Trouble in Paradise #19

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Peyton's POV

When the Ferris wheel reached the bottom, Jack helped me out of the gondola and we made our way back onto the pier. The old man smiled at us. "Hope you enjoyed your ride," he said while shaking Jack's hand. "Thank you so much for letting us do this," Jack told him while trying to give him a twenty dollar bill. The man shook his head. "It was no problem, keep your money," Jack reluctantly took the money back. "Are you sure?" Jack questioned. The man nodded, "Have a merry Christmas, best of luck to you two." The man smiled at us before turning to walk back to the store he was opening for the day. I looked up at Jack and he glanced at me, surprise on his face. "He was nice," I told Jack while interlacing our fingers. Jack nodded, "It's sad that kindness surprises me these days." He said while we began walking down the still vacant pier. "Like what has the world come to," Jack trailed off, lost in thought. "I have you, that's all I need in my world." I told him. He smiled down at me. "Very true point, I'm all anyone needs." He started laughing. "You have the biggest ego ever," I said, laughing along with him. We made our way back down into the cold morning sand on the beach. "Skinny dip? It's kind of our thing." Jack said. I just stared at him. "Hell no. It's the middle of December. No way I'm stepping foot in that ocean." I told him. He just chuckled before sweeping me off my feet into his arms bridal style. "Jack!" I screeched. "Put me down!" Jack just laughed while walking us closer to the ocean, easily carrying me in his arms. "Jack! I'm serious!" I frantically told him, trying to prevent the laughter from leaving my lips. "I bet you are, Pey." He chuckled as we neared the water. He set me down right where the waves washed against the sand. Once my feet felt solid ground, I took off running away from the water. Jack started laughing but chased after me. "Peyton Logan! Get back here!" He yelled to me before wrapping his arms around my waist. He spun me around in a circle. I felt the morning air blow through my hair and the breeze of the ocean tickle my skin. Jack's muscular arms gripped my abdomen as he spun me. I giggled and threw my head back. Eventually, Jack put me back down. The cold waves touched my toes through my flip flops. I screeched and jumped backwards. Jack slipped out of his Vans and ran a short way into the water. He bent down and splashed the waves up at me. "Jack Finnegan Gilinsky!!!" I screamed before running the opposite direction. The water was bitterly cold given the time of year but I jogged partially in, so that my feet were covered in water. I bent down and attempted to splash Jack back. He tried to block the freezing droplets with his hands while running towards me. I tried to escape his grasp again but he picked me up around my knees and flung me over his shoulder. We both were still laughing and now wet while Jack walked us back to the dry sand. He set me down in front of him and picked up his Vans. "You're a goofball," I told him while watching him slip his shoes back on. After they were on, he stood tall in front of me so that I had to look up to see him. "Yeah, a goofball that you love." He said while leaning down to me. I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my lips against his.

Jack's POV

After Peyton and my adventure to Santa Monica pier, we drove back home. Peyton had fallen asleep in the front seat so I carried her upstairs to the apartment. Sam and Johnson were laying on the couch and chairs playing video games. They turned to me when I swung the door open, I shushed them since Peyton was still sound asleep in my arms. They just nodded and directed their attention back to the TV screen. I carried Peyton up the stairs to our room. I tried my best to avoid making any noise. The bed was still unmade so I gently laid her down and pulled the covers over her. She settled into the pillow. I stood there for a moment, looking at how peaceful she looked. A smile spread across my face, I was so lucky. Before leaving the room, I pulled the curtains closed tight so the rising sun wouldn't wake her up. I then descended the stairs and joined Johnson and Sam. "Where were you and Miss Lovebird?" Johnson asked me. I chuckled. "Santa Monica pier." I told him. Johnson laughed and rolled his eyes. "Who knew Jack Gilinsky would be such a romantic." I laughed at Johnson's sassy comment and went to the kitchen. I poured myself a glass of orange juice and leaned against the counter, watching Johnson and Sam's game. "Yo, aren't you gonna sleep? You were up at like 4," Sam asked me. I shook my head and put my glass in the sink. "Nah, I actually have some errands to run. If Peyton wakes up just tell her that." I told the boys before grabbing my keys and leaving the apartment. I rubbed my eyes, trying to wake myself up as I made my way to the elevator. As I stood waiting for the elevator to open, my phone began to ring. I glanced down and saw that Grace Butler was calling me. "Hello?" I answered. "Hey Jack, it's Grace." She said cheerfully. "What's up, Gracie?" I asked her. "How's Peyton adjusting to the move?" Grace asked me. "She's still upset about her mom," I told Grace honestly, a little confused as to why she called me rather than Peyton. Suddenly, however, I was happy Grace had called me. An idea washed over me. "Hey Grace, I'm happy you called. You think you could help me with something?"

Peyton's POV

I yawned and rolled over. The clock read 10 in the morning. The room was dark since the curtains were closed. Jack's side of the bed was empty so I stretched and slipped out of bed. I groggily made my way downstairs, still adorned in Jack's big sweatshirt. Johnson and Sam were hanging in the living room, the TV was on some random show and they were on their phones. "Good morning, sleepy head," Johnson greeted me. I yawned. "Morning guys," I told them while plopping down next to Sam on the couch. "Where's Jack?" I asked. Johnson just shrugged. Suddenly, worry swept through my body. "What!? You don't know where he is? What if he's hurt again?" I started to freak out. Sam turned to me and put his arm over me. "Peyton, hey relax. It's okay, alright? He just went to run some errands." I relaxed with Sammy's words. I looked down shyly, embarrassed by my reaction. Ever since Jack's accident, I couldn't help but freak out if I didn't know where he was, especially if he was alone. "Hey, why don't we make some breakfast?" Johnson offered, getting up from his position in a chair to help me up from the couch. I laughed. "Yeah, maybe some food will help me." I told them. Sam got up too and we went into the kitchen. Johnson wore sweatpants and a tshirt while Sam was just in sweatpants. "Hey Sammy?" I asked. He raised his eyebrows at me, as if he was asking what. "Why don't you stop being a whore and go put some clothes on," I jokingly said while hitting him with the kitchen towel. He chuckled. "Nah, being a whore is kind of my speciality." Johnson and I both laughed at his comment. Johnson began making some eggs and Sammy sat on the counter. I stood and took everything in for a moment. The moment felt right, like I finally knew I had made the right decision.

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