Distance #21

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Distance #21

Jack's POV

The rest of the day we spent on the beach, everyone was high or drunk and having a great time. It was the perfect way to start our last summer before college. The sun was beginning to set and we were all sobering up. Sam and a few others were journeying back up the sand to the house to grab hot dogs to cook for dinner down on the beach. Peyton sat where the tide was washing up on the shore, allowing the water to flow over her tan legs. Mallory had been sitting next to her but Johnson went over and took her away, they headed down the beach holding hands. I walked over to Peyton and sat down next to her. She turned to look at me and smiled. We didn't talk, we just enjoyed each other's presence while the orange sun melted into the horizon. Sam and everyone else eventually came back with all the food. The sun was basically gone as we gathered around the bonfire and roasted our hot dogs and s'mores. Sammy was joking around and telling ghost stories when Peyton spoke up. "I have an idea! How about the Jacks play us some music and sing?" She suggested, giving me a smirk. I immediately shook my head, I never liked singing in front of everyone. "Yes! Do it!" Everyone cheered. Johnson had his guitar laying next to him so he picked it up and began playing an acoustic version of "Paradise." I shyly began to sing. Eventually, we got into the song and everyone else did. It was so chill just playing music all sitting around the glow of the fire with the sound of the ocean behind us. We spent hours just hanging out. When the moon was fully above us, reflecting off the water, everyone started to call it a night. "I think we're going to stay down here," I said, glancing down at Peyton, who's head lay in my lap. "Alright night," everyone told us before heading up to the house. "We're gonna take one more smoke," Sammy said motioning to the guys. "Join us if you want." With that, everyone left, leaving Peyton and me alone on the beach. I laid down in the now cool sand and looked up at the night sky.

Peyton's POV

Everyone else had made their way back up to the beach house. Jack and I laid together, next to the fire that was beginning to die. The ocean was barely visible, except where the full moon shown above it. Jack was laying down, looking up at the stars. I laid my head on his chest and gazed upward. The waves crashed against the shore. "Let's go skinny dipping," Jack whispered. "Jack..."I was hesitant, all our friends were right inside. "Baby, come on, everyone is going to sleep or gonna go smoke, no one will be down here again," I reluctantly gave in. "Alright, fine." I told him while standing up. I pulled my tank top over my head and unbuttoned my jean shorts. Jack took off his tank top, revealing his toned, tanned, abdomen. He then took his gym shorts off, leaving us both in our underwear and me in my bra. Jack walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me. He unclasped my bra and let it fall to the ground. I smirked at him though the darkness. He then went to remove his boxers as I took off my lace underwear. Jack stared at my body for a moment. "Man, you are so sexy..." He said in disbelief. Even after hearing his constant compliments, he still managed to make me blush. "Ready?" I asked him. "Let's do this," he said while grabbing my hand. We took off running through the cool sand. I felt my feet reach where the waves kissed the shore. It was cold but Jack held onto my hand tightly. We crashed into the waves, Jack bringing me under with him. When we resurfaced, Jack pulled me into him. I giggled as I gazed up at him. Suddenly, he started splashing me with water. "Jack!!" I screeched while trying to escape his grasp. He laughed while keeping me in his arms. I attempted to wriggle free but didn't get far. "You're so annoying," I told him with a playful smack on his bicep. He just stuck his tongue out and held me closer. I wrapped my arms around Jack's neck and my legs around his torso. "By the way, you are so extremely sexy yourself, Mr. Gilinsky." I told him while leaning into kiss his lips. Feeling Jack's naked body against mine was a new feeling but it felt so right. Jack and I had never been intimate, ever since I was little I wanted to keep my virgnity for the "one", plus I was nervous to be intimate with Jack. There was no way he hadn't been with tons of girls before me and I was sure he was experienced. The more Jack's lips moved against mine, the more I lost track of my thoughts and got lost in him instead. He held my body strongly against his chest. His tounge made it's way across my bottom lip, begging for entrance. His kisses soon traveled down my neck to my bare chest. I felt myself moan slightly at his touch to my skin. He smirked and continued trailing down my stomach, leaving kisses behind. I dug my hands through his hair. Eventually, his lips smashed back against mine. Jack began wading out of the waves back towards shore. He gently laid me down where the tide was washing up. The sand was solid there so it didn't cave underneath our bodies. Jack's body hovered over mine, the moonlight above us, illuminated his features. The tide touched the shore, just reaching my toes as I laid on my back. Everything felt silent around us. Jack's brown eyes gazed intently into mine. "I love you Peyton Logan." He whispered to me. Before I could respond, his lips met mine, gentle at first but quickly becoming feverish. Jack pressed our lips harder and harder, finally breaking away for a brief second for air. "I love you too, Jack Gilinsky," I whispered to him in between kisses. He smirked before continuing. This time he made his way down my stomach again towards my hips. Just below my belly button, Jack stopped. I felt my body lose control and all of a sudden I desperately needed Jack. Yet, it was more than just a physical need, it was an emotional need, too. I was so in love with Jack. "Jack I need you," I whispered to him. He lifted his head up, looking at me. "Babe, are you sure?" He asked quizzically. "Yes." I confidently told him. "Tell me if I hurt you and I'll stop, okay?" I nodded. Jack's hands were placed on the sand on either side of my head, holding him above me. My naked body lay underneath. At the looks of it, Jack needed me too. As he leaned in to kiss my lips, I felt his hard need below his pelvis touch my thigh. Feeling Jack, made me tingle. "Jack," I said, urging him on. With that, I felt Jack's member enter me. I gasped with pain at first but it quickly faded. Jack's member found a rhythm. He grinded his hips against mine, moving in and out of me. My hands grasped onto his back as I felt my body fill with pleasure. Little whimpers and moans escaped from my mouth as Jack thrusted inside of me. I kissed his shoulder, gently sucking. "I love you," he kept whispering over and over in my ear. It was slow and passionate, the sound of the waves crashing behind us and sometimes reaching our feet. "Jack," I moaned. He smirked and began thrusting at a quicker pace. I felt my eyes roll back and I dug my nails into his back. I moaned louder, calling his name. Jack thrusted one more time as I reached my climax, my back arching. Jack pulled out and let his body fall limp against mine. Our heavy breathing was the only thing that filled the silence. After my heart rate began to steady, I whispered to him. "Jack Gilinsky, thank you for being the best thing to come into my life. I'll love you forever." I said while running my fingers through his thick dark hair that lay against my chest. "I'll love you always," he responded while rolling off of me. "I'll be right back," he said while kissing my cheek and standing up. He grabbed our clothing and some towels. I threw on his tshirt along with my underwear and he put back on his boxers before we laid back down in the sand together. I buried my head against his chest while Jack's muscular arm wrapped around me. We stayed out there for hours, talking about everything and nothing. "Can I be honest with you?" Jack asked at one point. "Of course," I told him. "You were my first..." He quietly said. I turned to him in shock. "Seriously?" I asked. He just nodded in response. "Well, I'm happy we could be each other's first," I told him while laying my head back on his chest. "And hopefully each other's last, too," he said quietly while kissing the top of my head. I smiled and closed my eyes, enjoying laying in Jack's arms and replaying the perfect night over and over in my head.

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