Ch 5 [What is Red?]

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[Art is not mine]

Akame's P.O.V

It was starting to get a little later in the evening and Tsukushi wanted us girl's to all sleep in one room and just play around for the night, i wasn't sure why but i decided to go with them.

Akame:"So....what are we going to be doing?"

Cornelia:"Just whatever. Daddy won't be back for a couple day's so we can do anything we really want."


-That Red guy is really mysterious

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-That Red guy is really mysterious. He's really quiet and didn't talk to us much."

Akame:"Well i did get the chance to talk with him earlier."

Poney:"Oh really?-

Poney:"Oh really?-

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-What'cha learn?"

Akame:"Not much. More or less he wanted to learn."

Cornelia:"Oh? What did he want to know?"

Akame:"He wanted to know about our Shingu's and what they can do. So i told him about the one's we have in our possession."

Poney went dead silent for a second then started yelling.

Poney:"Did you really tell someone we just met about our weapon's!? What if he's a spy for the revolution!? If so we're in deep trouble!"

Cornelia:"She might be right about that. What if he is a spy?"

Tsukushi:"Well. It would be bad if he was, but i don't think he is. After all we did meet him when he helped me and Akame-Chan on our mission."

Akame:"And he looked really confused when i mentioned the revolutionary army even existing."

Poney:"What if it's just an act? He must be a spy, and he's just feeding info to our enemies!"

Poney:"What if it's just an act? He must be a spy, and he's just feeding info to our enemies!"

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Tsukushi:"You're always over thinking stuff like that, Poney-Chan. From what he told papa, he's from a clan of Samurai that was lead by someone named, Shujinko, i think."

Cornelia:"Yeah! That, Shujinko. Being honest i don't blame him for leaving, that guy's ruthless and quite mean. But that mean's he likely never left the temple as he never finished his training before becoming a Ronin."

Akame:"And, Shujinko died as well. So even if he wanted to finish his training he couldn't."

Poney:"Well. W-W, ga. Damnit now i have no more point's on this case. But you can't entirely blame me, can you?"


Tsukushi:"We know how you think, and we know you get worried very quickly."

Cornelia:"But why do you think he wanted to know about them? Maybe he want's one?"

Akame:"I doubt it because he kinda insulted there creation. He said "Why even consider making them if most of them are more dangerous to there user then there opponant?" So i don't think he want's one."

Tsukushi:"Maybe he was just curious?"

Akame:"Possibly, he did mention how Kiriichimonji was designed diffirently that what he was used to. When it come's to katana's."

Poney:"And why do you think he's so quiet and closed off?"

Cornelia:"Well i was watching his body language and it seem's he's doing on purpose so he doesn't get to close to anyone."

Tsukushi:"Why would he do that? Everyone need's friend's."

Cornelia:"Well. Maybe he lost someone close to him, i've seen a couple people do something like that after they lost someone they cared for like a friend or a sibling or even a parent. Sometime's when they lose someone important to them they close themselves off so they don't get hurt again."

Poney:"Huh. Maybe we could cheer him up?"

Akame:"We could try. But let's not push him into it, that might make him a little uncomfortable."


Cornelia:"Let's also get the boy's in on it. Maybe being around them can help a bit too."

We all agreed on the plan and we'd try and make "Red" feel a little more at home tomorrow. And maybe we'll build up enough trust for him to tell us his real name. Maybe he can also teach me a couple trick's too.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I'll see y'all later peace]

|And that's another double upload|

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