Distance #8

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Peyton POV

Jack held me in his arms for a while before he broke the silence. He pulled away and looked down at me. "Oh and thanks for telling me you're dad is the Michael Logan." He said sarcastically. I laughed. "He's just my dad to me, and besides I wanted you to get to know Peyton. Not what my family name is." I told him honestly. "How did you find out?" I asked him curiously. It wasn't like I was hiding it, I just didn't find it necessary to mention. "I was reading about the hotel this morning," he said. I burst out laughing. "Oh were you?" I teased him. "Oh hush!" He told me while starting to laugh, too. "I had to do something to distract myself from thinking of you," he said while putting his arm around me again. "I wish I could stay here forever with you, Pey." He said softly while looking down at me. I went on my tiptoe and gently kissed his cheek. "Sadly, that's not how reality works, you should probably get going so you don't miss your flight. And plus, I bet Bart is already mad enough at you." I told him. I stepped out of his embrace and took his hand. I began leading him off the roof. Jack dragged behind, groaning. "But I don't wanna leave you," he whined. I laughed at how he was acting. But I felt the same way. I didn't want to leave Jack. I wished we could just stay together forever.

Jack POV

Later that night, I sat at gate B19, waiting for the plane to Omaha. I was trying my best to tune out as Bart lectured me about how what I did tonight was "unacceptable" and I needed to "focus on Magcon only." I put on my Beat headphones and closed my eyes. Giving Bart the hint I was done listening to him. Sam Wilkinson, one of my best friends from Omaha who had started coming to some Magcon events with Johnson and I, was next to me, sprawled out in the chair, sound asleep. Johnson was curled up on the ground, sound asleep, too. I let my mind drift back to Peyton then. After we left the rooftop, we caught a cab back to the train station so she could head home. We stood out on the sidewalk and said goodbye. I could tell she was trying her hardest not to cry. "I'm going to miss you so much, Jack." She said to me while wrapping her arms around my waist. "Don't worry, were gonna make this work." I told her with a smile. "I'll call you when I land, okay?" She nodded and pulled me into a hug. "Goodbye, Pey," I said to her while I leaned down and pressed my lips to hers. She gently kissed back. "See ya, Jack," she said to me before adding "Because this isn't goodbye, so I'll see ya, ok?" I smirked at her logic. "Definitely. See ya, Peyton." With that she pulled out of my arms and walked into the train station. She didn't look back, she just kept going.

Peyton POV

A few weeks had passed since Jack had been in Chicago. We were making the whole distance issue work the best we could. Jack and I would text continuously through out the day. It definitely made school easier, given the fact we were both seniors and it was almost May and we were dying to be finished. After school, I would go to track practice but right when I got home, Jack and I would either FaceTime or talk on the phone. I missed seeing him in person but it hadn't been as hard as I thought. It was a Friday as I walked out of track practice and to my car in the school parking lot. The weather was finally sunny and warm as it got closer to May. I glanced down at my phone to see a snapchat from Jack. I smiled and slid my phone open. The snapchat was of the blue sky in Omaha with the caption "I wish you were here with me now :(" I giggled and sent one back of the sky above me. I couldn't help but think that the distance almost made Jack and I stronger. All those late nights spent on the phone, you really got to know someone. Jack and my true personalities came out late at night, all our secrets and thoughts. It was nice telling Jack everything, he was a great listener and always knew how to comfort me. I pulled myself away from my thoughts as I unlocked the car and got in. I began driving out of the parking lot as I saw commotion by another car in the lot. I leaned over my steering wheel to get a better look. I saw a girl and a guy posing in front of a car that had "Prom?" written across the windshield. I smiled but then realized that I probably wouldn't get to go my senior prom. The only guy I wanted to go with would be Jack, but he had just been in Chicago so I highly doubted he would be able to come back so soon.

Jack POV

"Mom, come onnn, just one exception!" I begged. "No, Jack. The one exception was allowing you to go to the Magcon event in Chicago a few weeks ago." She told me sternly. "But this is even more important. Mom, please." I continued trying but she turned the kitchen sink off and turned to face me, I could tell by her facial expression she wasn't joking around. "Jack. My final answer is no." She then turned back to the sink and the dishes she was washing. I got up from the kitchen table and went to my room. I was so angry. Peyton deserved to go to her senior prom and I wanted to be the guy to take her but my parents were still punishing me for the weed they had found in my room over a month ago. I understood being grounded for a few weeks but now I was just pissed. All I wanted was to go to Chicago, see Peyton's state track meet, and take her to prom. I flopped on my bed and stared at the ceiling. I'm going to take her to prom, I thought to myself. I wasn't sure how, all I knew was that Peyton was going to prom and it would be with me.

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