Trouble in Paradise #9

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Peyton's POV

"Peyton! Get down here and help!" My mom called to me from the kitchen. I groaned and rolled off my bed. "Coming!" I called back. It had been a couple of months since Jack woke up from his coma. He had gone back to Omaha and I went back to school in Arizona. Jack and Johnson had been busy working on their music career and moving to LA while I was busy trying to get my grades back up. It was finally Thanksgiving break, I thankfully had the week off so I flew home to spend it with my mom and Ryan. As I made my way down the large wooden staircase, the smell of a thousand different things filled the air. "Smells delicious, Momma," I told her while sliding into the kitchen on my fuzzy socks. "Nice of you to finally get your lazy butt out of bed," she smirked at me while slapping my backside with her oven mit. "Hey!" I said, offended by her comment. "Come on, help me with the mashed potatoes." She told me while handing me the bowl. "Ryan should be home any minute." My mom said while she frantically ran around the kitchen, trying to prepare dinner. My mom's Thanksgiving dinner was always amazing, she started at 9 am but it paid off. I glanced at the clock. It read 9:30. I groaned, realizing how long I would be getting bossed around to "Stir this! Taste that!" I had just started stirring when the doorbell rang. "I'll get it!!" I yelled while already hurrying out of the kitchen. I opened the door to find myself face to face with Grace. "Gracie!" I shrieked while pulling her into a hug. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming home!?" I asked her. "I wanted to surprise my best friend. Oh god, I've missed you so much P." She said while pulling me back into a hug. "Come in," I told her while dragging her inside. "You can help us cook, just like old times," I said to Grace with a smile. "I would love nothing more," she said while wrapping her arm around me. Grace was an only child and her parents weren't around much. Her dad always traveled for his job and her mom took advantage of their wealth by constantly going on "getaways." Grace had practically grown up at our house since she was always stuck with a nanny. We had spent every major holiday together and she spent more time at my house than she did at her own. "What's up Momma Logan?" She said casually when we walked into the kitchen. My mom turned around from her position at the sink and a smile lit up her face. "Grace Butler, I didn't know you were in town," she said while pulling her into a hug. "It was a spur of the moment kind of thing, a friend from school was coming back this way for Thanksgiving so I grabbed a ride with her. My parents are in Figi, so I hoped you wouldn't mind if-" my mom cut her off. "Grace Isabella Butler. You are always welcome here. Our home is your home." My mom told her sternly. "Which means, you get to help! Pick up a spoon, start stirring something!" She said to Grace. While we cooked, my mom, Grace and I got caught up. Grace told us about her first couple months at the University of Michigan. She had made a good group of friends and was enjoying the "social benefits of college", was how she worded it but we all knew she liked the parties. I didn't doubt that, Grace had always been a flirt and a bit of a wild child. "So how's Kyle?" I asked her reluctantly. I could tell she tensed up. "He's good," was all she said. I sighed. "Grace, you aren't actually still with him...are you?" I asked her. "Peyton, I really don't want to get into it." I dropped the topic. I hated that she was with a jerk like Kyle but I could never seem to change her mind. "I'll be a back in a second," I told my mom and Grace before heading up to my room. My phone was still charging on my nightstand so I flopped onto my bed and picked it up. I had a text from Jack. "Ready for tonight?" Was all it said. I smirked and texted back, "Ready as I'll ever be." I slipped my phone into my sweatpants pocket and headed back downstairs. Right when I walked into the kitchen, Ryan came through the garage door. "Ryan!!" I screamed while running into his arms. "What's up baby sis?" He laughed while wrapping his arms around me. "I've missed you so so so so so so so much!" I told him while I buried my head into his neck. "I've missed you too but you're choking me, Pey, get off," he chuckled while putting me on the ground. He hugged my mom and Grace and we helped him bring in his things from his car. Then we all piled into the kitchen and helped my mom with the cooking while all laughing and telling each other stories.

Jack's POV

"Jack! Dinner is ready!" My mom called to me. I looked in the mirror and took a deep breath before walking downstairs. My sisters and dad were sitting around the table along with my grandparents. "There's my handsome grandson," my grandma said while getting up to give me a hug. "Hi Grandma," I chuckled while hugging her back. "Tell us all about Los Angeles." My grandpa told me. I had flown back to Omaha to be with my family for Thanksgiving so everyone got together for the occasion. I filled everyone in on how my new life in LA was and how things with our music were going. As everyone finished up dinner, I decided now was the best time to bring up the big question of the night. "Uhm..Mom, Dad, I have something I've been needing to ask you..." I started. Everyone looked at me, expecting more.

Peyton's POV

Grace, Ryan, my mom, and I sat around the dining room table. We all had devoured the meal we spent all day making. As everyone sat there, casually talking, I decided to bring up my question. "Mom, I need to ask you something." Everyone got quiet and turned to me. "I've thought about this for a long time and I need you to take me seriously on it. Okay?" I asked her. She nodded and waited for what I was going to ask.

Jack's POV

I took a deep breath and asked my parents. "Can Peyton move in with me?"

Peyton's POV

"Can I move in with Jack?"

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