Ch 1 [A Ronin's begining]

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[Art is not mine]

Tatsumi's P.O.V

Hello. My name is Tatsumi, i'm a member of a clan of samurai who are bent on protecting there homeland's. But i'm not gonna be a part of them for much longer with how thing's are going. Anyway, i was raised here since i was about six after my village was burned down and everyone there was killed. I never really knew my own parents so that's been a mystery that i've been trying to solve sence then.

I'm mostly known for my skill in combat but i'm also known for getting close to breaking my code of honor especally on using firearm's such as my pistol known as Wrath, and how violent some of my tactic's are.

Me and my master don't get along at all. Often we're on the verge of fighting before the temple maid's step in and calm us down. He can be pretty short-tempered with me depending on the day, and today is one of those day's and the fact that i killed a theif last night didn't make it any better.

????:"Tatsumi, you're action's are starting to get out of control.-

-What do you have to say for yourself?"

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-What do you have to say for yourself?"

Tatsumi:"I told you, it was an accident! I didn't mean to kill him!"

Shujinko:"Whether you ment to kill him or not, he was killed by your hand's. He may have been a theif, but he had just as much right to live as you and i do."

Tatsumi:"Do you think that i don't know that? I wasn't aiming and i accidentally killed him! If i was aiming he wouldn't have died, i know that but i won't just sit here and let you ramble on about my honor. My honor is my business and my business alone."

I turned my back on him to walk away before it escilated but he just had to make a comment about it.

Shujinko:"Your action's here have prevented you from learning the truth about your parents for the rest of eternaty."

Tatsumi:"What did you say, punk?"

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Tatsumi:"What did you say, punk?"

Shujinko:"You heard me the first time, child."


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I'm no Hero [Yandere!Harem x O.P!Ronin!Tatsumi]Where stories live. Discover now