Ch 89 [Fatherly Care]

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[Art is not mine]

Luna's P.O.V Nightmare

Luna:(Huh, w-where am i?)

I looked all around and i was back in that stone building where, Bach had held me and my friend's before, Tatsumi saved all three of us. I was scared and confused, how did i end up back here? I looked around a little more and saw, Tatsumi, Fal, and Air leaving me behind.

Luna:"W-Wait! Don't leave me here, i promess i'll do better i'll do anything you want just don't leave me here again, i don't wanna be alone!"

The lightened tunnel had faded away and i was left in the dark, bound by chain's and scared for my life. It got even worse when i heard a very familiar voice behind me.

????:"Heh, look's like they didn't want you after all."

Luna:"I-It can't be, i-i thought you were dead!"

Bach:"Oh poor sweet innocent, Luna. You should have known that i'd never go away, i'll always be here. I will never let you leave this place, you'll suffer down here for disobeying me you worthless brat."

Luna:"N-No, let me go! Someone anyone please, help me!"

Bach:"No one can save you, Luna. We'll be having so much fun together and it will last for the rest of your life."

Luna:"No no no no no no, please help me!"

Nightmare Over

Tatsumi:"Luna, wake up."

Luna:"*Sharp Inhale* T-Tatsumi?"

Tatsumi:"Is everything okay? You were screaming, i thought you were hurt."

I quickly burried my face into his chest and started crying my eye's out, i thought for sure that was reality and he had gotten rid of me because i wasn't good enough.

Tatsumi:"It's okay, Luna, i'll protect you."

Luna:"P-Please don't get rid of me, i-i swear i'll be good."

Tatsumi:"I'll never get rid of you, there's nothing you could do that could warrant that treatment. You're a child and need to be protected by the adult's in your life, and i've taken up that baton. I swear to you i won't let anyone lay their hand's on you, ever again."

I could feel the seriousness in his voice, i could feel that he ment it. No one's ever made a promess like that to me, not in my entire life. I felt a little safer now knowing that he ment it when he said he'd protect me. When i was finally able to compose myself he took my hand and we walked outside and we watched the star's go through out the night sky.

Luna:"they're so pretty, i wish i could have a star with me."

Tatsumi:"Maybe one day, after all-

-You can never rule out anything, no matter how crazy it seem's to other people

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-You can never rule out anything, no matter how crazy it seem's to other people. If they say you can't than tie up your boot strap's and show them that you can."

Luna:"Yeah, maybe one day i will have a star that i can hold in my own hand's."

We both sat out in the field watching the star's and pointing out every constellation like Draco Lynx and Gemini among many other's, i was getting a little tired but i wanted to ask, Tatsumi a question.

Luna:"Can i ask a question?"

Tatsumi:"Sure, ask away."


-Can you be my new papa?"

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-Can you be my new papa?"


Luna:"I never had an real papa, so i thought maybe you could be my papa."

It didn't even take him a full second to make his mind up, i was surprised how quickly he had decided.

Tatsumi:"Of course, i'll gladly take up that mantle and raise you right."

Luna:"Thank you, papa. Can we go back home? I'm getting a little sleepy."

Tatsumi:"Sure, i'll carry you."

He picked me up and started back home, i fell asleep on the way back but i didn't have a bad dream again for the rest of the night.

Tatsumi:(She's so peaceful when she's alsleep, i'll be more than glad to call myself her father and i'll do everything in my power to make sure that she's raised correctly. I'll make sure her and her friend's are protected and never harmed.)

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I'll see y'all later, peace]

|What if, Tatsumi had Wolverine's power's? Like the adamantium claw's and the healing factor. I think he'd kick the absolute ass off of anyone that get's in his way, but what do you think?|

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