Ch 10 [What did he Say?]

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[Art is not mine]

Tatsumi's P.O.V

It was around early morning when Green called us guy's into the room where we have our meeting's, he didn't say anything about it until we got into the room. He didn't want any of the girl's anywhere near so it was probably to do with one of them or something along those line's.

Green:"There's something i need to tell you guy's. It's important to me and i hope you'll hear me ou-"

Guy:"Oh would you look at the time i should be going."

Me and Najasho grabbed Guy by his shirt and pulled him back into the room and tied him to a chair, all of us had the idea that he was probably planning on peaking on the girl's while they bathed.

Guy:"What's the big idea?"

Najasho:"We all know what you were planning, Shrimp."


Tatsumi:"Silence, let Green speak."

Green:"Thank you Tatsumi. W-Well-


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-...Akame. It's her. I began having feeling's for her recently."

Guy:"Woah, you're not kidding. Not with a face like that."

Najasho:"That's a surprise."


Green:"But the way i fell for her is quite pathetic if that's the word i'm looking for."

Tatsumi:(Pathetic? How could love be pathetic?):"What do you mean?"

Najasho:"Is something wrong with love in your mind?"

Green:"Well......her armpit's is what i first fell for."

All three of us were lost for word's, what the hell could we even say to that? I'm not one to judge someone on what there fetish is but that's just shocking to be honest with you

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All three of us were lost for word's, what the hell could we even say to that? I'm not one to judge someone on what there fetish is but that's just shocking to be honest with you. I've heard of people who like chest's and leg's. But armpit's? That's a new one for me. I ended up facepalmming at the info just given to me.

Tatsumi:"*Sigh* That should have been something you kept to yourself buddy

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Tatsumi:"*Sigh* That should have been something you kept to yourself buddy. Just being honest."

Najasho:"That is truely pathetic."

Green:"It get's worse. I only discovered my fetish when she was relaxing after a mission, i found myself unable to take my eye's off of her armpit's, then i realised i fell for the rest of her too."

Guy:"Okay. Dude i would suggest you go to church next chance you get, cause that's just weird."

Najasho:"Green. If i was you i'd pray that the girl's weren't listening, 'cause if they did hear that they might end up avoiding you because of that."

Oh boy were we wrong. The girl's were right outside the room listening to us talk.

Akame's P.O.V

We were just trying to sneak up on the cheif to see if we could scare him or not but we ended up hearing Green's seeming love confession.

Poney:"Way to go, Akame."


Cornelia:"Oh my goodness! what a twist! How will Akame react?!"

Tsukushi:"Why are you more excided about this more that Akame-Chan is, Corey?"

While we were listening we then heard Green mention that he liked my armpit's....oh dear lord save me.

Cornelia:"I thought it would be a normal fetish....but armpit's? Oh lord."

Tsukushi:"Well, Akame-Chan how do you feel about this?"

Akame:"Well...i'm honored that Green feel's that way about me, but i see Green as more of a close comrrad and i want us to remain friend's. Beside's i have feeling's for someone else."

Poney:"Holy moly! Who is it!? Who is it!?"

Akame:"I can't tell you yet. But i will later.":(I have a little more then regular feeling's for's deeper than that...much much deeper.)

I don't know if he'll accept my confession when i make it. But regardless i'll make him accept my love, *Yandere Giggle*. Wh-Wait, what was that about?

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I'll see y'all later peace]

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