Distance #7

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Jack POV

The meet and greet was packed. It was definitely one of the biggest we had yet. I loved being with the guys and meeting the fans but I couldn't help but find myself searching the crowd for Peyton, even though I knew she wouldn't be there. I posed with girls and did whatever poses they wanted. The usual was mainly a kiss on the cheek or a piggy back ride. "You all good, bro?" Johnson asked me while we were waiting for the next girl to make her way over to us. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," I told him. I was just extremely preoccupied. We then ended the meet and greet and headed backstage. Screams erupted from the crowd about ten minutes later when Mahogany announced Johnson and I. The beginning of Distance started playing as Johnson and I made our entrance. I couldn't help but smile when the crowd erupted even louder. It was crazy getting to perform for our fans, nothing compared to it. "How's everyone doin tonight!?" Johnson got the crowd pumped as I began the first verse. "Jack you're so sexy!!" A girl shrieked from somewhere out in the crowd. I winked and did my infamous body roll in response to the comment. I laughed as the screams increased. Johnson started rapping his verse. I danced around and touched the hands in the front row. I squinted past the bright lights, trying to get a better view of the whole audience. I noticed the door in the back of the venue open, allowing some outdoor light in. Two figures shuffled into the packed space and the door swung shut behind them. Maybe I was going crazy but I could've sworn that figure was Peyton's. She had an incredible body that was easily spotted anywhere. She was only about 5'3" and the figure looked to be that height. I tried to push the thoughts out of my head, there was no way it was her, I just wished it was. Johnson was interacting with the crowd in between Distance and Flights. I quickly snapped back to reality and focused on my next lines. The song started and I began to sing, my eyes still searched for the figure that had just walked in.

Peyton POV

"You know, I normally would've given you so much shit for fan girling over a guy who is our age, but well done with this one, P. Logan," Grace practically yelled in my ear over the screams of girls as we walked into the venue where the Magcon event was being held. I laughed at Grace's comment and watched as she stared in awe at Jack on stage. I couldn't help but do the same, he looked so natural up there and not to mention 100% sexy as well. How could a guy that attractive, be into me? Was all I kept thinking. Maybe I was an idiot for coming here and ever thinking I had a chance but I knew Grace wouldn't let me back out now. Grace held my hand and began pushing her way through the crowd. "Excuse us, pardon me, please move," she said as she dragged me closer to the front. I would have never even gotten in the building without her, she had bribed the security guard at the back entrance to let us in. Grace was always using her looks and flirtatious ways to get what she wanted. I can't say I blamed her, it worked well and got her what she wanted, or in this case, what I wanted. We were about five rows back when we couldn't push our way through anymore. "This will just have to do," Grace sighed. I gazed up at the stage, wishing there was some way I could miraculously get Jack's attention.

Jack POV

As Flights finished, all the guys jumped out on stage. Everyone started goofing around and dancing to the music Mahogany was playing. I started doing body rolls and dancing around, getting the girls in the front to freak out. I moved along down the stage, winking and smiling at girls when a girl a few rows back caught my eye. I stopped everything I was doing and squinted past the lights. She gave me that little smile and I immediately knew it was Peyton. Before I knew it I was running off the stage and into the back. Johnson came sprinting out after me. "Jack! Where are you going?" He called after me. "Peyton's here! It's my only chance!" I slipped out the door that was in between backstage and the main area. Johnson was back onstage by that time, fully distracting the audience. "Gilinsky needed a quick bathroom break," he joked with the crowd. Peyton had made her way to the edge of the crowd so I made my way over to her, trying my best to go unnoticed. Her eyes scanned the room for me so I quietly went up and grabbed her hand, pulling her away from the screaming girls. "C'mon, let's go," I told her while starting to quickly walk towards the exit. Once we were at the door, we both ran out the entrance to the front of the building. We started laughing once we made it outside, still holding each other's hands. "What are you doing here?" I asked her, I couldn't believe it was actually her. "I had to see you one more time," she told me, a shy smile spreading across her face. "Can we go somewhere?" She asked me. "I don't wanna take you away from the Magcon thin-" I cut her off. "I'll go anywhere, I'm all yours," I told her. A wide smile spread across her face. She laughed, "Alright, follow me!" She said while making her way towards the street to catch us a taxi.

The taxi dropped us off at a hotel close to the lakeshore. We rode the elevator up to the top floor and from there Peyton led us down a series of hallways to a door that led to the roof. We climbed a few stairs before emerging on the roof of the hotel. The sun was just beginning to set across the lake. Peyton's posture tensed a little but not much. "Peyton, this is beautiful, but why are we up here if you're scared of heights?" I asked her with concern. She sighed while leaning against the railing on the edge of the roof. Her profile was even gorgeous. The way her nose sloped and her long eyelashes gazed out ahead at the sunset. "When I was little, my dad used to take me up here whenever I had a bad day. He told me it was my safe place. No matter what happened, he said that I could come here and the problems would blow away with the wind and the lake waves would take them away." Peyton smiled a sad smile, remembering her dad. I moved closer to her so that our elbows touched while we both leaned against the railing, facing forward. "When I was with my dad up here, I felt safe, but when my dad died, this place didn't feel safe anymore and I guess heights didn't feel safe either. Not without him. But then last night, with you, on the Ferris wheel," she paused and turned towards me. "I wasn't scared anymore. I finally felt safe again." Her words made my heart feel light. I gently ran my thumb across her cheek before cupping her face. "You'll always be safe with me, Peyton," I whispered while staring into her eyes. She stared back up at me. "So what does that make us?" She quietly asked. "I know that it would be another long distance relationship and that you could get anyone-" I cut her off by passionately pressing my lips to hers. She kissed back, moving her lips in sync with mine while running her fingers through my hair. "Peyton, I want to be with you. Only you. No matter the distance between us." I told her when I pulled slightly away from the kiss. She sighed a sigh of relief before burying her face into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her body close against mine. We fit perfectly together, so we just stood there and watch the sun set.

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