Flights #7

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Jacks POV

"To Chicago!? But she just got here a few hours ago!" I said, confused at the news Sam just told us. Peyton stood next to me quietly, clearly deep in thought. Sam stood in front of us, staring at the ground. Thoughts raced through my head, trying to figure out why Grace would leave. Peyton's face filled with realization as she finally spoke up. "Sam! What the fuck did you do!?" She asked Sam, anger in her voice. Sam stuttered. "N-nothing! I did nothing!" He said but Peyton hardened her glare. "Okay, I just...I, I don't know! I thought she was into me but clearly not!" Sam began. Peyton stepped closer to him. "Tell me what you did to make my best friend leave within hours of arriving." She said sternly. Johnson and I couldn't help but start to chuckle. This was so typical of Sam. He was such a player, always had been and always would be. Peyton shot me a look then. "Jack. This is not funny!" She said before turning back to Sam. She hit his chest. "Sam Wilkinson, what did you do?" Peyton asked again. "Okay, during the Jack's performance I took Grace backstage because we've always been flirty and I thought she wanted to hook up. So we got back to the dressing rooms and I kind of went for it and then she suddenly freaked out. She said I was a 'tool' and a 'player'," Sammy explained while making quotation marks in the air. "Then she got up and left, saying she was going back to Chicago," Sam finished. Peyton relaxed her stance, no longer so hostile towards Sam. "That's it? That's all that happened?" Peyton questioned. Sam nodded. I was confused. I thought I knew Gracie pretty well and I thought she was basically Sam in girl form. "P, it doesn't seem like Grace to freak out over a casual hook up," I said to Peyton. She nodded. "I agree...." She trailed off, clearly lost in thought. "I'll call her in a few hours when she lands at home, I guess. Until then, let's celebrate boys! Your first show of the tour was a success!" Peyton cheered. I laughed. "Hell yeah! Let's party!" With that, we packed all of our things and climbed into the limo. We were spending the night at our apartment and then officially heading out the next day. When we arrived at the apartment, tons of people were already there for the after party we were throwing. Nash, Cameron, Shawn, and all the guys surprised us. Johnson, Sam and I caught up with all of them. It seemed like forever since we had all been together. As we talked, Cameron sat on the ground with Cali. "Aren't you just so cute?" He cooed to her in a little voice. Peyton chuckled. "Cam, she could be yours for the summer, we would pay you." Peyton offered, motioning to me and her. Cam looked up with surpise on his face. "For real? You don't have anyone to look after her?" He asked. Peyton nodded. "Grace was going to take her home when she left but well...." Peyton trailed off. Cameron laughed. "Absolutely I'll take her! No money needed, it would be an honor." He said. "Nah man, we have to pay you, Cali isn't the easiest of pups..." I warned him but he waved me off. "No, I won't take your money. I'd love some company this summer." He insisted. Peyton and I finally gave in and told him he could take her at the end of the night. I was going to miss our little puppy but Peyton and I both knew she would not survive a summer on a tour bus. The rest of the night we spent hanging out with all our friends who had gathered, drinking and socializing. It was bittersweet. Johnson and I were hyped after our first perfomance but it was weird saying goodbye to LA for so many months.

Peyton's POV

A few hours into the after party, I found time to sneak out to the balcony and call Grace. I was at a loss of why she would leave so suddenly. It wasn't like her at all but I also knew she could handle getting back to Chicago so I wasn't too concerned about her. Grace had always been strong and independent, I mean she had basically raised herself. The California night welcomed me as I stepped outside. I was going to miss these nights. They were the definition of perfection to me. They were cool but not cold, the air felt so fresh, and the palm trees were always gently waving. I looked out at the horizon while I waited for Grace to answer. On the fourth ring, she finally picked up. "What the hell, Gracie? Where did you go?!" I asked her. She sighed. "I'm sorry, P, I should've told you before I left." She said. "Damn right! But that's besides the matter, are you alright? What happened?" I questioned her. She was quiet for a while before she finally explained.


"Fuck, how is it already 3 am?" Jack groaned as we finally laid down in bed for the night. It took everyone forever to leave and then we had the whole apartment to clean. I sank into bed and curled into Jack. We were quiet for a while. "So I talked to Grace," I told Jack. "Is she okay?" He asked. I nodded against Jack's body. "So what was her reasoning?" I sighed. "I'm shocked actually, it's a first for Grace." I started. "She said that being with Sam again in person versus just texting made him real. She said that she loves flirting with him but once she saw him again she realized how easily she could fall for him. But she also knows that Sam doesn't do relationships so she got out quickly. She said she couldn't be around him all summer and casually hook up because it would be too hard since she was already falling for him." I explained. "Hmm..." Jack said. "I was surpised. Grace loves hook ups, I can't believe she actually feels that much for Sam." Jack nodded. "I agree." He said. I continued talking. "But I don't blame her, there's something about you Omaha boys. You're so charming. You could break hearts with a single glance or smile. She was smart to get out early because good lord, I am in deep." I said playfully to Jack. He chuckled and pulled me closer against him. "Oh hush, you love me. You like how deep you're in." He said. I laughed but a single thought that sat in the back of my mind began to scream. 'You're in too deep, you're in too deep,' it kept repeating. I tried to shut it off, push it away but I couldn't. I couldn't help but think I was in too deep and that it was all going to fall apart this summer. "I love you, Pey." Jack said before drifting to sleep. "Love you too, Jay." I murmured back as I pinched my eyes shut and tried to turn off my thoughts.

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