Flights #3

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Jack's POV

The car that picked us up from the airport turned into Peyton's neighborhood about an hour later. I could tell Peyton was excited to be home because she uncurled from me and sat up. She looked out the window with a grin on her face. "It feels like forever since I've been home," she smiled. I couldn't help but smile either. I was excited to see her family and Peyton needed the break from LA. A lot had happened out there the past few months so it was only fair. The car wove down the street until finally her house came into view. It looked the same as it did the last time I was there. The large stone house sat back amongst trees. The car pulled into the driveway and parked. Almost immediately, Mandy and Ryan were outside. Peyton jumped out of the car and ran to greet them. I got out of the car on my side and went to join them. "Oh baby, I've missed you," Mandy said to Peyton as she hugged her tightly. "I missed you so much, Momma," Peyton said back. "Oh and Jack, come here sweetheart, how are you?" Mandy said wrapping her arms around me. "I've been doing really well, how are you?" I asked while hugging her. "Well I've missed the heck out of you two so I'm great now that you're home," she said. "Oh thanks, Mom." Ryan said chuckling with his arm around Peyton. "Ry I love you but you know I love your sister more," Mandy joked with him. Ryan and I greeted each other then. "Let's get you guys settled inside," Ryan said. We agreed and picked our bags up off the driveway and I paid the driver. We made our way across the vibrant green grass and into the house. The house smelled just like Peyton, it smelled like home. I always loved the inside of her house. She may live in a mansion but it felt so homely and cozy. "Come on, Jay, let's go put our stuff in my room," Peyton said. I nodded and we headed up the large wooden staircase. Peyton's room looked the same. I set my bag down on the floor and plopped onto her bed. "Oh yeah make yourself at home," Peyton said sarcastically while giving me a playful look. "Is that sass that I hear? Because if that's sass...." I said trailing off while I sat up and grabbed Peyton. She started giggling as I pulled her down onto the bed. "Jack let go!" She screeched. I began tickling her, positioning her body underneath mine. I hovered over her as she squirmed beneath me. "Jay," she said between laughs. "Jay, knock it off," Peyton breathed. I laughed. "What?" I asked while leaning down into her neck so I could whisper in her ear. "You don't like it?" I questioned while my hands tickled her sides. She smirked at me and wrapped her arms around my torso, rolling us over so that she was straddling me. I laid my head back against her bed. Peyton stared at me with an intensity in her eyes. I bit my lip, trying to remain calm but she looked so sexy. Her blonde hair was messy and wavy. Her blue eyes glistened when she stared at me. Her body looked so enticing on top of mine. She smirked and leaned in really close to me, our lips brushing. "You're going to have to just be patient," she whispered before pulling away. She got off my lap and began unpacking. I remained on the bed, trying to relax. "Pey, that was incredibly unfair, you can't just turn me on and then leave me hanging," I pouted. Peyton chuckled. "I think you'll live," she said while walking over to me. I pouted my lips as I looked up at her. She extended her hands to help me off the bed. "C'mon, let's go socialize with my family," she said. I took her hands and got up. I slung my arm around her shoulders. "Alright sexy lady, let's go."

