Ch 3 [The Seven]

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[Art is not mine]

Tatsumi's P.O.V

After joining Gozuki and his group i was taken to there base where i would be meeting the "Elite Seven" how ever elite they may be. After a little over twenty minute's we made it to the base and once we all entered Akame, and Tsukushi got in line and introduced themselve's.

 After a little over twenty minute's we made it to the base and once we all entered Akame, and Tsukushi got in line and introduced themselve's

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All:"We are the Elite Seven."

????:"Okay, let's start with introduction's. Name's Poney!"

So they could all hear me clearly i removed my mask but kept the eye cover on, just in case someone knew me and had a grudge.

Tatsumi:"You may call me Red."

????:"Well "Red" the name's Guy."

????:"I am Najasho, it is a pleasure to meet you."


????:"My name's Cornelia, but you can call me Cora or Corey if you'd like."

????:"And my name is Green, if you have any question's you can come to me."

Tatsumi:"That is kind of you."

Gozuki:"Alright. Najasho, you'll be in charge of training Red for now."

Najasho:"Yes sir."

I followed Najasho to the training yard where i would have to test my might against him.


-Are you prepared for battle?"

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-Are you prepared for battle?"

Tatsumi:"Don't hold back. However i will."

I unsheathed Murasama and prepared to combat Najasho. The battle was short lived, as i had more experience than he did, one strike from the sheath to his stomach was enough to defeat him but he did put up a bigger fight than most.

Najasho:"Damnit. You're much more skilled than the average beginner."

Tatsumi:"Because i am no beginner. I am experienced in battle because i was a Samurai until not more than a day ago."

Najasho:"Intresting. Seem's i still have much to learn, may we duel again soon."


After training with Najasho i was taken back into the base by Cornelia to find some new clothes that i would be "More Comfortable" in compared to my armor.

Tatsumi:"I can assure you that i am at my most comfortable right now."

Cornelia:"C'mon, it couldn't hurt to try on something softer than that armor."

Tatsumi:"Alright. I'll try them, but don't expect me to keep them on."

I went into a room to change into something different but i eventually settled on some plain clothes that i ended up actually keeping on. After that i simply walked around the base looking for something to do.

After a couple minute's of doing nothing aside from walking in circle's around the base i saw Green and decided to speak with him.

Tatsumi:"Green, wasn't it?"

Green:"Yeah. What's on your mind Red?"

Tatsumi:"Just came by to ask how this group was founded. I have to admit, it has peaked my intrest on how this group was formed."

Green:"Well. It started when me alongside many other children were sold to the empire and were put through an intensive training regiment. We were put into a forest filled with high level Danger Beast where we had to survive and escape. Me, Guy, Najasho, Corey, Tsukushi, Poney, and Akame were the only survivor's to my knowlage but there may have been more that ended up in different team's."


Green:"How about you, what's your story?"

Tatsumi:"When i was a young boy my village was burned down and i was taken into a Samurai clan where i was trained to battle the most fearsome opponant's, including my previous master."

Green:"So you've been trained in the ancient art's of the Samurai?"

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Green:"So you've been trained in the ancient art's of the Samurai?"


Green:"I-If it wouldn't be to much of a burden, i would like to request that y-you teach me how to fight like a Samurai does."

Tatsumi:"Trying to impress a girl?"

Green:"Eh, How did you know that?"

Tatsumi:"Hah, the number of people that've come to me for training so that they could impress a girl is astonishing. I've gotten that request a number of time's, more than i can count."

Green:"So that's a no?"

Tatsumi:"It will have to wait, as of right now i'm the new blood and i have to be taught your way's before i can teach mine. But i will see what i can do once my training is complete."

Green:"Thank you. I promess i won't let you down."

Me and Green took our seperate path's and i continued to learn more about each and everyone so i could know if i could trust them. Poney undoubtedly is the most dence of them. Guy's a huge pervert. Tsukushi's very quiet. Akame's quite a food connoisseur. Cornelia is like an elder sister. So on and so forth, i may actually be able to trust them but that'll require further monitering to make sure i don't put myself in danger by trusting these people.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I'll see y'all later peace]

|Another one|

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