Flights #8

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Peyton's POV

I rolled over in bed and quickly regretted my decision as the bright light hit my eyes. I groaned and pulled the covers over my head. I could tell Jack was no longer lying next to me. 'Figures,' I thought before flinging the covers off my face to look for a note. It had been a month into the tour meaning there was still two months to go. We had finally made it to Atlanta, Georgia. It was the beginning of July and the heat was visible even from inside the hotel room. I yawned as my eyes searched the room for a piece of paper. In the past month I had gotten used to the tour grind. We spent almost every single day on the bus, making stops at all different places. Sometimes we would stop at little gas stations or big cities. It didn't matter where we went, fans flocked everywhere. The amount of girls only increased when Nate joined the tour to open with Sammy. Each night was spent in a new town in a new arena. It was incredible to see. One of my favorite things was sound check. I had made habit of finding a seat out in the middle of the arena and I would listen to the sound of the boys vocals traveling through the empty space. Once the show started, I would sit out in a roped off section with Jack's parents and whoever else of the boys' family members joined. It was incredible watching the show each night. The crowds managed to get louder and bigger in each city. I was also shocked with the amount of girls who recognized me and asked for pictures with me. After the show, the boys would go out and eat and visit fans until all hours. Finally, a piece of paper caught my eye on the desk. I crawled out of bed and went to look at it. "P- vocal warmup and choreo session was moved to 7. See you at lunch. Love, Jay." Jack's handwriting was scribbled across the hotel notepad. I rolled my eyes. "What else is new?" I said out loud to myself while falling back onto the bed. The tour had been amazing but it also was not what I expected. I went on tour to spend time with Jack when the reality was I never saw him. He was always rehearsing, performing, or hanging with fans. I had tried my best to ignore it but this was the seventh city I had woken up alone in. A knock on the door jolted me from my thoughts. I got up from the bed and walked over to the door in a pair of Jack's boxers and tshirt. Katherine stood in the doorway. "Good morning, honey!" She greeted me, pulling me into a hug. "I was just wondering if you wanted to join Molly, Laura, and I for breakfast?" She asked me. I smiled. "Absolutely, I'll meet you in the lobby in ten!" I told her before closing the door to get ready. I was so thankful to have the women in Jack's family to keep me company. However, it was disappointing spending more time with them than Jack.

Jack's POV

The boys and I walked out of the arena after rehearsal to go grab some lunch. My mom had texted me saying they were at a burger joint down the street so we made our way over there. As we walked in, Sammy was talking about some fan he met the night before in Nashville. "I swear to God, hottest fucking chick I've ever seen!" He explained. We all laughed at the typical behavior of Sam. My mom eyed me. "What are you boys talking about?" She said in a knowing tone. Sam laughed and hugged her. "Nothing you wanna hear, Mrs. G!" He said. She laughed. "I figured, Samuel. Well boys sit down, the burgers are on the way." I noticed Peyton was sitting with Laura and Molly at a booth with my mom. "Hello beauitful," I said to her while leaning in to kiss her cheek. She smiled slightly. "Hi." She replied. With that, I went over and joined the guys at the next booth over. I had noticed a change in Peyton's behavior and I had a pretty good guess as to what was wrong. I knew she was disappointed in the amount she got to see me but what did she expect? It was a tour. Of course I was going to be busy and want to hang out with my guys. I pushed the thoughts aside since they easily annoyed me and focused on the delicious burger that was right in front of me. Rehearsals had been brutal and a chill lunch with my best friends is exactly what I needed. Peyton could bond with my sisters, I wasn't worried about her at all.

Peyton's POV

Katherine, David, Molly, Laura, and I stood backstage just like we did at the end of every show. Sam, Nate, Johnson, and Jack all came stumbling off stage per usual. They were all shirtless and sweaty. "You killed it, boys!" David cheered while high fiving them. All day I had been annoyed with Jack and had perfected the skill of avoiding him but seeing him sweaty and shirtless made my anger soften a little. "Great job, baby," I told him as he made his way over to me. He pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head. "Thanks, babe." I relished in the moment. It had been forever since Jack's strong, bare, arms had held me. I missed his smell and his feel. All the chaos of the backstage surrounding us disappeared as I hung in the moment with Jack. As quickly as the moment came, it passed. Next thing I knew Jack was being whisked away to go meet the fans after the show. "I'll see you back in the hotel room! Don't wait up if it gets late!" He called back to me. I waved and nodded. I was so proud of him but I was also so jealous and angry. Those girls out there got more of my boyfriend than I did. The first few times, it didn't bother me but here we were in the seventh city on this tour and it was only getting worse. How the hell was I supposed to last two more months?

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