Ch 126 [Sister's Return]

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[Art is not mine]

Akame's P.O.V

When i came back from monitering, Esdeath on her mission, Lubbock told us that two people were approaching the base. They weren't coming quickly and one was being carried, i had my suspicion's on who it was but i wasn't expecting to see them so soon.

Mine:"So, who is it?"

Lubbock:"If i knew, i'd be telling you. But i don't know! That's why i'm paniking!"

Mashiro:"Calm down, Lubby. It's just two people."

Lubbock:"Never, and i mean never call me, "Lubby" again. Or i will go apeshit on you."

Spear:"*Chuckle* I'd like yo so you try anything against her, she'd whoop your ass into next year."

Meela:"Please stop picking on him."

Loris:"Yeah, he's trying to impress the boss."

Tsukushi:"*Giggle* That's kinda funny."

Susanoo:"Let's focus on the two approaching the base, they could be a great many thing's."

Cornelia:"Like an intruder?"

Susanoo:"That is only one of the possibilities."

Poney:"Maybe they're just lost?"

Bulat:"Or they could be just camper's looking for a spot. What do you make of it, Akame?"

Akame:"I suspect it's, Kurome. But i'm not sure who the other person could be."

Sheele:"Maybe it's that man, Run. He helped us defeat, Champ after all."

Gilberda:"Maybe it's her boyfriend."

I felt rage welling up inside me when she said that, if it is they better be perfect for her or i'll butcher them.

Tatsumi:"We can't rule out anything, if it is, Kurome and someone else she might have converted someone to our side."

Cosmina:"Or maybe it's a doggie!"

Chelsea:"*Chuckle* Why a dog?"

Cosmina:"Cosmina love's doggie's!"

Najenda:"I hate having to ask you, but what do you think, Esdeath?"

Esdeath:"I'm eighty persent sure that the person with, Kurome is, Wave. She's a little... possessive of him, to say the least."

Merraid:"Hm, i wonder why?"

Lubbock:"Hey, i don't want to sound like a crazy person here, but they're right at our front door!!"

We all prepared to fight, but when the door opened it was just, Kurome and that, Wave guy.

We all prepared to fight, but when the door opened it was just, Kurome and that, Wave guy

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Kurome:"Thank you, Wave."

Wave:"No problem."


Kurome:"Hey, Sis. This is my new boyfriend, Wave."

Wave:"Nice to meet you."

I felt my heart stop in it's place for a good sixty second's, after that i started pulling Murasame from it's scabbard but, Tatsumi, and Taeko held be back so i couldn't attack.

Taeko:"Calm down, Akame."

Tatsumi:"Let go of the sword, and we'll let you go, okay?"


I dropped Murasame and stood still for about five second's before i ran at, Wave. But, Bulat, and Cassandra stopped me.

Wave:"She's gonna murder me!"

Bulat:"Not while i've got a hold of her."

Kurome:"Please calm down, Sis."

Akame:"Fine, i'll calm down."

Bulat:"I'm still not putting you down until i know you're actually calm."


Kurome:"Don't worry, Sis,-

-He'll protect me, just like you use to

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-He'll protect me, just like you use to."

Wave:"Hm, i'll do everything i possible can."

Akame:"Protecting her is my job!"

After a couple minute's of a constant back and forth i finally calmed down and was able to actually speak without shouting at someone.

After a couple minute's of a constant back and forth i finally calmed down and was able to actually speak without shouting at someone

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Kurome:"It's okay, Wave. She can be a little protective at time's."

Wave:"No harm no foul, it's expected from an elder sibling."

Najenda:"Tell me about it, anyway if you're here to join Night Raid, then you'll have to prove your loyalty. We'll send you on a mission with one of our other member's to moniter you. Once your mission is complete you are to come right back and report your result's. Understood?"

Wave:"Understood, boss."

Esdeath:"I thought i was his boss."

Najenda:"Well now i'm not only his boss, but your boss as well."

Esdeath:"*Scoff* As if."

Najenda:"Do you want to be tied to that chair again?"

Esdeath:"....I'll stop talking now."

Tatsumi started patting, Esdeath's head like a dog but she didn't seem to mind it. At least, Kurome's happy with, Wave. But i swear on my very soul if he break's her heart, i'll grind his bone's into powder and then feed what's left of him to the danger beast. He know's i'm glaring at him, and he know's what i'm thinking.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I'll see y'all later, peace]

|What if, Akame took, Esdeath's place? I think it would start off in AgK Zero with, Akame killing, Gozuki just because she want's Murasame. She'd be twice as sadistic as, Esdeath ever was in my opinion. But let me know what you think.|

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