Peyton's POV

When we walked downstairs, Ryan was in the backyard opening up the pool for the summer season. It was a beautiful May day, the sun was shining brilliantly across the green leaves and grass. My mom was in the kitchen making us lunch. "Hey Mom, Jack and I are going to walk to Grace's! We'll be back for lunch!" I called into her while we walked out the front door. Jack and I walked down my long driveway and then turned left to head down the street to Grace's. A cool breeze blew through. Jack and I walked in silence for a while. We had grown so accustomed to being with each other that a comfortable silence between us had grown. I loved that. I loved that we didn't always need to be talking to be happy with each other. Jack kicked a rock along the road as we walked. I sighed. "We should enjoy this moment while it lasts," I said. Jack remained focused on his rock. "Why do you say that?" He asked me. "Because next week it won't just be you and me in our own little world anymore, I'm going to have to share you with thousands of other girls," I told him honestly. Jack shoved his hands in pockets and looked at me. "Pey, nothing will change between us. Sure, we'll be in a different environment but we'll still be us." Jack said confidently. I nodded and smiled, trying to force myself to believe him but I couldn't shake my nerves. I dropped the subject since we were at Grace's. We turned up her driveway to the front door. I rang the doorbell but no one answered. We waited for a moment and still no one came. I tried the knob and just as I assumed, the door opened. "Gracie! I'm homeeeee!" I called out to Grace. She came flying down the front stairs then. "My bestest friend is back!!!!" She screeched while jumping into my arms. I hugged her tightly. "God, I missed you," I said to her. She was so giddy and excited. She jumped out of my arms and ran to hug Jack. "I can't explain how much I've missed you guys," she said. I chuckled. "You should really start locking the front door," I scolded Grace. Ever since we were eight she hadn't been locking it. It was around that time when her parents started to hardly be at home so she always left it unlocked so I could come and go. I hated that she did that but she always had the same reason. "Pey, we live in a fuckin' gated neighborhood in a rich, snotty, suburb. I'm safe." She said to me. I laughed, still the same reasoning, just the swears were added later in life. "Well, come into my humble abode! Tell me about life!" She said leading Jack and I into the house. It felt like ages since I had been there. We all took a seat and began filling each other in. "Damn, all summer?" Grace asked when I told her I was joining Jack on tour. I nodded. "But, you're coming with us for a bit." Jack said and then added, "I mean only if you want to." Grace looked at us both. "Are you kidding!? Of course I want to!" She screeched. "Ahhh good!" I screeched with her. Jack laughed and rolled his eyes. "Such teenage girls." He stated. We both shot him looks and then continued celebrating. We decided that Grace would come with us for the east coast part of the tour. Jack explained that the tour started in California and made stops in Arizona, Colorado, Nebraska, Iowa, Wisconsin, and then Illinois. He said Grace could join us then and stay however long she wanted. That meant she would be with us in Ohio, Tennessee, Florida, New Jersey, and New York. "This sounds exciting as hell. I am so pumped." Gracie said after hearing the details. "Well let's go celebrate over lunch at my house!" I said. "I would love nothing more," Grace answered as we left her house.

Jack's POV

We spent the rest of the day hanging around Peyton's house with Grace, Ryan, and Mandy. It was relaxing to have nothing to do and to be surrounded by family. Peyton and I had gotten so used to just being the two of us with Johnson and Sam, we weren't used to having adults around but it was nice having Mandy around, she was such a loving spirit. She reminded me a lot of Peyton in that sense. We all sat around playing charades. It was dark out. Everyone was laughing as Peyton tried to act something out but I didn't have a clue what it was. I got lost in my thoughts then. As I looked around, I saw pictures of Peyton's dad all over. I wish I had the chance to know him. He seemed like such an amazing man and he had raised such an incredible family specifically a daughter who had changed my life. I couldn't help but wonder if Peyton was like him and it made me sad I would never know. I watched Peyton and smiled. She was such a goofball, her dad would love to see the woman she had grown into. As I sat there watching, I found myself praying. I prayed that her dad heard me when I said I promised to never hurt her and to show her the world. I promised to do all things with Peyton that he never got to do. I focused on one picture of Peyton with her dad. It must have been from a Daddy Daughter Dance because she was dressed up and sitting in his lap. They looked so happy. I couldn't imagine losing a parent. When Peyton and I were in LA I felt so removed from this part of her life but whenever we came back I found myself consumed with the fact she lost her dad. I wondered if that was how it was for her, too. I felt Peyton's eyes on me then. I looked at her and she mouthed "Are you okay?" With a concerned look on her face. I nodded and smiled. She smiled back and winked at me. "Alright, Jack Gilinsky, it's your turn my friend!" Ryan said, giving me a pat on the back. I laughed. "Let's do this," I said drawing a card from the pile.


Peyton was showering so I crept into her bedroom later that night. Ryan was downstairs watching TV and Mandy had gone out to dinner with her friends. That had made Peyton happy because she was always worrying her mom didn't get out enough. I laid on Peyton's bed and waited for her to come out of the bathroom. She eventually walked back into her bedroom, a towel wrapped around her body, and her hair dripping wet. "Well hey," she said surpised. I chuckled. "Hello," I smirked, giving her a look. She smirked back and walked over to me. As soon as she sat down on the bed I pulled her closer to me. "Let me show you that you're the only girl for me," I told her. She looked a little confused. "Next week we'll be surrounded by girls who want me. But that doesn't matter because you're the only girl I want. Nothing will change that. Let me show you that." She bit her lip and slowly nodded, giving me the okay to move in. I smirked and moved my lips to her neck. I began to slowly trace kisses down her body. She leaned her head back as her breathing quickened. "I love you Peyton Logan, I love you and only you."

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