Ch 103 [Kill the Faker]

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[Art is not mine]

Lubbock's P.O.V

Me, and Akame had been sent along side, Bulat, Gilberda, Mudi, and Susanoo to kill the bastard named, Bolic. He's had a newly placed bounty over his head and that mean's he had to be offed. We just have to wait for the noise distraction to make our move.

Lubbock:"Any second, and then we can run in and take this asshole out for good, i'll enjoy this."

Akame:"Remember, he has a guard who uses a Teigu so we'll have to deal with that one as well."

Lubbock:"Oh well, we'll just have to put them in the ground too."

I threw my hood up to keep as much of my face covered as possible, and when the fabric landed on the top of my head the both of us heard a buncha noise giving us the green light to run in.

Lubbock:"Let's show this bastard what for."

Akame:"Be carful, there could be trap's in here."

Lubbock:"I've had worse than whatever this dipshit can come up with, so i'm not worried one bit."

It was actually surprising to find out this secret passage didn't have a single trap in it what so ever, but i guess he idiot didn't think of that. We had managed to get into his main room which only had himself, his guard and a few women in it.

 We had managed to get into his main room which only had himself, his guard and a few women in it

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Bolic:"Oh my, some intruder's have entered my palace. Holimaca, i need you to deal with them while i leave this place."

Holimaca:"With pleasure, Bolic."

Akame:"We won't let you escape easily."

Lubbock:"I'll hang you up like a painting!"

I jumped after him while, Akame dealt with, Holimaca. This, Bolic guy has to be desposed of before he get's his hand's on another woman, and i'll make sure he's long dead. Holimaca, and Akame had caught up to me, and Bolic quickly and he was trying his damnedist to win against her but he really didn't have a chance in hell to taste victory against, Akame out of all people

Holimaca:"I won't let you win this, girly!"

Akame:"You're gonna regret calling me that, Smoky

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Akame:"You're gonna regret calling me that, Smoky."

Lubbock:(Akame, joking? This'll go down in history!):"You can't escape asshole!"

Bolic:"We'll just see about that, boy!"

I started swinging from my thread's to gain speed and eventually get infront of him.

Akame:"Now die, Smoky."


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Bolic:"Oh well, i'll just get a new guard later."

Lubbock:"Maybe, in hell!-

Lubbock:"Maybe, in hell!-

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Bolic:"Y-You can't do this to me! I-I'm rightful royalty!"

Lubbock:"I'll believe that when a single woman who you haven't drugged say's something good about you, which their are none."

Bolic:"*Choaked Breath* S-Spare me, p-please!"

Lubbock:"Go to hell, and take that bodyguard with you."

Akame:"Mission complete, returning to base."

Lubbock:"With an extra Teigu might i add. I'd say this mission went off without a hitch. And by the way, i heard you joking around with him by calling him, Smoky."

Akame:"He deserved it if he smoked cigar's."

Lubbock:"Good point, anyway, let's get back to base and tell of our success."

I felt great after taking him off the map, and i'll be living off the high for the rest of the night.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I'll see y'all later, peace]

|What if, Tatsumi had the Venom symbiote? Just wanted to ask that.|

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