Flights #20

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Jack's POV

Rehearsal seemed to drag on but finally dinner time came around. I walked off stage and picked up the water bottle I had left back there. We had about two hours until show time so we had to hurry and get a bite to eat. Peyton was waiting for me off stage. "You sounded great, babe," she told me while pecking my cheek. I smiled and wrapped my arm around her waist. "Happy to see you two back in business," Nate cooed to as he walked by. Peyton chuckled and gave me a wink. I smiled back at her and squeezed her side. Just then my mom came up to us. "Peyton, want to drive with me and David to dinner? The boys have to get ready so we were going to leave early." She explained. "I'd love to, I'll see you there, Jay," Peyton said to me while turning to walk away with my mom. As they left, the guys and I went to the dressing rooms to make sure everything was set for the show later that night. I grabbed a towel and wiped the sweat that had accumulated on my forehead. Johnson came over and took a seat next to me. "So you gonna tell me what's up?" I gave him a look, not sure what he was referencing. "With you and Peyton," he said, acknowledging my confused look. I chuckled. "I don't know, man." Johnson stared at me, trying to read what I was feeling. "Is it good or bad?" He asked. I just shrugged. "I don't know, it depends on you feel." I told him. Johnson rolled his eyes. "Dude, Jack, come on. I can read you two like the back of my hand and something changed from this morning to now. I don't know if you had mind blowing sex or something but I can feel a difference." I laughed at Johnson's reasoning. "Oh so you're a mind reader now?" I joked. Johnson laughed. "Fuck off, maybe I am," he said while standing up to get a clean shirt. "Just know that I'm on to you two." I rolled my eyes. I didn't know how Johnson did it but he always knew when things weren't right. I sat there alone and thought about the hotel earlier. I thought about Peyton's reaction to my proposal on marriage. I thought about her final response. I sighed and stood up, figuring we should head out to dinner.

Peyton's POV

David, Katherine, and I arrived at a restaurant. It was quiet so the boys could arrive easily without mad chaos. Katherine sat next to me. "So sweetie, how have you been? I have to say I've really missed having you around." I smiled at her. "I've really missed you too, Katherine. But I've been good, I'm better now that I'm back." I told her. She smiled and rubbed my back. "Aren't we all," she told me. I sighed. "I'm also sorry for any drama I created, I never meant to do that-" Katherine cut me off. "You don't have to apologize for a thing, Peyton. We'll always love you and we understand how relationships are. Don't worry, sweetheart." Katherine always had a way of comforting me, she had grown to be a second mom for me. My thoughts turned to the conversation Jack and I had in the hotel earlier. I felt anxious and hoped I had made the right decision. I tried to hide how I was feeling, not wanting to alarm Katherine or David about the inner turmoil I was struggling with. Finally, the boys arrived, saving me from the thoughts rushing through my mind. Jack came over and sat on the other side of me. He gave me a slight smile as he sat down and gently placed his hand on my thigh. Sam, Nate, and Johnson filled in around us. They always managed to make such a scene wherever they went. I chuckled. I had missed all of them, all of their goofiness and laughs. They always had a way to make any of my bad days better. They could always make me smile. As I watched them goof around with the salt and pepper shakers, I felt Jack's eyes on me. I turned to see him staring at me, a glimmer in his eyes. I smiled at him and nodded. He squeezed my thigh and took a breath before speaking. "Hey everyone, uhm, I have something I would like to say." Everyone quieted down almost immediately and turned towards Jack. Everyone looked confused yet interested to hear what he had to say. I felt like I was going to throw up as I sat there and waited for Jack to continue. "So as you all know, I love this girl," he motioned to me, giving me a wink, "very, very much. I know I'm going to love this girl very much for the rest of my life. Because of that, Peyton and I have decided we want to get married." There it was. He said it. He had dropped the bomb. I tried to smile as I watched everyone's faces. They all looked shocked but eventually Sammy started a clap and Johnson began cheering. I smiled and nodded but glanced at Katherine. I couldn't read her face. I saw her and David exchange glances. I felt the pit in my stomach grow. I knew they were against it, I could tell. Jack was smiling and didn't seem to notice his parents. I turned to Katherine. "Katherine, please say something," I pleaded. She shook her head. "I don't have anything to say."

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