Flights #9

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Peyton's POV

I rolled over and glanced at the clock on the nightstand. It was 11:45 pm. The show had ended hours ago and still no phone call or text from Jack. Once the show had ended, the Gilinsky family and I had headed back to the hotel. Molly, Laura, and I had hung in the hot tub for a while before calling it night. I then headed up to the room Jack and I were sharing. I had taken my time showering and then laid down in bed. I had found some cheesy soap opera that was being re-run on TV. I tried to focus on their incredibly fake drama but all I could think about was how the time was ticking past and I still had no clue where Jack was. A thought came to me. I could leave, just like Grace did. I could go home, get away from Jack and this stupid tour and spend time with people who wanted me around. Part of me didn't want to do it because Jack's family had been so kind to me but I also didn't want to waste my time on a tour I wasn't enjoying. Next thing I knew, I was looking up plane tickets. The website said there was still tickets available for a flight around 2 in the morning. I was shocked at such an early flight time but also thankful. I looked around the room. Should I go? Should I leave? If I left did it mean Jack and I were over? Did I care if we were over? Questions swarmed my mind but eventually I put in my credit card number and purchased the ticket. I took a deep breath. 'I have to take care of myself,' I thought while I got up and began to pack. "What are you doing?" I heard Sammy's voice ask from the doorway that connected our room to his. I wasn't surpised that he was back at a reasonable time and Jack wasn't. Jack always stayed out latest when he was the one with someone to come back to. I turned to confirm it was Sam before turning back to my pile of clothes I was folding into my suitcase. "I'm going home, Sam." I told him. "What?" he questioned, walking in from the doorway and closing the door behind him. "Pey, why?" He asked me, concern filling his voice. "Because I can't sit here and watch all these girls be all over him, I thought I would be able to handle it, but I just can't, Sam," I told him. He sat on the bed next to the one all of my things were on. "Peyton, he loves you. He loves you more than I can explain." Sam said. "It doesn't always feel like it," I said quietly while staring at the tshirt I held in my hands. I forced my eyes to look at Sam. "When I see him with those girls, he seems so happy. He smiles a smile that I've never given him before. He kisses them and holds them and flirts with them. And I know they're just his fans but they're gorgeous and who's to say he doesn't love their attention?" I told Sam. I couldn't believe I was telling him all of this but I couldn't keep it in. "Who's to say that he won't leave me for them? This whole summer, he's become more and more distant, like I'm not the only girl for him. Who can blame him? He's got thousands of other options." I sighed. Sammy was quiet while he ran his hand through his long hair. His hazel eyes looked around the room as he gathered his thoughts. "I think this is a mistake, Peyton. I really do. You're the love of Jack's life, he'll be devastated if you leave." Sam said. I shook my head. "He hasn't made much of an effort to keep me around." Sam nodded. "Do what you have to do, but just know that I think you're wrong." With that, Sam stood up from the bed and walked out of the hotel room, leaving me alone again with all of my clothes.


Fifteen minutes later I had finished packing. My suitcase sat by the door ready to go as I sat on the end of the bed waiting for Jack to return from God knows where. My stomach felt like a pit. I was nervous to face Jack, a part of me just wanted to leave a note and go. I began to seriously consider it when I heard Jack's key click in the door. He came walking in, a smile plastered on his face. "P, you didn't have to wait up for me!" he said when he saw I was still up. He quickly paused as he realized I was fully dressed. "Wait...what's going on? Is everything okay?" Jack asked, glancing towards my suitcase at the door. I took a breath. "I"m leaving, Jack." I said it quickly before I could stutter or regret it. I watched as Jack's face turned from confusion to anger. "You're leaving?" he questioned, a hardness in his voice. I felt more confidence grow inside me as I stood up. "Yes, I'm leaving." I restated. "Why?" Jack asked. "I"m not sitting around all summer watching you be all over girls while I sit here and feel like a nobody." I told him. "Are you fucking kidding me, Peyton?" Jack said, anger boiling in his voice. I watched his chiseled jaw become tense. Jack was hot when he was angry, I wouldn't deny that, but he also scared me. "No, Jack. I'm not. Why did you even ask me to come on tour with you? I hardly ever see you, if you're not with the guys, you're asking some random fans to hang out with you. Sorry I don't want to sit around and watch my boyfriend pay more attention to other girls." I spit back at him. He laughed and rolled his eyes. "You can't seriously be jealous of my FANS? Do you hear yourself? They're my fans, you're my girlfriend, they're the ones jealous of you. Are you really that insecure?" Jack yelled back. His last comment made my skin crawl. "I'm insecure!? Oh fuck you, Jack. You're the one who needs attention from every single girl in every single city this tour has stopped at. A simple picture or autograph is never enough, you always have to flirt and make the girls all giddy. And they have no reason to be jealous of me. It's not like we ever have sex anymore." I threw my words at Jack. I was so heated and so sick of keeping it all in. Jack glared at me. "Alright fine. Go back to Chicago. I'd rather that than have you sit around here, feeling sorry for yourself." Jack said while walking towards the door. I stood and watched him, shocked by his words. He forcefully opened the hotel door and glared back at me. "So? You going to leave or what?" he asked. I narrowed my eyes at him before grabbing my suitcase and storming past him. "Have a great rest of your tour, don't fall for too many fourteen year olds." I said to him as I passed and walked out the door. He scoffed. "Whatever, have fun sitting at home watching my life through pictures. Don't get too jealous of my fans." Jack called after me before slamming the door shut. I rolled my eyes as I continued down the hallway to the elevator. I was too angry to feel sad. As I rode the elevator down to the lobby I realized I was in the middle of Atlanta at midnight with no ride to the airport. I sighed as the doors opened to the lobby. I figured my best bet was to ask the front desk to call me a taxi. As I made my way to the front desk, I noticed the lobby was dead quiet. I was shocked Jack and my fight hadn't woken everyone up. My eyes stumbled upon the figure of a guy sitting in one of the chairs. Even from behind I knew it was Sammy. I changed my direction and walked over towards him. He stood up when he saw me walk over. "Sam, what are you doing?" I asked him. He smiled. "You and Jack were loud and not your usual loud." He said smirking, I punched his bicep. "Oh hush," I told him. He chuckled but continued. "Anyways, I knew it wasn't going to end well and even though Jack is mad right now, he still cares about you and you're safety. And as his best friend, I felt it was my responsibility to make sure you got on your flight safely. So, are you ready to go?" Sam asked, reaching for my suitcase. I eyed him. "You're taking me to the airport?" I confirmed. He nodded. "Come on, lets go quickly before I change my mind and make you go back upstairs to Jack." I smiled at Sam before falling in step next to him as we walked out of the hotel.

