Ch 26 [Another Lover]

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[Art is not mine]

Tsukushi's P.O.V

I was planning on some way to get, Tatsumi-Kun's affection and i was coming up short with each one so, i came up with a plan to scare the other girl's as badly as i could and make them run away so i could have, Tatsumi-Kun to myself. I grabbed a fake knife with the intention of only scaring them, even thought i wanted him to myself i couldn't hurt my friend's even if i tried.

Tsukushi:(Okay, okay. Act scary, be very very scary. You can do this.)

I walked outside where the rest of the girl's were, except, Gin-Chan. Where even is she? Seem's like whenever, Natala-Kun is gone she seem's to disappear as well. Huh? Anyway, i snuck up behind them and jumped out of the bushes to try and scare them, but that didn't really work.

Poney:"Aww, that's just adorable."


Cornelia:"You're just too cute for your own good, you're just our cute little, Tsuku-Chan."

Tsukushi:"Hey, i'm not cute! I'm scary! Fear me!"

Akame:"How could we be afraid of someone who's just so cute?"

Tsukushi:"I'm not cute, i'm scary!-

Tsukushi:"I'm not cute, i'm scary!-

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I guess me pouting didn't prove my point but more or less proved there point, i couldn't be scary even if i tried. They started hugging me tight, kinda like i was a plushy. At first i thought they were gonna squeeze me to death but that thankfully wasn't the case and they were just teasing me.

Poney:"We've also seen enough knives to know if one if fake or not, so that one doesn't hold up. Why were you trying to scare us?"

Cornelia:"Let me take a guess, you wanted, Tatsumi's affection didn't you?"

Akame:"If that's the case we can talk him into it, he's probably use to it by now. Hopefully."

Poney:"Being honest, it's probably getting old by now, i mean come on. This will make us four girl's and just him as the guy in the group, oh i could only imagien if all of us got pregnant at the same time. That would be hell."

Cornelia:"That's why we have birth control, you shrimp."

Poney:"Don't start in with the "Shrimp" thing, cheif will have your rear end for taking that."

Akame:"Well, he's not here righr now, so."

Poney:"I'm tired of being called a shrimp!"


-If you and, Tatsumi-Kun don't mind i'll accept it

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-If you and, Tatsumi-Kun don't mind i'll accept it. But please don't tease me anymore, i'm not cute."

Poney:"Oh but yes you are cute, just accept it. You're the cutest one here."

I don't think the teasing will ever stop, but i guess i'll put up with it every now and then. We all went to talk with, Tatsumi-Kun about bringing me into this relationship. I was so nervous i was hiding behind Corey most of the time, but i peaked out when he said it was fine. I may have been nervous at the start but i was pretty excided when he said it was okay.

Tatsumi:"If i may ask, what is it about me that's so intresting that so many of you have grown fond of me?"

Poney:"I'm not sure, you're just someone i can talk to that doesn't call me a shrimp? I don't know, it's probably something deeper than that but that's the first thing that come's to mind for me."

All of us got a chuckle at Poney-Chan's responce and went on with the day now as five girl's in love with the same boy.

My oh my this was going to be a wonderful life to live.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I'll see y'all later, peace]

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