Flights #12

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Jack's POV

I quickly threw on a shirt and hopped out of bed. Since my room was now free of random girls, I went looking for Johnson. I assumed he had joined Nate and Sam when I had come home drunk with two girls. I knocked frantically on their hotel room door, which was directly across from mine. Nate opened the door, squinting in the light. He was shirtless and his hair was messy. "What the fuck dude?" he groaned, swinging the door open for me to walk in while he wandered back to bed. I rushed into the room. Sam was lying in bed with Johnson, both of them still half asleep. Sam sighed, pulling the covers that his head was buried under off of his face. "Don't you have your hoes to keep you company?" he asked me, annoyance ringing in his tone. "Okay, I know I fucked up, alright? Enough with the shit already." I said. Johnson sat up. "Finally," he said. I rolled my eyes. "Go ahead and say I told you so, whatever, I don't care. Just help me out." I pleaded. Nate sat up in the other bed, running his hands through his bed head. Sam sat up, leaning his head against the headboard. "I'm sorry, guys," I told them, sincerity in my voice. Nate spoke up. "It's okay, we're your brothers. We won't leave you, no matter what." He said. I smiled at him. Johnson interjected. "Just because we're your brothers doesn't mean I won't tell you when you fucked up and let me tell you, you seriously fucked up." I chuckled at the way Johnson said it. "I know, I know. How many girls was I even with?" I asked. Sam laughed. "That's when you know it's bad, even I can remember how many girls I sleep with." I threw a pillow at Sammy. "Okay not helping, dude." Sam just smirked. "I have to get Peyton back." I said, sitting down in the chair. Everyone went quiet. The sensitive subject had now been brought up. "Listen, it's Peyton. She's your girl, your love, and all of this has been shitty but I truly think you can get her back." Nate said. I prayed he was right. I sat there for a moment, the room was quiet, it was comforting knowing my boys would always be there for me. I appreciated that they weren't totally mad at me for how I had acted the past week. I knew they disagreed with everything I did, and looking back on it, I understood why. They easily could have not been sitting here, early in the morning, helping me solve my problems, but they were and for that I was grateful. Yet, it wasn't enough. I needed Peyton. She was best friend, my lover, and the person I needed in times like these. I couldn't believe I had managed to screw things up so badly. As I sat in the chair in the hotel room, the thought of Peyton's touch, the feel of her body, the sparkle in her blue eyes consumed my mind. "That's it, I'm getting on the next to flight to Chicago." I said, quickly standing up and making my way towards the door. "Woah, woah, woah," Johnson called after me. "We have a show tomorrow night, you can't miss it," he said. I nodded. "I won't, I plan on getting my girl back." I said while walking out of the hotel room and back to my own.


A few hours later, I sat waiting for a plane to Chicago. It had taken incredible amounts of begging my parents and the tour manager to let me leave but they finally caved. The rule was I had to be back by one the next day and no later. The show was at seven so that gave me enough time to rest and rehearse. I had calculated the time and I would hopefully get to Peyton's around noon. I hoped that gave us enough time to work everything out. All I knew, I wasn't going back to the tour without Peyton. My mom wanted to go with me to Chicago but I insisted that she didn't. I needed to do it alone, I needed to be with Peyton and only Peyton. Finally, the plane arrived and I boarded. I had taken flights to Chicago countless times but they had never felt this long. It felt like an eternity before the flight attendant announced that we had safely landed and could now exit the plane. I prayed that the airport was quiet. I assumed it would be since no one should know that I was in Chicago, all the fans would think I was still in North Carolina. As soon as I was in the airport, I began running toward the area a car was going to be picking me up. I was wearing a red snapback and sunglasses in an attempt to cover my face. Several groups of girls passed me and not a single one gave me a second glance. I was so thankful that I was managing to sneak through. Thankfully, I had no luggage with me besides my backpack so I could immediately leave the airport. I made my way to the doors and burst outside. The humid summer air engulfed me. My eyes searched for the car that was picking me up. Eventually I found it and climbed in. I quickly gave the driver Peyton's address and laid my head back against the seat. I was more nervous than I had ever been to see Peyton.