Jack's POV

I was fuming when Peyton left the hotel room. I couldn't believe how selfish she was being. I mean was she seriously jealous of my fans? I was so angry I felt like punching something...or better yet, getting extremely drunk. The clock read 12:15 am. I shrugged, imagining it wasn't too late to go out. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called up Johnson. "Yo, you looking to go out?" I asked him. "Jack are you serious? We literally just got back like fifteen minutes ago." Johnson grumbled. "Yeah but we were just hanging with fans, let's go smoke or drink, we haven't partied in so long." I complained to him. "What happened with you and Peyton?" Johnson questioned. I rolled my eyes and answered in an annoyed voice. "Why do you immediately assume something is wrong with me and Peyton?" Johnson laughed. "Whenever you guys get in a fight, you always try to drink or smoke it away. Plus, shouldn't you want to be spending time with her right now, you know, in bed? Rather than with me?" He said. "Fine, I'll go by myself." I told Johnson while hanging up the phone. I stuffed it back in my pocket and grabbed the room key off of the nightstand. As I went to walk out the door, I paused in front of the mirror. My hair was getting longer so I ran my fingers through it, putting it back into place. I was still in my flannel, jeans, and Vans but I didn't bother changing. All I needed was to find a bar and ease my mind. I knew my parents and sisters would be asleep so I wasn't concerned about running into them. We left in the morning on the bus to head down to Florida. We didn't have a show that night so I could be as hungover as I wanted, I thought as I took the elevator down to the lobby. The lobby was relatively quiet given the time of night. As I walked outside, the cool summer air felt relieving yet Peyton was still the only thing on my mind. I was so annoyed and angry with her. I was supposed to spend time with my fans. They got me to where I am, I was so thankful for that. I couldn't believe she expected me to not focus on them. The more I thought about it, the angrier I got. I never would have thought Peyton would act like this. I was so consumed in my thoughts that I didn't even realize I had started walking down the city streets. Eventually, I stumbled upon a bar. I made my way inside. It was full of college kids and young adults. After pushing my way through some groups of people, I found a seat at the bar. I ordered a drink and handed the bartender the fake I.D. I had created back in high school. He took it no problem and set a few shots down in front of me. I thanked him before tossing one back. The alcohol burned my throat and made my stomach churn but after a few moments, it settled and my mind felt more at peace. As I started to relax, I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around to face a girl with tan skin and black hair. She had dark eyes and a beautiful smile. "Jack Gilinsky, right?" She said to me. I nodded. "I'm Chelsea." She said with a smile while extending her hand. "Nice to meet you," I smirked. Her friend standing next to her had short blonde hair. She giggled before extending her hand. "I'm Olivia." She said. I shook her hand and gave her a smile. Next thing I knew, the one named Chelsea sat on my lap while Olivia stepped closer towards me. "Let us buy you a drink," Olivia cooed while leaning closer to my ear. I smiled. "Will do," I said while wrapping my arm around Chelsea to help her stay on my lap. Olivia signaled the bartender for more shots. The next thing I knew, we all were throwing back shots while the music blasted in the background. "Can we get a picture?" Chelsea asked. "We're huge fans!" Olivia chimed in, the alcohol clearly kicking into her system. Chelsea handed her phone to someone near us to take the picture. The two girls leaned into me. Chelsea was still on my lap while Olivia flung her arm around my neck.


"Dude, wake up." I felt Sam shake my shoulder while opening the curtains in the hotel room. I groaned and put the pillow over my face. "What the fuck, Sam?" I moaned, annoyed at him for waking me up. "Let's go, we're leaving in fifteen minutes for Florida. It's not my fault you went out and got wasted." He said, a coldness in his voice. "Why didn't you join me?" I asked him while slightly moving the pillow off of my face. "I was taking care of your girlfriend like you should've been." Sam answered flatly while beginning to walk towards the door. "Come on, Peyton was being so unreasonable, you can't deny that." I argued with Sam. "I'm not saying she was being reasonable but you still shouldn't have just let her leave like that and then go out and get wasted with some sluts." Sam said. I laughed. "Okay, coming from Sam Wilkinson." He rolled his eyes. "Whatever, dude. All I'm saying is that if I had a relationship like yours and Peyton's, I wouldn't let her storm out mad and take a flight home. And I sure as hell wouldn't go screw around with some random chicks at a bar. They posted the pictures, dude. Peyton's bound to see them. Just be careful, man. I'll meet you on the bus."

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