Trouble in Paradise #14

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Peyton's POV

Allie groaned and rolled over. "Take your romantic shit elsewhere," she said while stuffing her face in the pillow. I stepped outside the door and closed it behind me, still in awe that Jack was standing in front of me. It was just us out in the hallway. "Jack, what are you doing here? When did you get here?" Questions swarmed my mind. Jack looked awful and exhausted. "Peyton, just tell me you'll move in with me." Jack repeated while brushing his thumb across my cheek. My body relaxed underneath his gentle touch. Something in his eyes looked so desperate. "Of course but-" he cut me off by pressig his lips against mine. He held my head in his large hands and I fisted the cloth of his tshirt on his lower back in my hand, losing myself in the kiss. Jack pulled away slightly, keeping our faces close. His dark brown eyes stared into mine before a smirk danced along his lips. "Good," he whispered. "Perfect," I said while smiling into another kiss. I pulled away and looked at Jack. "Jack, are you ever going to tell me why you decided to randomly come to Arizona?" He chuckled. "Go get dressed and we'll get breakfast and talk." I smiled. "That would be nice, I need some coffee and tons of water. I feel like shit." I told Jack while walking back into my room. "Tell me about it, I'll be out here." He said leaning against the wall in the hallway. I walked back into my room and shut the door. Allie rolled over. "Is everything okay with you two?" She asked. I smiled. "Yes." I finally answered truthfully while pulling on jean shorts and a tank top. I slipped on my worn out converse and grabbed my bag. My hair was a bird's nest so I pulled it into a bun on the top of my head. Allie smiled. "I'm happy for you guys, plus Jack Gilinsky was just in the doorway of my room so what girl wouldn't be happy." I laughed at her comment. I never knew if she even cared that my boyfriend was Jack, but evidently she cared somewhat. "I'll be back later," I told her while walking out the door. Jack slipped his phone in his pocket and stood up. "Ready to go?" He asked, while taking my hand in his. We made our way out of the dorm and walked through the campus. I felt so safe walking alongside Jack. I looked up at him. "I like having you with me," I told him. He nodded his head. "I could get used to this," he smirked. We continued through the campus until we found an IHOP. "This work?" Jack asked, stopping out front. "Absolutely." I said. Jack opened the door for me like a gentleman and we walked in.

Jack's POV

"Can I get you two anything to drink? Orange juice? Coffee?" The waitress asked. "We'll both take coffee please," I answered for Peyton and I both. The waitress smiled and walked away to get our coffee. I looked across the table at Peyton. She was rubbing her temples with her eyes closed. I chuckled. "Rough night last night?" She groaned and glared at me. "I blame you. But please enlighten me in what changed from less than 24 hours ago when we last talked?" She said. I laughed at her sassy demeanor. "Nothing changed, I just realized I need you. And unfortunately I realized that by going out and getting hammered." I told Peyton. She nodded. "You don't care about what my mom said anymore?" She questioned gently, looking down at the water glass in front of her, suddenly mesmerized by the ice cubes. "Peyton look at me," I told her. She slowly looked up and her sparkling eyes met mine. "I respect your mom, I think she's an incredible woman and I never want to do anything to disrespect her. But we need each other. Everyone but her can see that. Look at us, we're complete messes without each other. I love your mom but I'm in love with you, Peyton. There's a difference and god, love makes you do crazy things." She looked at me, her cheeks blushing. "You love me that much?" Peyton shyly said. Butterflies swarmed in my stomach. One second, she was this independent, sassy, girl, a girl most guys didn't want to mess with. She was strong and needed no one but herself. Plus her beauty was intimidating and her confidence was even more intimidating than that. Yet, in a second she could become this shy, quiet, girl. A girl who didn't believe it when a guy told her he was in love with her. "I am so fucking in love with you Peyton Rose Logan." I smirked while whispering it across the table to her. "I would move mountains for you, swim all oceans..." I continued on and on about my love for her but Peyton cut me off. "Jack," she giggled. "Stop," I laughed at her embarrassment. The waitress brought our food then. "Hallelujah," Peyton said when her pancakes were set down in front of her. "I'm starving." She dug in and so did I. It was quiet for a little while we stuffed our faces, desperate to get rid of our hangovers. "Wait, so why are you in Arizona?" Peyton asked, a mouth full of pancakes. I chuckled, realizing we never clarified that. "Johnson and I have a meet and greet thing in Tuscon on Tuesday so we were going to fly out tomorrow night, but then last night I got so messed up over you I realized I needed to see you sooner. So instead of surprising you tomorrow, I got another plane ticket for today." She nodded. "I'm happy you did, I missed you like hell."

