Ch 90 [New Recrute]

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[Art is not mine]

Tatsumi's P.O.V

I ended up sleeping on the floor of, Luna's room so if she had another nightmare i would be there for her. She didn't wake up at all after comforting her the night before but i thought it would be better to be closer to her if she did have another nightmare.

Luna:"*Groan* Morning Papa."

Tatsumi:"Morning, Luna. You sleep well last night?"


I rubbed the top of her head and gave her a kiss on the forehead before i got up and went to the kitchen for a drink.

Tatsumi:"Oh, morning boss."

Najenda:"Morning, we've got a new recrute today so be ready for that."


Najenda:"Rough night?"

Tatsumi:"I was woken up when i heard, Luna screaming, but i calmed her down. She had a nightmare and i can assume it was pretty bad just from how much she was screaming."

Najenda:"Hm, poor kid. Thankfully we could save them before anyone could hurt them. Just three more reason's to tear this empire down to the ground and rebuild it. No child should have to suffer like other's have."

Tatsumi:(She has a lot of malice toward's them when it come's to kid's being hurt, she definantly had that motherly instinct in her.)

I finished my normal morning routine and even made breakfast for the three young one's, they were still getting use to being in a mansion like hideout but they were starting to adapt to it. After a little while boss had returned with the new member, or Teigu might i say.

Najenda:"This is, Susanoo, he's a Teigu that has been resting for a few dozon year's. He also possesses a trump card for combat, correct?"


Mine:(Talk about a lack of emotion, were the people who created him just too incompitent to give him some range of emotion, or were they just stupid?)

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Mine:(Talk about a lack of emotion, were the people who created him just too incompitent to give him some range of emotion, or were they just stupid?)

Sheele:"It's an honor to meet you, mister Susanoo."


Lubbock:"Ya know, you may be all big and strong and handsome, but you're still just a glorifide man made!"

Tatsumi:"Please stop pestering him, he's one of us now and that's not changing."

Fal:"Woah, you're huge!"

Fal started climbing on, Suu-San and hung off of his arm like it was a tree branch or something like that.


Fal:"*Chuckle* Air, Luna you two have to try this, it's fun!"

Luna:"I'd rather not."

She said while hugging my leg, she must be nervous with, Suu-San around. I mean i don't blame her, this guy's a giant like, Bro.

Mashiro:"So, why did you choose her as your commander, Susanoo?"

Susanoo:"Najenda remind's me of my previous master, skilled, compationate, and a good man."

Najenda:"A man!?"

Tatsumi:(Ouch, low blow.)

Leone:"Pfft *Laughter* Boss is a pretty boy, *Laughter* Oh man that's funny! Eh?"

Boss had hit, Leone in the head for calling her a "Pretty boy", being honest she kinda deserved it. Even, Akame agreed with me.

Najenda:"Tatsumi, Mine. A mission has come in and we need your help to accomplish it."

Tatsumi+Mine:"Roger that boss."

Sayo:"Don't worry about, Luna. Me, Tsukushi, and Cora can take care of her."

Tatsumi:"Okay, just don't let her get hurt."

Cornelia:"Got it, we'll make sure she's happy and healthy."

Tsukushi:"Stay safe you two, come back soon."

Mine:"Sure, just don't go messing around in my room!"


Me, and Mine left the base and started our next mission, it was a scouting mission and it would give us some new ground on where we stood against the empire on camp's. Little did i know that i'd learn a lot more about, Mine on this mission.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I'll see y'all later, peace]

|I'm not sure if i'll upload tonight, but i'll see what i can do.|

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