Ch 68 [Nightmare's]

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[Art is not mine]

Sheele's P.O.V


I thought i had gone to bed but i guess i was mistaken, i was standing in the hallway of the base late at night snd i was....covered in blood, with, Tsukushi, Leone, Cornelia, Chelsea, and Mashiro's corpse's at me feet.

Sheele:(Wh-What the hell!? D-Did i do this?):"This was all for you, my darling.":(I didn't say that, it's like my body's doing this on it's own.):"*Yandere Giggle*,-

-I don't let filthy whore's touch my darling.":(They're not whore's! Shut up!)

I was internally fighting my own body trying to get back control so i wouldn't hurt anymore of my friend's, i-i couldn't do this to my friend's even if i tried, they never wronged me they don't deserve to die no matter how you spin it.

Sheele:"Oh, Lubbock. How intresting for you to show up like this at such a wonderful time.":(Lubba, run!)

Lubba was paralized with fear as i approached him, i tried to fight back against my own body as hard as i could but to no avail.

Lubbock:"D-Don't come any closer, m-monster."

In front of my own eye's, Lubba was cut in half if i could have vomited i would've. But my bodies rampage wasn't done yet, i saw, Mine walked around seemingly not seeing the corpse's of our allies scattered around the hall's.

Mine:"Just gonna get a little midnight snack then go right back to bed, maybe i can take, Sheele out shopping to get some cute clothes in the morning."

I was horrifide thinking about what was gonna happen to her, i wanted so badly to scream for her to run away but i couldn't speak a single word. I was walking behind her like a deranged serial killer who found there next victim, Mine had then tripped on a disembodied arm then looked behind herself to face me.


-Wh-What happened to you?"

Sheele:"Whore's like you happened to me, you took my darling from me i know you did.":(Shut up! She's not a whore! Please make it stop!):"You have to pay for taking him from me."

Mine:"Sh-Sheele, please no!"

Sheele:"In hell, no one can hear your beg's for mercy."

Mine:"No please no!"

Before i could finish, Mine i jumped up and finally woke up.

Nightmare Over

I almost jumped out of my skin from that nightmare, i could never hurt them but it was to real to pass off as just a nightmare so i got out of the bed and ran to the hall's and let out a sigh of relief, no one was dead and i didn't have Extase anywhere near me. And my nightgown wasn't stained in blood.

Sheele:"Thank god. What's wrong with me?"

I decided to go to, Mine's room where she was likely sleeping. I just hope i'm not being a burden to her or my friend's, when i arrived at her room i went in and shook her a little to try and wake her up.

Mine:"Sheele, what's wrong? Have another nightmare?"

Sheele:"Yes, it was even worse than the last one."

Mine moved a little on her bed, lifted the blanket and patted the bed telling me to get in. I got on the bed and she snuggled up to me.

Mine:"Don't worry, Sheele, i'll protect you from those mean old nightmare's, i promess."

I wrapped my arm's around, Mine and she gave me a kiss on the forehead then we both went back to sleep.

Mine's P.O.V

Being honest, i don't exactly mind it when, Sheele sleep's with me. It's like having a younger sibling at time's and i also just like cuddling with her, after all she's lived through she deserve's it.

Mine:(Don't you worry one bit, Sheele. I'll protect you till the day i die, after all, that's what a real friend would do.)

I nuzzled my face into her chest and fell asleep while also making sure she didn't leave my grasp.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I'll see y'all later, peace]

|How would all of you feel if Akame ga Kill! Went with the Mine x Tatsumi x Sheele route?|

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