Ch 70 [Lustful Twin's]

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[No art this chapter for obvious reason's] !Lemon/Smut Warning!

Tatsumi's P.O.V

I had woken up inbetween, Cass, and Gil who were both completely nude. I didn't let myself be distracted by that though, i got dressed and went to the one spot, Gil had found in the forest to meditate. It's been a while since i've been able to meditate in peace but today wasn't gonna be the day i got some peace, i senced two people pouncing at me so i moved and avoided there attempt but i say a little more of my would be attacker's than i wanted to.

Tatsumi:"Meele!? Loris!? Wh-Why are you two naked!?"

Meela:"*Lustful Giggle* I think you know why."

Tatsumi:(Why!?):"I'm not getting out of this, am i?"

Loris:"Nope, just sit back, and let us help you out with this little dilema."

I figured as much, i wasn't getting out of this easliy. Might as well roll with it.

Meela's P.O.V

When he decided that he would be willing to do this with us i was even more excided than before, i was a little nervous because it was my first time with a man but there's no point in running now.

Meela:"Okay, just insert in right he-Ahhhh! Hahhhhh ahhhhh t-too big, ahhhhhh ohhhhh ohhhh hahhhh ohhhh ahhhhhh hahhhhh ahhhhhh ahhhhhh!"

I guess, Mera wasn't just talking him up after all. He really is huge and it showed from the bulge in my torso.

Meela:"Hahhh ahhhhh, y-yes yes ahhhhh, h-harder harder ahhhhhh hahhhhh ohhhhhh ahhhhhh hahhhhhh!"

Loris must be jealous, she's giving me the look of jealousy that she has given me before, i kinda reveled in it but i knew once i had my "Fill" she'd be getting her's.

Meela:"Ohhhhh hahhhhh ahhhhhh hahhhhh ahhhhh ohhhhh, Fuck fuck d-don't stop ahhhhhh hahhhhh ohhhhh gahhhhh ahhhhh hahhhhh! A-Are you g-gonna cum yet!? J-Just do it already! Ahhhhh hahhhh ohhhhh hahhhhh ohhhhhh ahhhhhh!"

Meela+Tatsumi:"HAHHH AHHHH!"

I ended up collapsing from my orgasm, now it's Loris' turn, hope she enjoy's it as much as i did.

Loris' P.O.V

After, Meela collapsed i possisioned myself over, Tatsumi's member and pushed it inside me, and it was something i never thought i would feel.

Loris:"Hahhhh! F-Fuck, s-soo big, c-can't think straight. Ahhhhhh hahhhhh ahhhhhh ohhhhh ahhhhh ohhhhh hahhhh!":(So she wasn't just trying to make hin feel better about himself, it really is euphoric!):"Ahhhhh hahhhhh, y-yes yes fuck yes hahhhh ohhhhh ahhhhh ohhhhh hahhhhh ahhhh ohhhhh!"

The feeling of having his "Rod" inside me was something i wouldn't have felt with another woman, this was an expirence that i was glad to feel.

Loris:"Hahhhh ohhhhh ahhhhh ohhhhh ahhhhh hahhhh ohhhhh hahhhh, yes yes yes ahhhhhh hahhhh ohhhhhh!"

He eventually grabbed my butt and then pressed his lip's against mine leaving me powerless to fight back, i wouldn't have it any other way.

Loris:"Ahhhhh ahhhhhh hahhhhh ohhhhhh hahhhhh ahhhhhh, d-don't stop hahhhhh ahhhhh ohhhhh ohhhhhh ahhhhhh hahhhhhhh, f-fuck fuck hahhhhh ahhhhh ohhhhh ohhhhhh ahhhhhh hahhhh! C-Cum inside me! Ahhhhh hahhhhh!"

Loris+Tatsumi:"HAHHH AHHHH!"

While i was shaking from having my orgasm, i could feel his warm seed filling my womb to the brim leaving me barely able to move. I never thought i'd feel this kind of euphoria but i guess anything's possible. While me and, Meela laid next to each other, Tatsumi set up some insence's and began to meditate like he originally planned to.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the Lemon/Smut. I'll see y'all later, peace]

|I was thinking about making a Danganronpa themed story called "Danganronpa Symbiote's of Despair" what do y'all think?|

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