Ch 88 [Childish Game's]

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[Art is not mine]

Lubbock's P.O.V

It's been almost a full twenty four hour's since, Tatsumi left the base for his mission and everyone was starting to worry, Luna especally. She was starting to pase around and even rocking in a corner to cope with her stress, even though she's only known him for a little while she's definantly gotten attatched to him. Her two friend's, Fal, and Air were trying to get her to calm down with no success so just about everyone was trying to help her out.

Lubbock:(Poor kid, alright i'm chiming in now.):"Hey kid,-

-Is there something you need from good ol' uncle Lub?"

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-Is there something you need from good ol' uncle Lub?"


-I'm just waiting here

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-I'm just waiting here. Waiting for him to come back."

Lubbock:"He must mean a lot to you already."

Luna:"Mhm, he saved me and i want him to be proud of me while i grow up, so he doesn't think i'm a waste of space."

Lubbock:(This has horrible childhood writen all over it. Does she see, Tatsumi as her new dad?):"Is there a reason why you think he wouldn't be proud of you?"

Luna:"I don't know, i'm just scared that he's gonna die and he'll blame me for it."

Lubbock:"I can assure you that he'd never blame you for something like that, beside's, it would have been out of your control. You're just a kid after all."

Mine:"Ugh, who care's if he dies or not?-

Mine:"Ugh, who care's if he dies or not?-

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I'm no Hero [Yandere!Harem x O.P!Ronin!Tatsumi]Where stories live. Discover now