Ch 39 [Preparation's]

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[Art is not mine]

Tatsumi's P.O.V

After waking up and having breakfast i told the other member's of the Elite Seven that i would be headed out to find Green, they still had no idea that he was dead, by my hand's none the less and that was surprising to me because normally Akame's on top of this kind of stuff. But back on topic i went to the Oarburgh clan's base where i would be planning with them on how to get the Elite Seven on my side and get them to turn there back's on the empire.

Tatsumi:(I'll have to make sure they know why i'm doing this, i'll have to be honest with them why i did what i did.)

After i arrived at the Oarburgh's base of command i was greeted at the entrence by Chelsea and Gilberda, who surprisingly didn't want to kill me.

Gilberda:"What bring's you here?"

Tatsumi:"Get everyone in for a meeting, i don't care what's going on or what anyone's doing, this is important."

Chelsea:"What is it?"

Tatsumi:"I'll tell you when everyone is around to hear it, just keep an open mind."


The three of us went into the base and got everyone into the main room where i would be informing them all what my new plan is, it's gonna be crazy too.

Merraid:"Oh my,-

-It must be urgent if you're here so early

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-It must be urgent if you're here so early."

Tatsumi:"It kinda is, i have a plan that may just finally open the Elite Seven's eye's to the corruption in this damn empire."

Babara:"And what would that be?"

Tatsumi:"Keep an open mind with what i'm about to say. We're gonna kiddnap each and everyone of them and show them how corrupted this empire is ourselves."

Gilberda:"Oh, umm. I didn't expect to ever hear that come out of your mouth, but-

-If that's what'll bring true justice to this empire then you have my strength right behind you

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-If that's what'll bring true justice to this empire then you have my strength right behind you."

Merraid:"And my Danger Beast."

Taeko:"And my sword

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Taeko:"And my sword."

Cassandra:"And my skill

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Cassandra:"And my skill."

Babara:"And my dagger's."

Daniel:"And my speed."

Hearing that all of them were on my side filled me to the brim with the determination to win, i took a deep breath as i told them what i plan was and how it was going to play out.

Tatsumi:"Gozuki and the Four Rakshasa Demon's will be back today so we'll need a distraction, Merraid you and Babara will be in charge of keeping Gozuki distracted, Cassandra you and Gilberda will assist Chelsea and Taeko in battling against the Rakshasa Demon's, me and Daniel will focus on the kidnapping part. Once the objective is complete we all retreat and ensure there are no casualties."

All:"Roger that!"

All of us prepared for this next major mission, it has to go off flawlessly or we might lose our oppertunity to turn the tide's in the revolution's favor. And more importantly, lose my chance to avenge my parents death's.

 And more importantly, lose my chance to avenge my parents death's

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Tatsumi:(Don't worry mother and father, your vengeance is nigh.)

I put on a black stealth suit and prepared for our surprise attack on the Elite Seven, hopefully this goes off properly.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I'll see y'all later, peace]

|How do you think a Yandere would feel about being kidnapped by the person they love?|

I'm no Hero [Yandere!Harem x O.P!Ronin!Tatsumi]Where stories live. Discover now