Ch 117 [To Be Mine]

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[Art is not mine]

Kurome's P.O.V

Oh sweet lord has this gotten hard, i was sent to spy on the Yeager's by the boss and i've been here for over half a year only ever seeing my sister once every couple week's. I told myself i'd never get close to any of them but i guess plan's change, i ended up developing a crush on, Wave and i've wanted to have him all to myself for the longest time but of course there's rival's who also want him. Seryu, Mez, Suzuka, but i only see them as possible enemies at this point.

After, Budo was killed and, Esdeath was captured there was talk around the Yeager's about quitting and leaving the capital. Wave was considering going back to the navy, Bols was considering living on a farm with his wife and daughter, Seryu was thinking about opening a shop or teaching martal art's to people, Dr Stylish was dead, and i was ready to go back to the Night Raid base to see my sister again. But i had a sence of guilt, because i was spying on them and feeding their enemy info, and i didn't want to say goodbye to, Wave yet. I had to tell him who i was and how i felt about him.

Kurome:"H-Hey, Wave."

He didn't hear me because i was being to quiet, so i decided to try another method. I snuck up behind him and grabbed him.

 I snuck up behind him and grabbed him

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Wave:"K-Kurome, wh-what the hell!?"

Kurome:"I-I need to talk to you."

Wave:"Okay, what is it."

Kurome:"Okay, b-but you have to promess that you won't be upset with me."

Wave:"There's no point in being upset with you, the Yeager's are disbanded anyway so we won't really be working together anymore."

Kurome:"Well....i'm the mole. I've been feeding the Revolutionary army for a half a year now, and i've been working for Night Raid the entire time."

Wave looked rather shocked, but he wasn't mad or even upset. It surprised me when he didn't get upset by me telling him the truth.

 It surprised me when he didn't get upset by me telling him the truth

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Kurome:"D-Do you think less of me now that you know the truth?"

Wave:"No, i don't think any less of you. I couldn't think any less of you even if i wanted to, you only fought for what you felt was right. I could never be upset with you for fighting for what you think is right."

I was still stunned, how was he completely fine with me being a traitor. But now, i have only one thing left to tell him.

Kurome:"I also have something else to tell you."

Wave:"What is it?"

Kurome:"W-Well, e-ever sence we met, i-i.":(You know what? Screw it!)


I guess i couldn't stop myself from doing that, but i was hoping that he wasn't upset by it

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I guess i couldn't stop myself from doing that, but i was hoping that he wasn't upset by it. Luckly, he wasn't and he started kissing me back, it was a moment of euphoria and i didn't want it to end.

Kurome:"I-I'm in love with you, dummy."

Wave:"Heh, love you too, sugar. How 'bout that nickname?"

Kurome:"*Giggle* Heh heh heh *Sob* *Sob*."


Kurome:"P-Please, don't ever let me go

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Kurome:"P-Please, don't ever let me go. I-I don't want to be alone. So please, come with me, i want you to join me against the empire, or even run away from all of it with me."

He held me close and i wasn't gonna let go of him either.

Wave:"If you want me to join you, then i will i'll follow you to oblivion and back."

Kurome:"Just promess me that you won't die, i don't want to lose you."

Wave:"I swear to you, i'll survive. You won't have to say goodbye to anyone so long as i have something to say about it."

Kurome:"Hm, good."

Wave:"Now, i'll finish packing and we can get on our way."



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-No. We'll stay here for now."

Wave:"*Sigh* I expect no less out of you."

We kinda sat there for about twenty or thirty minute's then finished packing and left for the Night Raid base. Now, as a couple.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I'll see y'all later, peace]

|Do you think, Tatsumi, and Wave could beat, Esdeath if they fused? They have both thier Teigu's fused together as well. I think they could pull it off. But what do you think?|

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