Ch 57 [Path of Night Raid]

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[Art is not mine]

Tatsumi's P.O.V

After a little more than twenty minute's me and the group i've been running with made it to the base of Night Raid, i knew she said that her base could hold a bunch of people but this base was like two mansion's stacked on top of each other.

After a little more than twenty minute's me and the group i've been running with made it to the base of Night Raid, i knew she said that her base could hold a bunch of people but this base was like two mansion's stacked on top of each other

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Tatsumi:"Sweet lord, that's huge."

Natala:"You're telling me, that could easily fit three quarter's of the empire's army."

Tsukushi:"I can't wait to see the inside."

Poney:"With all of this forest around, i have plenty of room to run!"

We all went inside and were greeted by the member's of Night Raid, oh lord this is gonna be one hell of a team.

Najenda:"Hey, Leone."

Leone:"Yeah, boss? Ah, new teammate's!"

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Leone:"Yeah, boss? Ah, new teammate's!"

Najenda:"I would like for you to show them around the base and introduce them to there new teammate's."

Leone:"It would be my pleasure."

Before i could speak she suddenly grabbed me and pulled my face into her chest.

Leone:"I'll show ya around, you'll like it here so much you'll never wanna leave

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Leone:"I'll show ya around, you'll like it here so much you'll never wanna leave."

I could only imagien what was going on in my lover's head's while i was put in this situation all over again, my god is it annoying for me. After that she grabbed my hand and started yanking me around the base introdusing me to absolutly everyone there.

I'm no Hero [Yandere!Harem x O.P!Ronin!Tatsumi]Where stories live. Discover now