Distance #2

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Jack POV

As the girl with blonde hair and grey-blue eyes laughed, her whole face lit up. "Here why don't I just take you there," she told me. I laughed at her attempt to first explain the directions with her hands. "Yeah that sounds like a better idea," I agreed. All of a sudden I didn't care everyone had sent me to find the equipment gym where we had left one of the costume racks for our show because something intrigued me about this girl. I wish I would've stuck around when Emily was talking with her after taking our picture. "You took our picture for us right?" I asked her, playing dumb, attempting to start a conversation. I wasn't sure why but I felt nervous whenever I looked at her. "Yeah that was me," she gave me that sweet smile again that lit up her whole face. "I don't think we properly met,"I said to her while extending my hand. "I'm Jack, it's nice to meet you." She giggled a little before shaking her hand with mine, "And I'm Peyton, it's nice to meet you, too." A blush spread across her face. It made me smirk, she was shy I could tell. I rattled my brain thinking of something to talk to her about but my mind had gone blank. Why was I acting like this? I met hundreds of girls, I never had a problem flirting or just talking with them. Why was this Peyton girl making my stomach flip over and lose all my smooth?

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