Distance #11

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Jack POV

"Well, we're already here and Mom and Dad have an hour and a half flight still, so let's just go anyways," Laura suggested. I agreed with her. We were already in Chicago so I was going to see Peyton. We got our luggage and went to pick up the car we had rented. My sisters and I had all donated a bit to rent the car. Once we got in and onto the highway, Johnson called me. "Hello?" I answered. "Yo, Jack, I'm so sorry bro, I tried to cover but our moms talked and when my mom said you weren't here your parents immediately guessed what was happening-" I cut him off. "Nah, dude don't worry about it, it's not your fault," I told him. "Alright well good luck man, I hope everything goes well with Peyton." Johnson told me before we hung up. Molly was driving and she was trying to get us to Peyton's high school as quickly as possible. I was nervous, partly because my parents were going to be fuming mad but mostly because I couldn't wait to see Peyton again. I looked out the window and tried to distract myself from everything that could possibly go wrong with my perfect plan.

Peyton POV

It was about 5:15, so I had begun warming up for my race. I saw my mom, Ryan, and Grace sitting in the bleachers. They waved at me as I ran by them on the football field. My stomach swarmed with nerves. I couldn't believe I was about to compete in the state race for the mile. I kept telling myself over and over not to throw up. After I warmed up, I stretched out and drank some water. I attached my paper number to my jersey and put my racing shoes on. The sun was just beginning to set as I glanced at the time. It was 5:50, ten minutes until the race went off. I made my way over to the starting line and tried to stay loose and focus on anything but the race. Of course, my mind naturally drifted to Jack. I wondered what he was doing right now. I was currently stressing for a race and he was probably just hanging out with friends having a good time like usual. I smiled to myself at just the thought of Jack. I wished he could be here with me was all I thought.

Jack POV

We pulled into the school parking lot at 5:50, Molly pulled up to the outdoor track entrance and let me out while she and Laura went to park. I jogged up to the ticket booth. I quickly paid the 5 dollar fee and made my way into the stadium. There was people everywhere. The bleachers were full and the football field was full of teams and their bags. On the track, girls began to line up for what I assumed would be Peyton's race. I walked up to the fence that bordered the track and scanned the girls for Peyton's face. I quickly found it, her naturally tan skin stood out amongst the other girls. Suddenly, a whistle blew and all the girls took their mark. Peyton was adorned in her school's jersey and tiny little NikePro spandex. Her face was so serious as she prepared for the gun to go off. Her blonde hair was neatly braided down her back. I held my breath, waiting for the start, I was so nervous for Peyton. Finally, the gun cracked through the silence and they took off. Everyone began cheering loudly as they made their way around the first lap. I closely watched Peyton. She was normally beautiful but seeing her run made her incredible sexy. Her legs were toned and tan and moved so quickly. Her spandex gripped her backside perfectly, outlining all the right curves. Even her arms were toned as they pumped her body forward. As she made her way into the second lap I cheered loudly for her but she was too in the zone to even notice me. I couldn't help but chuckle to myself thinking of how surprised she was going to be in just a few laps when the race was over. It seemed like no time before she was rounding the last curve to head to the finish. Peyton was neck and neck with another girl. They sprinted down the last straight away. "C'mon Peyton, c'mon," I said to myself under my breath. I glanced at the big clock at the finish line. The time read 5:16. That was crazy. I could barely run a mile in 8 minutes, never could I run one in 5 minutes and 16 seconds. The girl next to Peyton just barely stepped across the line ahead of Peyton. Once Peyton crossed, her final time was 5:19. I couldn't believe she had just ran that fast plus she had just gotten second at state. I hopped the fence and made my way down to the finish to see her. A huge smile was spread across my face, I was so proud of my girl.

Peyton POV

I crossed the finish line and glanced at the time. I started smiling. I had just gotten my best time ever and 2nd place at state. My teammates rushed over to me to congratulate me. I hugged them and tried to catch my breath. The sun had fully set and the stadium lights had turned on. I slowly made my way away from the finish line, my hands on my hips as I walked, trying to cool down. I felt sweat dripping everywhere but I didn't care. I couldn't have been happier. I looked up to see someone walking straight at me from the sidelines, I squinted my eyes to get a better look. "Oh my god," I breathed before I took off running again. Jack stopped walking and opened his arms. I sprinted over to him and jumped into him. "Jack! Oh my god, Jack! What are you doing here!?" I asked while burying my head into the crook of his neck, my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He held me with his strong arms while running his hand over my long braid. "I couldn't miss your state meet," he causally said. I pulled away to look at him. "This is crazy," was all I could say. He set me back on the track but I stayed close to him. He smiled down at me while tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. "You did incredible, babe," he told me while leaning down and smashing his lips to mine. It felt amazing to finally have Jack in person. Nothing could replace the feeling of Jack's soft lips against mine. For a second, the chaos of everyone around us disappeared. It was just me and Jack. We moved our lips in sync before Jack wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me against his chest. I took in his scent, trying to memorize it. "I missed you so much," he whispered while kissing the top of my head.

Molly POV

Laura and I stood back on the sideline, allowing Jack and Peyton to have their moment. I had never seen my little brother this way, but something told me it was real. Laura and I tried not to stare but we couldn't help it. We wanted to see what this girl looked like who had our brother head over heels, crazy. All of a sudden, someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around to see my mom and dad with angry faces. They must have come in the entrance behind us. "Would you young ladies like to explain to us what exactly you were thinking?" My dad sternly asked us. "Where's Jack?" My mom added. Laura and I turned our heads toward Peyton and Jack, our parents following our gaze. "I cannot believe you kids, we did not raise you this way. And Molly, you're the oldest, how could you actually go along with an idea like this?" My mom questioned me. "Okay, Mom, Dad, I know it sounds crazy but I couldn't not let Jack come here. When he first told me the plan, I thought it was outrageous and I wasn't on board. But I don't know if you've noticed, but Jack has never been happier than he has been with Peyton. He's been punished for a long time and I don't know, I guess I truly believe what him and Peyton have is real, and I wasn't going to be the one to stand in the way of that." I expected my mom to fire back that they're only teenagers and know nothing about love but instead she just turned her head towards Jack and Peyton. Jack was standing with his arms around her waist while they talked and laughed. My mom watched them for a bit and sighed. "I do not agree with sneaking onto a plane to another city, but I suppose you girls were right. I think you're brother is very serious about this girl..." She looked at my dad. He just nodded in response. "Don't think you're off the hook, but since we're all here, let's go meet this infamous Peyton and her family."

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