Distance #13

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Distance #13

Peyton's POV

I tossed and turned all night. My mind was too preoccupied to fall asleep. Everything that had happened seemed so unreal. Jack asking me to prom just kept replaying over and over in my head. I knew Grace had been in on it and that's why she made me get a dress. I smiled thinking of what an amazing best friend I had. I rolled over and glanced at my clock on the night stand. It read 3 am. I groaned. I wanted to get sleep because I knew prom night was going to be long and exhausting. I flopped back over in bed, laying on my side facing away from the door. I curled up and tried to fall asleep. My door opened quietly then, I turned to see who it was but I already had a pretty good guess. Jack's tall figure walked through the darkness and then crawled into bed next to me. "Jack," I whispered. "You know what our parents said..." I told him jokingly. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me so that he was the "big spoon." Jack nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck. "I couldn't sleep," he whispered to me. "Me either," I told him. He pulled me closer against him and ran his fingers up and down my arm, gently. "Are you excited for prom?" Jack asked. "Is that even a question?" Was all I said back. I saw him smirk through the darkness. "I can't wait to see how beautiful you're gonna look tomorrow," Jack told me. I smiled. "And I can't wait to see how sexy you look in a tux," I said while rolling over so I was facing him. "Oh yeah?" He laughed, while moving his face inches away from mine. "Yeah." I confirmed while pressing my lips to his. I ran my fingers through his dark hair and pushed his face harder against mine. Jack's soft lips moved gently over mine and his tongue begged for entrance. I allowed his tongue in and continued moving my lips against his, our tongues working, too. Jack then used his strong arms to roll us over so that I was on top of his chest. Jack and I passionately moved our lips together in the darkness. Everytime our lips met, I physically felt energy surge through my body, as if literal sparks were flying. I felt my heartbeat increase whenever I made contact with Jack. He wrapped his arms around my back, pressing me harder against his solid chest. Jack then began kissing down my neck, gently sucking as he made his way down. Before he got too far, he moved his lips back up to mine. After a while, Jack pulled away. I rolled off his chest and curled up next to him. He wrapped his arms around me again. I felt myself begin to get sleepy. My eyelids began to close. "Goodnight, Peyton," Jack mumbled. I didn't even have the energy to answer. Before I knew it, I was sound asleep in Jack's arms.

Jack's POV

I woke up around 6 am, still holding Peyton in her bed. I quietly untangled myself from her and snuck out of her room. No one else was up yet so I was safe. I crept back into the room I was staying in and crawled into bed. Except, I wasn't tired. The past few months I hadn't been able to sleep. Every night I would toss and turn, thinking about Peyton. But falling asleep with her in my arms, I finally got the most sleep I had gotten in a long time. I felt so safe with her sound asleep next to me. Since I knew I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep without her, I picked up my phone and scrolled through Twitter.


The rest of the day went by quickly. Ryan and I left the house for the day so that Peyton could get ready. My sisters were doing her hair and makeup. Ryan showed me around their town for a while. It was cool to see where Peyton grew up. After the little tour, we grabbed some lunch. By that time, I was allowed to go back to the house but I had to go straight to my room and get ready. Peyton was adamant that I couldn't see her before pictures. We were going to take pictures with Grace and her boyfriend, Kyle, and one other couple that Peyton was friends with. They were all coming to Peyton's around 4. I hung around in the guest room, just listening to music for a while before I decided to put on my tux. I had just gotten a black tux with a black bow tie. I checked myself over in the mirror plenty of times to make sure everything was just right. My nerves were definitely beginning to set in. Someone knocked on the door. "Come in," I called. My mom walked in. "Oh Jack, you look so handsome!" She gasped while embracing me in a hug. "Thanks, Momma," I said while hugging her back. She stepped back and looked me over. She smiled. "How did I get so lucky with you?" She asked. I just shrugged. "I get it from you," I told her. She shook her head. "Nice try pal, no matter how much you sweet talk me or kiss up, you're not getting out of this one," she laughed. "But I am very happy that we got to meet Peyton's family and that you two get to go to prom, I suppose it was unfair for us to not allow that but that doesn't mean going behind our backs was right." I nodded. She had told me a million times, I think I understood. "Well sweetheart, I think you can leave this room now, Peyton seems to be all ready," my mom told me while turning to leave. I sighed. Finally. We walked downstairs and to the foyer. When I turned the corner to go into the living room, I saw Peyton. She stood there in a stunning coral dress. It was sequenced and embroidered at the top, perfectly hugging her chest. The rest of the dress flowed downward and hung lightly on the floor. Peyton's blonde hair was loosely curled and hung below her shoulders. Her blue eyes sparkled even from a distance. She wore no jewelry yet she still looked perfect. "Wow." Was all I was able to mutter.

Peyton's POV

"Wow." Jack said with his jaw dropped while he stood in the doorway to the living room. "Don't you like it?" I asked, nervous about his reaction. "You look...you look...wow." Jack kept stuttering. I laughed. "Well I'll take that as a compliment," I said. "You look pretty wow, too." I joked. He smiled, which lit up his eyes. "I guess we should get going though, shall we?" Jack asked while giving me his arm like a proper gentleman. I giggled. "We shall," I said while linking my arm with his. Jack and I walked through the house out to the back patio. Our moms took tons of pictures of just us two before Grace and Kyle finally arrived. Grace looked stunning in her deep blue dress. It looked great against her tan skin and dark hair. "Grace! You little liar," I said to her when she walked out to the patio. She started laughing. "Tell me you love me!" She said while pulling me into a hug. "You're the most bestest friend in the entire universe," I told her while hugging her back. "I know," she said with a smirk. Our other friends, Danielle and Parker, arrived then, too. Grace and I had known Danielle and Parker since kindergarten. Danielle and I still did show choir together and track. Parker and her had been together literally since kindergarten, we all couldn't believe they had lasted so long. Our parents all took a ton of pictures of us before we decided it was time to go. Jack and I walked out front with everybody. Grace and Kyle got into Kyle's car and Danielle and Parker went in Parker's car. They pulled out of my driveway and headed out. Jack and I said goodbye to our parents and then Jack opened the passenger door for me. He helped me in before walking around to the driver's side. We backed out of my driveway and made our way out of my neighborhood. I looked at Jack while he drove. The sun was setting so he wore his Ray Bans. His profile was so defined. His perfect jawline and tan skin. I couldn't help but sit there in awe of how handsome he was. "Admiring your sexy date, huh?" He said while glancing at me before focusing on the road again. "Maybe just a smidge," I giggled. Jack took one hand off the wheel and rubbed my thigh. "You excited for tonight?" He asked while picking up my hand that laid in my lap. "More excited than I've ever been for anything in my life." I told him. He rubbed his thumb against the back of my hand. His eyes still focused ahead. "Me too," he told me, a smile dancing across his face.

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