Trouble in Paradise #27

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Peyton's POV

As the week passed, I began to open up to Jack more. It took a lot of effort since my instinct was to shut people out. Yet after hearing Jack say he was scared I regretted us, I wanted to make sure he knew every second of everyday how much I loved him. "Good morning, babe," I greeted Jack with a cup of coffee the following Saturday morning. He rolled over and squinted as his eyes adjusted to the light. "A little early, don't you think?" He groaned. I giggled. "Hardly, it's ten o'clock!" I told him while crawling back into bed next to him. He sat up and leaned against the headboard so he could sip on his coffee. "So if it's a boy I'm thinking-" Jack cut me off. "Woah, am I actually hearing this right now? You're talking names?" He joked. I gently punched him. "I'm trying to listen to what you said. We can't change this. I'm trying to accept it and I must say, I've been doing a pretty good job." Jack wrapped his arms around my torso. "You've been doing an amazing job, Pey. It's only been a week since the doctor confirmed the pregnancy and I've already seen a change in your demeanor. How did I get so lucky to find such a strong girl like you?" Jack said, a smile dancing on his face as his lips brushed mine. I giggled and pulled away. "I might even be a little, tiny, bit excited..." I admitted to Jack. He pulled away and looked at me. Shock on his face. After he took a moment to understand what I said, his face softened. "I am too, Pey." He said. Just then, we heard a commotion downstairs. "I'm home!!!" Jack and I chuckled as we heard Johnson's voice yell through the house. Next thing we knew, Johnson came flying upstairs into our room. "Good morning love birds!" He said while diving onto the bed. I laughed while him and Jack wrestled around. After they got their goofiness out, Johnson sat back. "So what did I miss?" He asked. Jack and I looked at each other and started laughing. Johnson looked confused as he looked between me and Jack. "A lot, dude." Jack said. "Fill me in over breakfast?" Johnson asked. We decided we needed to catch up so we all got ready and headed out to breakfast.

Jack's POV

"Well damn...congrats guys!" Johnson said once the news sank in. "Thanks, bro," I said, fiddling with my coffee mug. Peyton sat next to me in the booth. She gave Johnson a small smile. Sammy cleared his throat. "Well different subject! How was Mallory?" He asked enthusiastically, turning towards Johnson. "Oh we had a great time," Johnson smirked. We all chuckled and listened to his stories from visiting Mallory at TCU. As we sat at breakfast, I couldn't help but think about the fact Peyton and I had to tell our families. I was trying my best to remain postive for Peyton but I knew we were going to have to face it soon. Peyton was close to 4 and a half weeks pregnant. I tried to push the thoughts aside and enjoy breakfast. A part of me was estatic about being a dad. It was honestly one of my only goals in life. I especially wanted to be the father of Peyton's children. However, the other part of me was feaking out just like Peyton in the beginning. I wished we could just avoid telling our families.


At the end of night, I climbed out of the shower and walked into the bedroom with just my towel around my waist. I found Peyton curled up in bed. She was looking at something on her phone, a giant smile plastered on her face. I dried my hair with part of my towel and chuckled. "What has you so smiley?" I asked Peyton. She looked up, surpised to see me standing there. "I'm looking at little girl's nurseries on Pinterest." She giggled and then looked at me seriously. "Jack..." She began and then paused. I walked towards the bed, signaling her to continue. My mind was at a loss of what she was going to say next. "I think I'm actually coming around to this baby. I realized all I need in life is you by my side and everything will be okay. I want to spend forever and then more with you Jack Gilinsky."

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