Trouble in Paradise #8

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Jack's POV

The next morning I was allowed to leave the hospital. My parents took me back to our hotel so we could fly home. The doctors said I had to lay low once I was home but that it was okay for me to fly back today. "Jack, be careful!" My mom told me while holding onto my arm to help me walk off the elevator. "Mom, I can still walk on my own. I'm fine," I told her, already getting annoyed with her over-protectiveness. I also couldn't blame her, I couldn't imagine the pain she and my dad had been through the past month, wondering if their only son would ever wake up again. My parents helped me walk down the hallway to their room they had been staying in the past month. That was another thing I felt awful about, not only had I messed up Johnson and my music career process, my parents had been living out of a hotel for a month. Plus, LA hotels weren't cheap. "I'm sorry, about all of this," I told them as we walked into the room and I sat on the bed. "Oh sweetie, don't worry about any of this." My mom said motioning to the room. "We're just so happy you're okay," she said while leaning down and stroking my cheek. Tears filled her eyes again. "Mom, don't cry again, I'm okay now." I told her gently. "And I'm so happy for that." She smiled and kissed my forehead. "I'm going to go call Johnson," I told my parents and walked out onto the balcony. It was a beautiful day, but then again basically every day was in Los Angeles. I sat down on one of the plastic chairs and looked out at the pool below. A few people were swimming and some were laying out. The palm trees were blowing gently in the wind and the mountains outlined the horizon in the distance. The phone rang once before Johnson answered. "Jack?" He asked. "What's up, bro?" I asked casually, a smile spreading across my face. "Holy shit, it's so good to hear your voice again. Man, you had me so fucking scared. Don't you ever do that again, bro!" Johnson told me. "I've missed you so much. I can't wait to get back to Omaha and be with the boys again." I said to Johnson. "Dude yeah, we've all been missing you here. It's not the same without you, everyone's been praying for you though." Johnson and I talked for a while, getting caught up on everything I had missed. I couldn't imagine going a month without talking to or seeing Johnson so I felt bad he had to experience that with me. "I'm sorry about the accident and everything," I told Johnson after we got caught up. "Jack, don't apologize. It wasn't your fault. I'm honestly just so happy that you're alive and well. That's all that matters, man." Johnson reassured me. "Thanks, bro. Well, my flight is later today so I'll be back in Omaha tonight. I better see you first thing." I told Johnson before I hung up. Next, I called Sam. He answered on the first ring. "Jack. Holy shit man. It is so good to hear you again." He said when he answered. "Sammy, I've missed you bro!" I told him. "I've missed you too man, parties aren't the same without you." Sam joked with me. Sam had decided to not go to college either, instead he was going on tour with Johnson and I and was starting modeling. All our other friends were already off to college. I was upset I hadn't been around to say goodbye to everyone before their freshmen year but Sam filled me in on how everyone was doing. That meant Sam and Johnson were the only ones back home in Omaha but I didn't even care, all I wanted was to see my brothers again. After my phone call with Sam, I went back inside. My parents were packing up the room. "Hey, is it cool if I go see Peyton?" I asked them. "Sure honey, just be careful." My mom told me. I walked down the hall to the elevator and went up a floor to the room Peyton had texted me. I knocked on the door and Mrs. Logan answered. "Hi Jack," she greeted me. "Peyton is out on the balcony on the phone with Grace but you can wait in here for her." She told me, inviting me in. I sat down on one of the beds. "If you don't mind, I was going to run down to the lobby for a minute to do something. I'll be back later, let Peyton know I left." Mrs. Logan told me while leaving the room. "I will!" I answered. Peyton turned around and smiled at me through the glass sliding door. She held up a finger, signaling she would only be a minute. I laid back on the bed and pulled out my phone. I decided I could waste time on Twitter, checking the insane amount of notifications I had acquired.

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