Ch 36 ["Friendly" Sparing]

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[Art is not mine]

Tatsumi's P.O.V

After me and Mera got back to the base we both took a shower and then did our best to act like nothing happened between us earlier, it was a little tough but we made it by without being suspected.

Tatsumi:(That was quite the experience, let's just hope i can get back to the Elite Seven's base without being caught or suspected of any trickery. I got it, i'll get some gift's for everyone and use that as an excuse to why i wasn't there last night.)

Gilberda:"Oi, Tatsumi! Let's spar, you promessed we would!"

Tatsumi:"I never promessed anything like that, but okay if it get's me out of here faster."

Gilberda:"All right,-

Gilberda:"All right,-

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-Let's throw down.":(Maybe, if i can kill him i'll get Mera-Sama's attention back.)

I knew she was likely gonna try and kill me just because she gave me a hard time earlier, so i was fully ready to get some blood on my knuckle's. I know she has superhuman strength and that can kill me in a single punch but i already have a counter ready for that.

Gilberda:"Now then without further delay,-

Gilberda:"Now then without further delay,-

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-It's time to rumble!"

Tatsumi:"Don't hold back, however i will."

I waited for her to make the first move and of course she did, unknown to her i dodged out to the way leaving behind a false target filled with a red paste. She thought she had actually landed a hit on me and killed me which gave the chance to land a good hit on her.

 She thought she had actually landed a hit on me and killed me which gave the chance to land a good hit on her

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Gilberda:"Ahhh, that felt so good."

Tatsumi:"Than this should feel even better!"


I landed what my previous clan called a "Skyward Kick" which start's by jumping in the air then charging downward's at the enemy, the kick pushed her back almost against the wall leaving her open for me to strike again so i swept her out from under her feet causing her to collapse and almost hit the ground but i caught her before she did.

Tatsumi:"Surrender yet, m'lady?"

Her cheek's turned bright pink and she attempted to strike me again but i jumped back to avoid it.

Gilberda:"I'm not surrendering to some man, especally with Mera-Sama's affection on the line."

Tatsumi:"Then stop holding back-

Tatsumi:"Then stop holding back-

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-Give it everything you've got."

Gilberda:"Alright then, no more playing around. I'll show you how tough i really am."

Tatsumi:"Might is useless without inteligence, write that down in your diary."

I grabbed Yamato's scabbard off of my belt and prepared for her next attack, i watched her closely and parried every one of her attack's until she eventually got it into her head that she wasn't skilled enough to defeat me.

Gilberda:"How? How are you so much stronger than me? I have super strength and yet i still lost to you, why!?"

Tatsumi:"I'm not stronger, i simply outsmarted you this time. Your mind is a much stronger weapon than your fist.-

-Take that into mind and use that next battle you get into

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-Take that into mind and use that next battle you get into."

I walked away from the base leaving Gilberda alone to think on it, while i went to a jewalry store to get some amulet's for the Elite Seven just so i have an excuse to why i wasn't there last night.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I'll see y'all later, peace]

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