Distance #16

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Peyton's POV

The last week of high school flew by. Before I knew it, it was Saturday and my family and I were headed off to my graduation. It felt so strange wearing a cap and gown when it felt like only yesterday I walked into the high school for the first time as a freshman. I sat in the back seat, looking out the window and reminisced on all the great times I had in high school. Just then, I felt my phone vibrate in my lap. Jack had texted me. "Good luck at graduation today, babe. Can't wait to spend a ton of time with you this summer! Go get that diploma and strut your stuff on stage (;" I laughed at his message but quickly responded. "Aw thanks baby, good luck at graduation for you, too. I know you'll look sexy as usual." I sent off to him. Jack's graduation was today, too. We both couldn't believe our next chapter was college, it seemed unreal. We pulled into the parking lot then and I climbed out. I said goodbye to my family as I went inside to find my seat in alphabetical order. Before I sat down, Grace ran up to me and hugged me. "P, can you believe this is it?! We're about to graduate high school!" I held onto her tighter. "I love you Gracie and all the memories we've made together, especially the ones in high school," I told her. She hugged me back before going and finding her seat next to all the other last names that began with B. I made my way into the L last name section and took a seat. My hands were shaking because of my nerves but I was also extremely excited. So much was going to change for me after high school plus I had finally made a big decision. A decision that I couldn't wait to tell Jack about.

Jack's POV

After the graduation ceremony, my whole family and a bunch of friends all headed back to my house. I climbed into the back seat of the car with my sisters. "Our baby brother is all grown up," Molly said, while acting like she was crying. "All my babies are grown up now!" My mom said from the passenger seat, legitimently almost crying. "Alright alright, everyone relax, I'm still same old Jack," I told them. By that time we had gotten home. We all unloaded from the car. My mom and dad got to work getting all the food ready for the guests. Everyone was coming over for a barbecue but I first went up to my room to change. As I was changing, I called Peyton. She answered on the first ring. "We're high school grads!!!" She screamed. I laughed. "Woohoo!! Go us, babe!" I excitedly said back. "Jack! I have some super exciting news I've been meaning to tell you but I couldn't find the right time and I didn't want to tell you over the phone but I just can't hold it in anymore!" Peyton was talking a hundred miles a minute. I laughed. "Pey, slow down! But I have some exciting news for you too!" She got even more excited. "Really?!" She asked. I wished I was in person so I could see how beautiful her face must look, her smile and twinkling eyes in all her excitement. "Yeah but you go first!" I told her. She giggled. "Okay ready?" She asked me. "Yes just say it already!" I laughed at her. "Okay so I made a decision on where I want to go to school next year..."she paused and even though I had a pretty good idea, I just wanted to hear her say it. "Andddd...I decided on University of Arizona!!" She said. "That means we'll be together all the time! No more distance, Jack!!" All I wanted was to wrap her in my arms. I was so excited, I couldn't even put it into words. My mind could barely imagine getting to be with Peyton every single day. Getting to share so many moments with her and not having to say goodbye, but only goodnight. "Oh my god, Peyton! That's incredible! As if I wasn't excited for college enough already!" She laughed. "I know right!! Okay, your turn," she said. "Well nothing is going to beat that," I warned her. "Jack just tell me!" She firmly said. "Okay, well if your mom is cool with it, Sammy invited you to his beach house this summer. A bunch of us are road tripping out there and going to spend a week there. Would you like to come?"

Peyton's POV

"Would you like to come?" Jack asked me. I squealed. "Uhm, yes! But are you sure your friends are cool with that? I don't want to intrude." I told him. "Are you joking? I think everyone has been dying to meet the girl I'm obsessed with. Believe me, everyone wants you there." I laughed at Jack's response. "Well then yes, I would absolutely love to come! Is it just guys?" I asked. I wanted to go but I was nervous about meeting so many new people. "Nope, girls too. You know my friends Emily, Erin and Laine? They're all going, plus Johnson's girlfriend, Mallory!" Jack named off a bunch of girls. I had heard about them from Jack but I was scared to spend a week with them. What if they didn't like me? They had all grown up with Jack, I didn't want to be a total outsider. "But don't worry, babe, I'll be with you the whole time, I wouldn't let you come if I didn't think you would have fun," Jack said, sensing my reluctance. I smiled. "Okay, I'll ask my mom!" I told him. "Jack?" I asked. "Yeah?" "Thanks for not giving up on us, with the distance and everything. I don't know what I would do without you and I'm so happy we'll be together next year." I told him. He was quiet for a bit. "Pey, I would never ever give up on us. Never forget that, okay?" Jack and I talked for a little bit more on the phone but eventually we both had to go to our graduation parties. I didn't bring up the Sammy's beach house thing yet to my mom since she was busy talking to all our guests. All I hoped was that she said yes, because a road trip and a week vacation with Jack sounded like paradise.

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