Flights #4

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Peyton's POV

I stirred in bed. The sheets were sticking against my bare skin. I rolled over and noticed the sun was just beginning to shine through my bedroom window. Jack's naked body lay entangled in the sheets next to me. I smiled, he looked so peaceful. His chest moved up and down rhythmically. I rolled over to face him and gently ran my fingers through his messy brown hair. He slowly awakened. His brown eyes drifted open and settled their gaze on me. "Morning," he said, sleep still lingering in his voice. "Morning," I whispered, a smile on my face. A small smirk spread on his and he leaned in gently to kiss me. "How did you sleep?" I asked him quietly. "Just fine but I feel like we just went to sleep two minutes ago..." Jack said while giving me a look as if to say 'what the hell are you already doing up?' I smirked and rolled him over so he was on his back. I then continued to climb over him so that my naked body was straddling his hips. "Is it an issue being up this early?" I said, a seducing tone in my voice as I bit my lip. Jack inhaled sharply and I knew he was most definitely awake now.

Jacks POV

I laid in bed, staring up at Peyton's naked figured hovering above me. Her hair was flowing down like a mermaid's and everything was exposed. I felt my breathing quicken and myself harden underneath her touch and warmth. "You look so sexy in the morning," she breathed as she leaned down and began trailing kisses down my neck. She gently sucked and kissed, leaving little red marks behind. "I love every inch of you, Jack. Every bit of you deserves to be kissed," she placed a kiss on my abdomen, "and loved," she continued as she lifted her lips and placed them gently on my pelvis bone. I felt tingles run through me. Peyton chuckled, aware of what she was doing to me. Her tongue made soft, gentle, circles on my pelvis bone before I couldn't take it any longer. "Peyton," I breathed. "I need you," she laughed at my desperation. "Baby, are you sure you're not too tired?" She asked me. "Peyton," I said firmly, she smirked and then began to kiss my length. Little moans began to pass between my lips. They became more fierce as Peyton slipped my length inside her mouth. She began moving her head up and down, taking in my full length. Gasps and moans escaped my lips as I held onto the bed. Her tongue continued stroking along me gently as she moved her head continuously. Minutes passed and I couldn't take it any longer. "Pey, I need all of you." She didn't listen, rather she continued to pleasure me but I needed more. "Babe, I need you." I said while lifting her body up. Her eyes were filled with passion as I set her on top of my hard. She settled in, her tightness gripping around me. Peyton slowly began riding me but quickened her pace. Her nails dug into my abdomen as the pleasure increased. "Ohhh," she moaned. "Oh god, babe. Oh god." She gasped. I thrusted upwards, making sure my length fully pleasured her. She rode me harder, tossing her head backwards. "Fuck, Pey. You're so tight." I moaned as she clenched around me. She ground her hips harder against mine, pushing me even farther into her. I thrusted upwards, doubling the pleasure. "Holy shit, Jay." She moaned, trying not to be loud. I felt my climax coming as we both reached our high. Peyton tossed her head back and moaned. "Ahhh," she whimpered before her body collapsed down onto my chest. Our breathing was heavy and our bodies sweaty. I felt Peyton's legs shaking on top of me as I slipped out of her. We laid there together, the only noise coming from our heightened heart rates. My body was sticky and sweaty, sticking to hers. I ran my fingers through my hair while my other hand traced outlines on Peyton's bare back. I could tell Peyton was exhausted. I didn't blame her. We had been at it all night and then in the morning. Before I knew it, her little body became dead weight as she fell into a deep sleep on top of me. I enjoyed the moment, having Peyton curled up on me so peacefully was relaxing. I continued to rub her back when a sudden inspiration washed over me. Being careful not to wake her, I lifted her off my chest and set her down on her side of the bed, wrapping the sheets around her. I then slipped out of bed and found my briefs, shorts, and a tshirt. The clock read 6 am so I knew no one was awake yet. I made my way downstairs. The house was quiet and had that smell that most houses do in the morning, a certain freshness and peacefulness. The sunlight began to shine in through the sunroom windows as I walked out to the room, closing the door behind me. I knew this was Peyton's favorite room in the house since it was her dad's favorite room. The grand piano resided in the far corner of the wood paneled room. The morning sun was reflecting off its smooth, black, surface. I walked over to the bench and took a seat. I took in the silence for a moment. Even though I felt crazy, I talked anyways. "This is for your daughter..." I paused. "The love of my life. Thank you, thank you for her." I said quietly. Maybe I was saying it to myself or just to the empty room in front of me but I hoped Mr. Logan was here, I hoped he knew. With that, I lifted the cover off the piano and set my fingers on the keys. I began to play. The music flowed freely, the melody had been in my head for quite sometime but something always prevented me from finishing it. However, I finally found the inspiration to finish it. The sun shined brighter as the keys danced beneath my rough fingers.

Mandy's POV

I rolled over in bed to see it was only 6:30 in the morning. I hadn't been able to sleep all night and I knew I wasn't falling asleep now so I decided to get up. The sun was shining so I decided it would be a good morning for a walk and would give the kids some alone time in the house. I climbed out of bed and threw on some clothes before heading downstairs. As I walked into the kitchen, I heard a faint sound of a piano. I paused. Then it hit me. I walked through the living room to the sunroom and sure enough, Jack sat at the piano. I gently opened the door and leaned against the door frame. After a moment, he glanced up, noticing I was there. "Oh Mandy, I'm so sorry. Did I wake you up? I know it's early to be playing." He quickly apologized. "Oh no, no, no." I told him, stepping into the room. "I couldn't sleep." He nodded, rubbing his palms on his thighs. "It's been years," I began. Jack looked up at me. "It's been years since anyone has played that." Jack looked confused. "Peyton used to love it, just love it, and she was good. Man was she good." I explained, getting lost in nostalgic thought. "What made her stop?" Jack asked, clearly unaware of the information I just told him. I sighed. "Her dad, he loved hearing her play. He would sit on that couch and she would sit where you are and he would lean his head back, close his eyes, and listen. He'd listen for hours upon hours. He loved it, he loved listening to the music her little fingers could produce." I smiled, remembering watching the two of them in this room. "I hope you don't mind that I'm playing-" Jack began. I cut him off. "No, keep playing. Mr. Logan, Michael, would love that." I told him gently. He smiled. "Well, his daughter inspired it," he told me shyly. I smiled and nodded. "He's here, play for him." I told Jack before turning to leave. I didn't close the door behind me, as I made a cup of coffee I heard Jack continue to play. The soft music drifted through the house. "He's going to look out for her," I whispered. "Don't worry, Michael. He'll keep her safe and love her. She's going to be okay."

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