Trouble in Paradise #15

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Jack's POV

"Jay! Come here!" I heard Peyton call. I finished brushing my teeth and went to rejoin Peyton in bed. Peyton had spent the past two nights with me in my hotel. It was Tuesday now so Johnson and Sam were in Arizona for our meet and greet. I found Peyton sitting up in bed with my laptop on her lap. Her blonde hair was thrown up in a messy bun and she wore my tshirt. She was looking intently at the screen. I chuckled. "Whatcha lookin at, babe?" I asked while sliding into bed next to her to look at the screen. "This puppy is up for adoption! Look how cute it is! We have to get it!" She squealed at the black lab puppy on the screen. "Pey, you haven't even moved in yet, we can't get a puppy." I told her. She turned to me with a pout on her face. "But I want a puppy." She said, sticking her bottom lip out. "You have me and I'm better than any puppy." I told her while kissing her cheek and getting out of bed to get dressed. I was still only in boxers. Peyton groaned and flopped back against the pillows. I rummaged through my suitcase looking for a good outfit since our meet and greet was today. It was quiet between me and Peyton before she said, "Well, you do have a pretty damn sexy back..." She paused. "But that still doesn't beat a puppy." I turned around and smirked at her. "Oh yeah?" I chuckled while crawling onto the bed and positioning myself over her so my face was inches from hers. "Well a puppy couldn't do this," I whispered while leaning in and kissing her lips. She kissed back for a bit until she began giggling. "Jay, stop that!" She laughed pushing me off. I chuckled and climbed back off the bed to get dressed. Peyton sighed. "I should probably get dressed and head to class," she said. She crawled out of the covers and picked up her clothes from the chair they were sitting on. I watched as she pulled my tshirt off, revealing her bare chest. She slipped into her bra and then pulled her tank top over her head. My eyes trailed down to her naked lower body. She scrummaged around looking for her underwear before finally finding the little fabric of lace. She pulled them on and then her jeans. My heart was racing just looking at her. Everytime I saw those blue eyes or perfect smile, I wondered how I managed to get so lucky. Peyton was struggling to fix her hair in the mirror when I walked up and wrapped my arms around her waist, settling my head on her shoulder. "Come to the meet and greet with me," I told her. She laughed. "Jack, I've got class today." "I know," I said. "But I want to show my girl off. No one has ever met you and that's not okay. The fans need to see my amazing girlfriend." She sighed and relaxed against me. We looked at each other in the mirror. "I don't know, I mean I was basically alseep in my classes yesterday due to my lack of sleep." I winked at her, knowing she was referencing our Sunday night together. "And I don't think girls who are in love with you would really want to meet the girl you're dating, I think they would probably hate me." I turned her around so she was facing me. "Peyton, I understand if you don't think you can afford to miss class but please don't not come just because you're scared people won't like you. First off, they would be crazy not to love you and if they are that crazy, I won't let them talk shit about my girl, I can promise you that." She smiled at me sweetly but looked down. "I can't miss class, Jack." She said before turning around to work on her hair again. I sighed in defeat and continued to get dressed.

Peyton's POV

I turned back to the mirror and attempted to braid my hair down the side, it was almost too long to braid now but that wasn't the issue right then, I was more preoccupied with Jack's offer to go to the meet and greet. I tried to act distracted with my hair but I could still feel his eyes on me. All I could think was how I did want to go because I could tell how much it meant to him. "Jack, I'm gonna call Grace real quick." I told him while going out to the balcony and closing the heavy glass door behind me. You could see a lot of the campus from the balcony, it was a perfect day as usual and not many students were out yet given it was still only 8:30 in the morning. Instead of calling Grace I called Allie. She picked up on the fourth ring. "What's up Peyton?" She said fully awake since we had the same early health class on Tuesdays. "Do me a favor?" I asked her. "Depends," she laughed. "Let Professor Connors know I'm sick and if you could copy the notes for me?" She chuckled. "Sick, huh? But yeah, definitely. I'll get you all the make up work! Have fun with Jack!" With that, Allie hung up. I smiled at her last comment, she obviously knew what my real motive was. With that taken care of, I went back inside. I only had health class on Tuesday because I didn't have many credits I needed first semester which gave me a light schedule. "Okay, so what does one wear to a meet and greet?" I asked Jack. He looked up from his phone with a shocked look on his face. "Peyton...does this mean you're coming?" He confirmed. I smiled. "Of course." A grin spread widely across his face as he wrapped his arms around me. "Hell yes! And wear whatever you want, you look hot in anything."

