Distance #10

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Peyton POV

I laid on my bed at the end of the night, staring at the dress hanging on the back of my closet door. I couldn't believe Grace had actually talked me into going to prom. But the dress was gorgeous and Grace was right, we had to go to our senior prom together. My thoughts drifted to Jack. I missed him so much it had become a physical pain. I hadn't realized how attached I had become to him but my heart had began to ache with his absence. All I wanted was for him to be with me and hold me in his muscular arms. I pictured his chiseled jaw and sweet brown eyes. I remembered his scent and how it engulfed me every time he wrapped his arms around me. I imagined the feel of burrowing my head into the crook of his neck. I sighed. I needed Jack so badly. Unfortunately, a phone call was going to have to do. I rolled over and took my phone off my night stand. Jack answered on the first ring.

Jack POV

I walked out of Sam's basement and onto the patio to get away from the noise. "Hey babe," I smiled into the phone. "It's so good to here your voice," Peyton told me, a sound of relief in her voice. "Is everything okay?" I asked her. She sighed. "Yeah, I'm just tired, Grace made me go prom dress shopping with her today and somehow convinced me to go to prom without a date. Can you believe it?" Peyton vented to me. I tried to cover the obvious smile in my voice. "Seriously? That's crazy..." I was so happy. Grace actually had gotten it to work. "I'm sure you'll still have an amazing time and I know you're gonna look hella sexy," I told her. She giggled. "Oh, hush, Jack," she jokingly scolded me. "Well what does your dress look like?" I asked, curious for details. "It's coral, with beads at the top and it flows down, I don't know, pretty typical," she laughed at herself. But all I could think about was how absolutely stunning she must look in it. I felt something churn in my stomach. Whenever I missed Peyton this much, I felt it in my whole body. The past few days, it had gotten really bad. Everything in me ached. I couldn't wait to see her again. The music blared louder from inside and I heard everyone erupt in cheers and laughter. I looked through the door to see Sam with his shirt off dancing on top of the table. I rolled my eyes at his drunken state. "Man, sounds like you're having a great time," Peyton said. I laughed. "I guess so, but all I really want is to be with you," I told her honestly. "I miss you so much, Jack," she quietly responded. I could hear the sadness in her voice. A part of me wanted to tell her right then and there not to be sad and that we would be together soon, but I held my tongue. "Well, I'll let you go, have fun with your friends, babe," Peyton told me. "Ok I'll talk to you sometime tomorrow, goodnight Pey," I hung up my phone and made my way back into the party.

Peyton POV

The next two weeks dragged on. Finally it was the weekend of my State track meet and prom. Ryan had gotten home a couple of days before, it was great to see him again. The house felt empty without him. "Any boys in your life?" He had asked me at dinner when he first got home. I rolled my eyes. My mom answered for me, "She's been talking all the time with some Jack boy, but that's all she'll tell me," she said with annoyance. I just laughed. "Well I'll kick his ass if he ever hurts you." Ryan said while picking at his salad. I smiled at his protectiveness. I thought of all this while I walked to the locker room at the end of school. My thoughts trailed to my race later that day. This year the State track meet was being held at my school and I was racing. I was excited but incredibly nervous. I was just happy Ryan and my mom could both be there. Grace was of course coming too. I walked into the locker room and began changing into my uniform. I joked around and talked with girls from the team. We all were close, running really bonded you with people. "So rumour has it, Peyton's dating a Vine famous dude!!" My teammate Rachel called out to the whole team. "Ooooo!" Everyone said simultaneously. I felt my face blush and laughed. A freshman turned to me then. "Wait seriously?! Which one!?" She made me laugh even more. "Jack Gilinsky," I shyly told her. She looked as though she was going to scream. "Oh my god, I am so jealous. That isn't even real," she screeched. "Relax, Kelsey," I joked with her. I wasn't sure how, but it was beginning to spread around school I was dating Jack, otherwise referred to as "that one famous guy." Once we all had changed, it was around 3 in the afternoon. The meet started at 4 but I wouldn't race until closer to 6. As we left the locker room to go set the track up outside and do warmup, all the upperclassman talked about prom. Everyone was excited since it was the next day. I was somewhat excited but I would much rather stay home and FaceTime with Jack, at least then I could see him. It was still sunny and warm as we made our way to the track. I tried to not focus on my race but the nerves started to consume me. Just a few more hours and it would be over.

Jack POV

Laura, Molly, and I stood by the baggage claim at O'Hare airport in Chicago. We had successfully made it out of Omaha, on the plane, and landed, without our parents knowing. I had told them I was spending the night at Johnson's and my sisters had said they were visiting some sorority sisters a few hours away for the weekend. I missed school but Molly had called and pretended to be my mom to get me out. We had caught our flight midday and were now in Chicago. It was about 3 so we still had time to get to Peyton's high school and see her. I was so excited I could barely contain myself, I was practically shaking. "Geez, relax," Laura hit my arm. But I couldn't, I don't think anyone could understand what Peyton meant to me and how much the weekend meant. As we continued waiting for our luggage, Molly's phone started ringing. She answered it, "Hello?" She said. "Mom!?" Molly gave me and Laura a frantic look. "Wait, Mom, no no no, wait!" But she hung up. Molly looked at us. "Mom and Dad somehow found out, they're getting on a plane to Chicago now..." Molly told us, urgency ringing in her voice. "Fuck..." I groaned. Now what was going to happen this weekend?

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