to write when my phone rang again. I groaned, assuming it was my mother again but when I looked down at the screen I saw 'Katherine Gilinsky'. I fumbled to answer it. I finally slid it open, "Hello!?" I urgently asked. "Hi sweetheart," Katherine said, except her tone wasn't excited, it seemed tired and sad. "What is it?" I asked her quietly. "It's Jack honey," she said. I started crying but tried to hide it. My stomach sank as all sorts of possibilities ran though my head. "What happened?"

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