Jack's POV

"What's up?" I greeted Johnson and Sammy as Peyton and I arrived at the meet and greet venue in Tuscon. "Sup, bro." They said pulling me into a hug. "And hello future roommate," Sam said while pulling Peyton into a hug. She giggled. "Hi, Sammy." She said back. Just then, one of the event managers came backstage. "The VIP meet and greet will start in 5 minutes." He told us. Johnson told him thanks and we got ready to go out. "Ready to meet a bunch of screaming teenage girls?" Johnson asked Peyton. She held onto my hand and I could tell she was trying to hide her nerves. I appreciated her coming so I was going to try my best to calm her. I leaned down and whispered in her ear. "You're so beautiful and if you ever get self conscious or feel judged, just remember that you're the one who's had sex with me, none of those girls, even though they wish they could." Peyton started laughing. "I've never met someone with a larger ego than you," she said through her laughter. I winked at her and pulled her closer into my side. The event manager came back to us then. "Alright, you're all set to go out," he told us. I turned to Peyton, seeing what she wanted to do. "You go out there and do your thing, don't worry about me." She gave me a smile and let go of my hand. I smiled back at her, so grateful for an incredible girl like her. Sam, Johnson, and I walked out. The girls erupted as we walked to our stations. Peyton walked out a little behind us and made her way over to my station. She sat down in a chair behind where I was standing. I turned around and winked at her before turning my attention to the first girl in line. Peyton took everything in as I posed with dozens of girls. A girl with brown hair who looked to be around 15 was next. "Is that your girlfriend?" She asked me when she came up to me. "It is," I told her proudly. A smile spread across the girl's face. "Oh my god, that's actually her in person? Can I talk to her?" She asked me. "Sure!" I told her while turning around to Peyton. "Come here, Pey." Peyton looked up at me, shock on her face. I gave her an encouraging nod. She walked over to us and the girl started freaking out. "Oh my god, you're so lucky to be dating him. But I see why he loves you, you're flawless. I seriously have a girl crush on you and love you two together." She was talking a hundred miles a minute and I could tell Peyton was beginning to relax. "Can I get a picture with you both?" She asked me and Peyton. "Absolutely," Peyton answered. The girl wormed in between us, excitedly wrapping her arms around us both. I looked at Peyton over the girl's head and smiled, Peyton looked up at me and bit her lip, giving me a smirk that made her eyes glisten. We posed for the picture and next thing I knew, every girl in line was freaking out over Peyton. She ended up just standing next to me the rest of the meet and the greet, taking pictures with all the fans. We got constant comments on "how cute we are" and how "flawless Peyton is." It made me happy the fans had such a postive response to Peyton. Even though we had initially gone public in the summer, we never were too public besides a few pictures here and there on Instagram. Besides that, not many people knew the insides of Peyton and my relationship. Except, I was so happy to show Peyton off, I wanted everyone to know about us.

Peyton's POV

At the end of the meet and greet, Johnson, Sam, Jack, and I made our way out to the cars to head back to the hotel. "So we'll see you guys back there? Night swim or something?" Johnson said while him and Sam got into their car. "Yeah, Peyton might go to bed cuz she has class in the morning but I'll be down later." Jack told them while opening my passenger door. "Makes sense, well get some sleep, it was good seeing you Pey," Johnson said to me. "Yeah we'll see ya soon," Sammy said while climbing into Johnson and his car. I smiled and waved to them and then got in Jack and my car. Jack closed my door and walked around to his side. The night was dark with an exception of the parking lot lights. I laid my head against the head rest and exhaled. Meeting people was exhausting. Jack climbed in and didn't turn the car on. I turned my head slightly and opened one eye to look at him. He was staring at me with a smirk on his face. "What?" I asked him. "They loved you." Was all he said. I felt myself blush and hid my face in my hands. I wasn't used to this kind of attention. "I told you so," he joked. I looked at him then and smiled. "Things are finally going right," Jack said gently. "Everyone loves us," he paused and then added, "I mean who wouldn't?" I laughed at his cockiness. "Plus, you're moving in in less than a month. Life couldn't be more perfect right now." I smiled at how Jack was. Seeing him happy made me feel like a little kid watching the first snow fall or getting to jump in the pool the first time of the summer. It was like all this excitement built up in my body, everything in the moment was perfect and for a second, I was simply content. I stared into his deep brown eyes before leaning into a kiss. Jack pressed his lips gently to mine and then pulled away slightly. "We're gonna live together," he said in awe, before smiling into another kiss. I kissed him back and tried to push away the nagging thoughts of my mom and the relationship I was self destructing.

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