Flights #17

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Jack's POV

Peyton and I paid our breakfast bill and then strolled out of the little café. As we walked out of the door, the bell chiming behind us, I naturally went to hold Peyton's hand. To my surprise, she didn't pull away or even flinch, rather she clasped her hand around mine. We walked in silence for a while. Peyton gazed into storefront windows at the displays. People bustled all around us. It was a nice relief that we could just walk around unnoticed. I loved feeling like we were in our own little world. A few blocks later, we made it to the beach. A smile spread across Peyton's face and she slipped her sandals off. I followed her lead and took my Vans off. She then took my hand in hers again and we began walking in the warm sand. The beach was crowded. It was early but it was already extremely warm. Families trudged through the sand, holding an assortment of bags, towels, chairs, and umbrellas. Groups of teenagers played beach volleyball and girls laid out in their bikinis. Peyton and I made our way down to the waves. I watched as Peyton let go of my hand and tiptoe into the water. She screeched and ran back. "Ahhh, it's so cold! Why is it so cold!? It's July!" she told me, laughing. I laughed at her childish reaction and wrapped my arms around her, rocking us back and forth. "You're a goofball," I told her. She pulled back slightly and looked up at me, a little smirk on her face. "Don't make me splash you," she warned. I eyed her. "You wouldn't..." I said. She began laughing and ran back to the water, dragging me with. "P, no let go!" I began to pull away but at that point she already had me in the water. She giggled while she flung water on me. "Oh okay, you're gonna get it now!" I told her while dodging her splashes and diving into her, wrapping my arms around her waist, flinging her over my shoulder. She was soaking wet from her head to toe, she began laughing harder. "J put me down!" she yelled through laughter. I laughed while I spun her around. I totally forgot that anyone was around us until I saw out of the corner of my eye, a group of girls that had formed. I sighed and placed Peyton down. The girls were around Peyton and my age, dressed in skimpy bikinis. When they noticed that I noticed them, they got all smiley. "You're Jack Gilinsky, right?" they asked. I nodded. "Can we get some pictures?" They begged. I looked to Peyton. She stood somewhat behind me, her wet hair hanging around her shoulders, her clothes dripping wet. She just smiled and nodded. "Go ahead," she mouthed to me. I felt bad. I wished we could just be the two of us, no interruptions. I had no other choice but to spend some time with the fans so I stepped away from Peyton and went to take pictues.

Peyton's POV

I stood off to the side, watching the girls fangirl over Jack. I stepped away before the attention would turn to me. Johnson's girlfriend, Mallory, was always so good at handling the attention. When girls would freak out over her, she would let them and be so friendly. I wasn't the best at handling all of that so I decided to walk a bit away and look for some seashells. As I was walking along, I felt myself run into someone as I wasn't looking where I was going. "I'm so sorry," I said, looking up to a guy who looked to be my age. He had curly blonde hair and was holding a skim board in his hand. "It is quite alright," he said, eyeing my body. "Excuse me," I said, going to step around him. "Oh not so fast, pretty lady," he cooed, his eyes still roving over me. I rolled my eyes and stopped walking. "Don't you think you were meant to run into me? A pretty little girl like you with a nice man like me," he smirked. "Uhm no, I actually don't think I was meant to run into you. I'm pretty sure I was just looking at seashells and accidently ran into you so if you would just let me by, " I sternly said back to him, giving him a stare. He chuckled. "Oh come on babe, don't play so hard to get, let's get to know each other, go for a walk over to that bar," he said, nodding towards the town. "No-" I began to say before I was abruptly cut off. "Can I help you?" Jack's angry voice said while he pushed the guy backwards, standing in front of me. I stepped further behind Jack, thankful to have him. The guy laughed. "I was talking to the little lady, dude, not you." He said. Jack pushed him back again. "Well that little lady is mine and she sure as hell doesn't want to be talking to you. So why don't you leave her the fuck alone like she asked and get lost?" Jack said, anger boiling in his voice as his jaw tensed. The guy rolled his eyes and put his hands up in defense. "Whatever man," he said to Jack. As he turned to leave, he looked back at me. "I'll be here if you ever want to find me," he said with a wink. I stared at him with disgust as he walked away. Jack turned around to face me then. "Are you okay? He didn't do anything to you, did he?" he asked, all his anger had disappeared and now concern filled it's place. I nodded. "I'm fine, he was just a perv." I said. Jack wrapped his arm around me. "Well let's get out of here," he said. "What happened to your groupies?" I joked. He laughed. "Not sure, I just left when I saw that guy giving you a hard time." I'm not sure what took over inside me but I couldn't hold it back. "Let's really get out of here, somewhere it can be just you and me..." I said. Jack looked down at me, searching my face to make sure he understood what I was getting at. I just bit my lip while looking back up at him. "Pey, are you sure? I don't want to pressure you into being with me physically yet, if it's still too soon-" I cut him off. "J stop, I want to." I told him. A slight smile spread on his face. "Let's go then," he said, quickly grabbing my hand. We started running. "Jack, slow down," I giggled. He laughed too as he continued running through the sand. I let go of his hand and jumped onto his back. Jack grabbed my legs and held me tight. I threw my head back and felt the ocean breeze against me. It felt so good to be in Jack's embrace again. Watching him get protective over me proved to me just how much he loved me and I didn't want to waste precious time holding a grudge. He made a mistake, well multiple mistakes, but nothing was going to change the fact that he was the love of my life. I wanted him in every way there was to want a person and I couldn't spend another day without his love, emotionally and physically.

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