Flights #21

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Peyton's POV

I sat anxiously on the hotel bed waiting for Jack to get out of the shower. After we had announced our decision to get married at dinner, his parents wouldn't talk about the matter. They just kept saying they "had nothing to say" and that we would "discuss it at a better time." Their reactions didn't seem to bother Jack. He went on like normal. He was able to goof around with the boys and seemed happy all night. He even gave one of his best perfomances I had ever seen. But I wasn't like that. I felt sick to my stomach. I loved Jack and even though I was originally reluctant to the idea of marriage, I had come around. We had argued in the hotel during the day about the subject but after some thinking, our age didn't matter to me. What mattered to me was the love we shared and like Jack, I wanted that committment of marriage. Yet, I still felt sick. I loved Jack's parents and the last thing I wanted to do was upset them. Seeing them react the way they did, made me feel like I wanted to vomit. Finally, the shower turned off and Jack walked out with a towel slung low around his waist. "Hey babe," he said while running his fingers through his wet hair. 

I tried to give him a smile. He gave me a pouty face and crawled onto the bed. "Hey, just relax, everything is going to be okay," Jack said to me while he kissed my forehead. 

I sighed. "How can you be so sure of that?" I asked him, wondering how he was so calm. 

He sat back and thought for a moment before he looked back at me.

"Because I'm tired of living by everyone's rules and letting everyone else control me. I want to do something that will make me happy, make us happy, so why should we let anyone prevent us from that?"

He stood up and walked away to get dressed. I leaned against the headboard and thought about what he said. He had a point but his parents were our family. Was getting married really worth losing that?

Jack's POV

I walked away to get dressed, leaving Peyton alone to think about everything. I knew she was being eaten up about my parent's reaction. I felt bad that their reaction ruined her excitement about getting married but I just prayed she would come around. I was shocked that throughout all the chaos, she hadn't once mentioned what her own mother would think. I was happy she hadn't brought it up, that gave me time to work things out. When I walked back into the bedroom part of the hotel room, I saw Peyton had fallen asleep. I chuckled and went to tuck her in. Her little frame was curled in a ball so I gently pulled the covers over her tan skin. I brushed the hair out of her face and turned the light off, kissing her forehead before I went out on the balcony. Luckily the crowds of fans had left so the night was peaceful. I sat on the plastic chair near the rail and gazed out at the stars while I dialed a number on my phone. After a few rings, the line on the other end picked up. 


"Hi, Mandy," I said, a smile on my face.

"Jack Gilinsky, it sure is good to hear your voice. How's the tour? My daughter behaving?" Mandy asked. 

I chuckled. 

"Of course, everything's great, Peyton's great." 

"That's good to hear, so what's new, honey?" Mandy asked, clearly aware I called for a reason.

"I have something serious to ask you and I wish it didn't have to be over the phone but it's urgent." I explained. 

"Jack, you're scaring me. What's the matter?" 

"Nothing is wrong, I promise. It's just that...well..." I stuttered, trying to decide where to begin. "Peyton and I want to get married. I know we're young but we just know, Mandy. And after everything we've been through this past year, we really want this. What do you think about that?" 

It was quiet for a moment, static the only thing I heard on the phone. I held my breath, praying for a postive response. 

"You know, Michael and I were married at 21. Everyone thought it was because I got pregnant but that wasn't it at all. We got married just because we knew. You and Peyton are very young so it's not the most ideal thing but I also understand the love you have. Take your time to think about what marriage fully means, Jack. It's a not a light thing but just know, I support you and Peyton no matter what." 

I let out a sigh of relief at Mandy's comments. Having her blessing felt like a weight lifted off of my shoulders.

"Thank you, Mandy," was all I could say. 

I could hear her smiling through the phone. 

"We can talk more about this later, hopefully in person so don't rush into anything quite yet. Thank you for calling me though, Jack. Have a goodnight, sweets. I love you!" 

With that Mandy hung up the phone. I slid my phone back into my pocket and stared out at the night. It felt like finally everything was falling into place. It felt like Peyton and I were going to get some good. After the miscarriage and the cheating, I felt like we deserved our own moment, a moment of pure bliss and happiness. I decided then that I wouldn't let my parents get in the way of that, no matter how hard they tried.

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