Distance #19

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Distance #19

Jack's POV

The car was silent as we pulled into the parking lot of a Best Western. I found the cheapest hotel since it would only be a night and we weren't looking to blow our money. Johnson and Mallory were sound asleep and Peyton was asleep on my shoulder. I pulled into a parking spot and turned the ignition off. It was about 1 in the morning. I leaned down and whispered in Peyton's ear. "Baby, wake up," I gently said. She slowly opened her eyes, getting her bearings. Her eyes looked around before looking up and meeting mine. A smile spread across her face. "Hi there handsome," she said while pressing her lips to mine. "Thanks for getting us here safely," she told me while sitting up and unbuckling. "Let's get everyone else awake and head inside for some sleep," I said while climbing out the driver's door. Peyton climbed out her side and opened the back door, gently rousing Mallory. "Hey were at the hotel for the night," she said. Mallory lifted her head off Johnson's shoulder and shook him awake. We all groggily grabbed our bags and walked into the lobby. All our other friends were inside too. Everyone looked half asleep as we waited for our rooms. Sammy started arguing with the lady at the front desk. "You can't be serious! It's a freakin Best Western in the middle of Alabama! How do you only have two available rooms? We have ten people!" He angrily said to the lady, raising his voice. Peyton was holding onto my arm and leaning her head on bicep. I pulled away from her to go calm down Sammy. "Sorry about him, ma'am," I said addressing the lady behind the front desk. She smiled slightly. She clearly didn't want to deal with 10 teenagers at 1 AM. "I'm sorry, but there is nothing we can do, there are only two available rooms. We could send cots up to the rooms but that is all," she told me sternly while handing me the keys. I thanked her and turned around. Everyone was hanging on their luggage and sitting around, looking as though they could fall asleep right there. "Well, it looks like were just going to have make two rooms work," I announced. A simultaneous groan came from everyone. Emily and Peyton had their arms linked and Emily's head was laying on Peyton's shoulder. I was exhausted, it was 1 AM, and our hotel situation sucked, but seeing my girlfriend and best friend getting along so well made me happy. I knew they talked a lot at the showchoir competition we originally met at, so I was happy to see they picked up where they left off. Emily spoke up then. "How about the 5 girls in one room and the 5 guys in the other? It'll be cramped but it's just one night." Even though I wanted to be with Peyton and I'm sure Johnson wanted to be with Mallory, we all agreed it was the best idea. We all made our way upstairs to the second floor and found our rooms.

Peyton's POV

The guys' room was across the hall from ours. Emily opened our door and we all piled in. I had been so nervous about even going on the trip, yet suddenly I was spending the night in a hotel room with all new people. Except, I was sort of excited to get to know Jack's childhood best friends. Emily flopped onto a bed. "I'm so tired." She groaned. Laine plopped down next to her and cuddled up. Laine had curly, big, blonde hair and a sweet smile."Me too," she said while closing her eyes. "Alright, you guys take that bed, Peyton and I will take this one," Erin said while sitting on the other bed. Erin was so pretty. She was tiny and tan. She had short, blonde hair, and from what I had already noticed, the best clothes. Mallory started pouting. "What about me?" She asked. "You'll get the cot, my friend," Erin joked. Laine and Emily crawled under the covers, not even bothering to change or take their make up off. "Come on, girlfriend, let's get some sleep," Erin said to me. Mallory was already curled up on the cot and basically asleep. "And she was complaining about the cot, the girl is practically dead asleep already," Erin whispered to me. I laughed while getting in bed. Erin turned off the light and laid next to me. "I'm happy you're dating Jack," she whispered. "One, you're gorgeous, and two, you seem awesome. I'm really excited to get to know you this week." What Erin said made me smile. It made me feel really welcome and I couldn't help but know I made the right decision in coming. "Aw, that's so nice, I'm excited to hang with all of you guys. You seem to know how to have a good time," I said to her. Erin started laughing. "Oh, most definitely, night Peyton." She said while rolling over in bed. I closed my eyes and fell asleep instantly.

Jack's POV

"Let's get this show on the road!!!" Sammy yelled as we walked through the parking lot the next morning. Everyone was pumped because we were almost to the beach house. All the girls trailed behind, clearly some bonding had happened because you would have thought Peyton knew them for years. Mallory was giving her a piggy back ride as they ran through the parking lot. "Morning boys!!" They all screeched. "Woah, making a move on my girl?" I joked with Mallory. "She stole my heart, Jack!" Peyton mocked. "Alright alright get in the car," I said to them, laughing. "See you at da beach!!" Erin yelled to us all before climbing into Sammy's car with her boyfriend Jake. Emily, Laine, and Brock all got into Emily's car and we pulled out of the parking lot. I was driving my Jeep and Johnson sat shotgun. Mallory and Peyton were sitting in the back with the windows down, singing along to the country music they insisted on blasting. "Looks like our girls are getting along," Johnson laughed at them. I laughed, too, I loved seeing Peyton acting all goofy with girls. Seeing her laugh and smile was so incredibly sexy. I fell for her even more every time I heard her contagious giggle. Eventually, Mallory and Peyton fell asleep. Johnson turned around to see Peyton sound asleep on Mallory's shoulder. "Oh, this is going on Instagram," he laughed while taking a picture. He posted it with the caption "Looks like @jackgilinsky and I have been replaced..." I realized then that Peyton and I had never gone public. All our fans didn't even know I was dating someone new. I couldn't help but wonder if Peyton would be okay with having everyone know because I knew her life would be different.

Peyton's POV

When I woke up, Mallory was still asleep but I noticed Johnson was driving and Jack had moved to the passenger seat. His headphones were on and his head was resting against the window. I looked at the clock and figured we were getting pretty close to Sammy's house. The sun was shining and the palm trees zoomed by, hinting we had made it into Florida. I took my phone out to find I had hundreds of notifications. 'What the heck...' I thought to myself. I scrolled though, glancing at them. Johnson had posted a picture of me and Mallory causing tons of fans to freak out, wondering if I was dating Jack. I had never thought about what his fans would think. Our whole relationship, I had solely focused on Jack. He was so normal I sometimes forgot how many girls he had in love with him. I had only ever posted one picture with Jack, it was from prom but I didn't tag him in it so it wasn't seen much. But now, everyone was trying to figure out who I was. Suddenly I became scared, what if the fans hated me? What if it made Jack and my relationship fail?

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