Ch 91 [Knowing Her]

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[Art is not mine]

Tatsumi's P.O.V

Me, and Mine have been sent on a scouting mission to find some enemy camp's and see where they are just in case they're getting to close, durring the mission i tried to strike up a conversation but she mostly ignored me or just told me to shut up. I was just wanting to get to know her a little better but she was just trying to learn more about her.

Tatsumi:"Is there a reason why you don't like me, or is this just natural for you?"

Mine:"Zip it, jackass."

Tatsumi:(Does she know that she doesm't have to be such a bitch all the damn time, or was she just born super bitchy?):"Ya know i have a theory as to why you're such a bitch."

Mine:"Excuse me?"

Tatsumi:"Yeah, you heard me. The only reason you act like that is because you don't wanna get close to anyone because your scared about the fact that inevitabily we all face the ideal death that all assassin's face every day we wake up, and you don't want to feel the greif of losing someone close to you because you don't wanna feel anything at all. How's that, am i in the ball park?"

She remained silent but i knew i hit the nail right on the head with that, her eye's had a hint of sorrow in them and she tried her best to ignore me for the rest of the mission.




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-An ambush. Here they come."

I pulled Wrath out of it's holster and, Mine got Pumpkin ready for battle. As i predicted a large group of enemies jumped out of almost every corner and tried to fight us. Me, and Mine opened fire on them and eliminated them as quickly as possible.

 Me, and Mine opened fire on them and eliminated them as quickly as possible

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Mine:"Finally, this is at least a halfway decent fight."

Tatsumi:"I second that,-

-A halfway decent fight would mean that they were putting some kind of effort forward, but they're not doing anything to secure their victory while we've already won

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-A halfway decent fight would mean that they were putting some kind of effort forward, but they're not doing anything to secure their victory while we've already won."

I was mainly aiming for headshot's to save ammunition, even though i could use my own blood as ammo i didn't want to tap into that just yet.

Mine:"Gotta admit, you've got some good aim."

Tatsumi:"You're not half bad yourself, Mine. But let's save the celibration until they're all eliminated."

After almost all of them were finished the final one began begging for his life, then began laughing.

Mercinary:"*Chuckle* Ol' Stylish gave me one final trick, good luck escaping this."

He pulled a pin that was in his neck to set off some sort of explosive, i picked up, Mine and ran as quickly as possible to escape any harm from the explosion. I managed to get a good ten mile's away before the explosion went off, clearing myself, and Mine from any harm.

Tatsumi:"Oi, Mine-

Tatsumi:"Oi, Mine-

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-Are you okay?"



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-I'm fine.":(Why does he have to be so attractive!?)

Her face was bright red and she had a decent grip on my shirt, kinda like she was trying to prevent me from putting her down.

Tatsumi:"You wanna go back to base, right?"

Mine:"Y-Yes, c-can you carry me? I twisted my anchle when we were fighting."

I knew she was just making up an excuse just so i'd carry her, but i carried back her anyway.

Mine:(Damn you, Tatsumi. Damn you and your good look's. I bet your hair is nice and fluffy too.)

She nuzzled her face into my hair and stood like that for the whole walk.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I'll see y'all later, peace]

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