Peyton's POV

After breakfast, Jack and I spent the day on the campus. I luckily didn't have much studying to do so I was able to be with him. I showed him my favorite spots and where my classes were. I hadn't made many friends at college so I didn't have anyone to introduce him too but that didn't mean he didn't meet people. As we walked around, people began to recognize him. Some girls approached him and asked for a picture while others just whispered as we walked past. I squeezed his hand when we passed a group of giggling girls. "Looks like I'm dating quite the hot shot," I joked with him. He looked down at me, that infamous smirk dancing across his face. "You're just realizing that?" I playfully hit his bicep. Jack chuckled at my childish ways before turning serious. He stopped us and gazed down at me. "Stay the night with me," he whispered. "Come be with me in my hotel," Jack looked at me with such intensity. I nodded and bit my lip while looking back up at him. He smirked. "God, I've missed you Peyton." I smiled and whispered to him, "We'll do a lot of catching up tonight." Jack groaned. "Don't tease me, we're in public." He complained. "Well then what are we waiting for?" I asked him, pulling his hand. "Let's go to the hotel now."


Jack closed the hotel door behind us with a thud, immediately pushing me against the back of the door. I slung my arms around his neck and wrapped my legs around his torso. Jack leaned in and smashed his lips against mine. "I love you," he spoke against my lips. Our lips moved in sync and I felt his tongue begging for entrance. His tongue slipped into my mouth, licking along my lower lip. I whimpered at the touch of Jack, it felt like an eternity since we had been intimate. Jack carried me over to the bed then, laying me down before crawling over me. I gazed up at his chiseled features hovering over me before pulling his face closer to mine and reconnecting our lips. Jack feverishly moved his lips against mine, occasionally trailing down my neck, leaving purple splotches behind. As Jack moved back up to my lips, I felt his hard member through his pants against my thigh. I flipped us over so that I was now hovering over Jack. "You've missed me, huh?" I asked him while pulling my tank top off and unclasping my bra, allowing Jack a full view. He licked his lips and I felt his pants become more constricting. He placed his hands on my hips and pressed me harder against his own hips. I felt Jack's hard graze below my waist, sending tingles through my body at the need for Jack inside of me. Yet I wasn't ready to pleasure us both yet. Instead I pulled Jack's black tshirt off of his head leaving him shirtless. "I've missed you, too." I whispered into his ear. "I've missed your ears," I said while kissing them. "I've missed your cheeks," I told him while trailing kisses down to his cheek. "I've missed your lips," I placed my lips gently against Jack's, feeling his hot breath. "I've missed your neck," Jack's breath hitched when my teeth sucked against his sensitive skin. I then trailed down to his chest. "I've missed your chest and your abs," I said while kissing all down his stomach. Finally, I reached his waist band. "But what I've missed most is..." I unbuttoned his pants and pushed them down, along with his boxers, revealing just how much Jack wanted me. I slowly licked along his pelvis bone before moving to his member. I licked the base before licking the top, Jack moaned at my teasing. Finally, I placed my mouth around Jack and moved my head up and down, my hand helping the part that didn't fit into my mouth. Jack groaned and called my name. "Fuck, Peyton. Fuck, I need you." With that he pulled me off of him and placed my hips against his. Between my thighs was wet and desperate for Jack. I guided his member into me and Jack thrusted his hips up, pushing himself even farther in. "Oh Jack," I called out once he was inside. I started grinding our hips together, moving my body feverishly against him. Jack's member pushing farther and farther into me. I moaned and whimpered. "Fuck, Pey, you're so tight baby, you're so tight." Jack moaned. Jack flipped us then so that he was on top. He quickly thrusted himself back inside of me, causing me to clench onto the bed sheets. Jack quickened the pace, his hard pushing deeper and deeper inside of me. I wrapped my legs around his torso, attempting to bring him even closer. My nails dug into his back as I called out his name. "I love it when you say my name," he whispered into my ear, lust filling his voice. I felt myself becoming more wet and my climax coming. My back arched in pleasure and I clenched the bed sheets. "Fuck, Jack!" I screamed as he thrusted forcefully one last time inside of me before pulling out. Our bodies relaxed and fell limp next to one another on the bed. Our breathing was heavy, Jack's hair was all over from me running my fingers through it. I rolled over and curled into Jack's side. He held me tight against him. "Hey Jacko?" I asked after a moment of silence. "Hm?" He answered. "I love you." Jack's hot breath grazed my forehead. "I love you, too, baby girl."

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