Peyton's POV

I tried to shake my thoughts out of my head. It was too early to think about Jack. The reason Grace and I had a party the night before was to distract myself from Jack yet here I was thinking about him yet again. I figured Grace would sleep well past noon since she was extremely hung over so I decided to crawl out of bed and take a shower. The cool water rushed over my body, relaxing my tense muscles. Ever since I left Jack, tense was all I ever felt. It was as though I physically couldn't relax without Jack. I sighed. 'Dammit.' I thought. Would he ever leave my mind? I decided to turn off the shower and go downstairs; maybe I needed some breakfast to wake up some more. I hopped out of the shower and threw on a pair of running shorts and an oversized t-shirt. My wet hair dangled around my shoulders but I could feel it quickly drying. I wasn't even outside but I could feel it was a humid day. I don't know why that surprised me, it was the middle of July in Chicago, and the days were always hot and long. As I made my way into the kitchen, I found a note Ryan had left on the counter. "Went downtown to the beach with some fraternity brothers, I'll be home late tonight. Mom is still with her girlfriends. Love you and Grace, Ry." I was happy to hear that. I was in no mood to face my family. I was exhausted from the party the previous night and as I looked around, there was still some cleaning up that needed to happen. I had just opened the fridge when the doorbell rang, jolting me out of my own world. I walked to the front door, I didn't bother to check who it was because I assumed it was just a delivery but I couldn't have been more wrong. As I opened the door, I was face to face with Jack. My jaw dropped. "Hi, Peyton," he smiled. I quickly wiped the shock off of my face and furrowed my eyebrows. "What are you doing here?" I asked sternly. I forced myself to keep my eyes on Jack's face. He was dressed in a tank top with khakis and his snapback, a look I loved on him but I refused to let him see that. I also didn't want him to see how relieved I was to have him here. Leaving the tour felt right at the time but being without him didn't' feel right at all. Having Nick in my room versus Jack didn't feel right in anyway. He rubbed the back of his neck and cleared his throat. Eventually, he looked back down at me. "I messed up." He said. "I really, really, messed up and P, I can't keep going on without you. I should have never let you leave. I was angry and in the heat of the moment and I'm sorry. Just please come back with me." Jack's eyes seemed to plead. He chewed his bottom lip while he waited for me to answer. My mind was spinning; I didn't know what to say. I hadn't expected him to show up at my door. "So what about all those things you said? Back in Atlanta?" I asked him. He shook his head. "That was all bullshit, I love you." Jack's voice cracked when he said he loved me. I could tell tears were forming in the back of his throat. I tried to hold back my own then. I looked down at the floor. "What about those other girls?" I asked, unable to look at him. A tear fell down his cheek. "They meant nothing," he said. Suddenly, I felt guilty. I needed to tell him about Nick. He wasn't the only one who spent time with other people. I was so hurt by him and the pictures I had seen yet here I did something even worse. He took pictures with some girls in a bar, but I had let another guy kiss me. I had led him into my room; I had been unfaithful to Jack. "Nick. He came to a party I had." I spit out. Jack looked at me. "Nick Stark? Like your ex?" he confirmed. His tone sounded...happy? I nodded. "Jack, he kissed me." I said. It hurt to say those words to Jack. I felt like I betrayed him. He smiled. "Pey, this is okay then!" He said. I eyed him. How could this possibly be okay? "Jack, what do you mean?" I asked. "Well you were with someone else and so was I, so its even, we can just forget about the mistakes we made." Jack explained. I was taken aback. "You were with someone else?" I questioned. "What do you mean?" Jack stared at me. He paused. " know...I uh...I slept with other girls." My heart sank. "Girls? As in more than one?" I confirmed. He nodded quickly. "But you were with Nick, so that doesn't matter right?" He asked. I shook my head. "I wasn't 'with' Nick. He tried to make out with me and I couldn't even do that because all I could think about was you. I couldn't do it Jack! I couldn't be with anyone else because of you. You're the only one for me!" I began to yell, tears streaming down my face. "Peyton..." Jack whispered. "No, just leave! Get out!" I yelled. "Pey, please." Jack begged, tears rolling down his face. "Baby, those girls didn't mean anything, I promise." I glared up at Jack while tears spilled from my eyes. "Don't you dare feed me that shit. If you truly loved me, no way in hell would you go off and sleep with some random sluts the minute we get in a fight. Fuck you, Jack Gilinsky. I never want to see you again."

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