Ch 22 [Lustful Assassin]

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[No art this chapter for obvious reason's] !Lemon/Smut Warning!

Tatsumi's P.O.V

I was sleeping peacefully until around midnight i felt what i could only describe as a tongue rubbing across my neck, at first i thought it was someone messing with me so i jumped up and balled up my fist, i didn't swing however when i saw who it was. It was my lover, Akame she was the one licking my neck.

She was only wearing her underwear and that kinda surprised me, doesn't she have pajamas that she wear's to bed? She covered her face out of embarressment before she started to speak.

Akame:"S-Sorry, Tatsumi. I couldn't control myself."

Tatsumi:"Is something wrong? Do you need something?"

Akame:"I guess you could say that i need you to take something."

She started climbing onto me and pushed her chest into my face, that's when i kinda got the hint as to what she wanted. I wasn't sure how to react to this situation, the only thing i can really think of is to play along.

Tatsumi:"Akame, are you sure about this?"

Akame:"You're the only one i'd willingly do this with, you're the only one i would ever want to give my purity to."

I was rather surprised by what she said, but if i'm the one who made her feel this way, i have to take responsibility for it.

Akame's P.O.V

I came into the room with the intention of doing these thing's with him while he was asleep but i was too nervous to do it, but now that he's awake and he's agreed to do this with me, so i guess i shouldn't be as nervous as i am right now but it's a little scary, especally from what i've read about in those book's. I allowed him to strip me of my underwear and lay me down on the bed. I opened my leg's and let him rest his "Tool" against my....special place.

Akame:"P-Please be gentle."

Tatsumi:"Don't wory, i will."

I felt him slowly insert his "Rod" inside me, it hurt a little bit but it wasn't as bloody as those book's made it out to be, after a couple second's the pain subsided and i was ready to continue.

Akame:"Ahhh, T-Tatsumi. Ahhh s-so good hahhh ahhh hahhh ahhh hahhh ahhh hahhh ahhh ahhhh hahhhh ahhhh hahhh hahhh ahhhh!":(N-No, d-don't be so loud, Akame. You'll wake everyone up, and then what are you going to do? We'd be in so much trouble. But it feel's so good, is it supposed to feel like this? I don't know, but i want more of it.):"Hahhh ahhhh hahhhh ahhhh hahhh ahhh m-more more ahhh f-fahhh hahhh yes yes hahhh ahhhh hahhh ahhhh don't stop ahhhhh hahhhh!"

I could feel his "Tool" push against the deepest part's of me, he was driving me crazy, i felt like i was going to lose my mind and it showed. My face was red as could be, my tongue was hanging out of my mouth, and my eye's were rolling back.

Akame:"Ahhh ahhhh hahhh ahhh hahhh ahhhh hahhhh ahhhh hahhhh! T-Tatsumi, harder harder hahhh ahhhhh hahhhh ahhhhh y-yes yes hahhh ahhhhh hahhhhh! More more ahhhh hahhhhh ahhhhhh hahhhh d-deeper deeper hahhhh gahhhh ahhhhh!":(Soo good, i can't hold back anymore, i-i'm g-gonna.):"T-Tatsumi, i-i'm g-gonna c-ahhhh hahhhh!"

I felt myself becoming delirious with pleasure, i couldn't even form complete sentence's anymore. We both were about to burst and we ended up doing just that when we heard the door swing open.

Akame+Tatsumi:"HAHHH AHHH!"

Akame:"C-Corey!? Why are you here you pervert!? And why are you naked!?"

Cornelia:"I think you know exactly why i'm here, Akame. It's my turn with him."

Tatsumi+Akame:(This was a huge mistake.)

[Hope everyone enjoyed the lemon/smut. I'll see y'all later, peace]

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