Ch 7 [First Target]

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[Art is not mine]

Tatsumi's P.O.V

After being able to spill my gut's to the team we got word that we were all being sent on our first mission's. I was being sent after someone who was apparently funding the revolutionary army. I wasn't exactly fond of the idea but i didn't have much of a choice in this matter, if i wanted to stay alive i had to follow order's.

 I wasn't exactly fond of the idea but i didn't have much of a choice in this matter, if i wanted to stay alive i had to follow order's

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Tatsumi:(Not exactly happy about this, but if i want to figure out more about my parents i have to go along with it. Beside's i think that's him.)

I walked up to my target with the scabbard of Murasama in my left hand.




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Tatsumi:(This guy's a fuckin' giant. If i'm not carful i could get badly hurt.):"You wouldn't happen to be funding anything would you?"

Target:"No. Not that i know of. Why?"

Tatsumi:"Well rumor has it that you've been funding some revolution or something like that."

Target:"The Elite Seven sent you, didn't they?"

Tatsumi:"Unfortunately. I'll make this quick."

I pulled Murasama from it's scabbard before the man began to speak again. Still having some honor left in me i let him speak his final word's.

Target:"Boy, if i am to die than hear my word's before i go. This country has been corrupted by it's minister, Honest. He murdered the previous Emporer and his wife the Empress so there son would become ruler, because he is so young he is easy to manipulate so Honest can get away with whatever he want's. He's been killing innocent people and even eating the corpse's as well and his child is no better."

Tatsumi:(I knew i had a bad feeling when i joined these asshole's, but how do i defect before i fall to deep into this rabbit hole?):"What if i didn't kill you?"

Target:"Then you'd be in danger. I'm at peace with dying, nothing will change and i've been alive long enough. You're still in your youth and can still make a diffirence in this damned capital. Take your swing boy, make it quick."

Tatsumi:"Okay. Hold still."

I pulled my blade backward's then swung up with as much force as i had.

I pulled my blade backward's then swung up with as much force as i had

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The attack killed him instantly. At least he wasn't in any pain when he died, but now i feel like i have the blood of an innocent man on my hand's but he was right i am still young and i can turn the tide's in the revolution's favor, but i'll need help and a lot of it. Maybe i can convince the Elite Seven's member's to join me but i need a plan first, but until then i'm gonna start having my target's go into hiding instead.

I walked back to base with my head down, to ashamed of what i had done to look anyone in the eye's afterward. I had arrived at the base last and everyone including Najasho looked worried that i was so late.


-Was the mission successful or not?"

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-Was the mission successful or not?"

Tatsumi:"It was successful."

Tsukushi:"Are you hurt?"


Guy:"Oi! What's wrong with you? Something bad happen?"

I remained silent. I guess not responding can freak people out.

Green:"Hey. If something went wrong you can tell us."

Poney:"Did you get seen? Or maybe you got injured?"

Tatsumi:"The target is dead now. That's all that matter's."

Akame:"Is there something wrong? You sound kinda....upset, if that's the right word."

Tatsumi:"Nothing's wrong. Nothing at all."

Cornelia:"If he want's to talk later we can all wait until then. Maybe he just need's some space."

Najasho:"Hm. We can talk whenever you need, just simply say so."

I noded and went to my room where i sat on my bed and just stared at the celling for most of the night. The guilt of murdering someone weighed heavy on my soul but i have to get over it quickly if i wanted to continue what i'm doing.


Tatsumi:"Who is it?"

Akame:"It's me, Akame."

Tatsumi:"Come in."

I let Akame into my room because sge knew something was up and wanted to talk. I didn't think i'd be spilling my gut's even more tonight, but i did.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I'll see y'all later peace]

|Yee haw. Double upload|

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