Ch 99 [But they never came]

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[Art is not mine]

Mashiro's P.O.V

Myself, Meela, and Loris have been sent to hunt down and kill, Ibara who is a member of the four Rakshasa Demon's. The only reason both twin's are here is because one can't go one place without the other, it get's annoying and they can act like very whiny spoiled brat's when they're left without the other. I didn't wanna listen to the whining so i didn't second guess, Najenda's order's and let them come with.


-We're going on a mission, we're going on a mission

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-We're going on a mission, we're going on a mission."

Loris:"That's right sis, let's do good!"

Mashiro:"*Sigh* The target was here not more than two and a half minute's ago, he was at the bar a mimute ago so i can smell the alcohol."

Loris:"That's our, Mashiro-San! She get's the job done quick

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Loris:"That's our, Mashiro-San! She get's the job done quick."

Meela:"So, where is he now?"

Mashiro:"That's why we're here, to find him and put his ass in the ground after all. After we get back to base i'm getting a drink. He must've gone in this direction, south-west from here."

Meela:"Then let's go get him!"

We followed the scent of alcohol for a little while and came to a dead end, that was a sure waste of my time.

Mashiro:"Asshole must've set a decoy for us,-

Mashiro:"Asshole must've set a decoy for us,-

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-*Sigh* This is getting very old very fast. Let's just get ahold of that jackass and finish him off before he become's too much trouble for us."

Loris:"Copy that, Mashiro-San."

The three of us kept to the shadow's and looked for him, he's obviously heard that we're after him and went into hiding so he could avoid being killed, that coward.

Mashiro:(Ugh, what would, Kouga do? He'd likely be looking for information on where, Ibara might have gone.):"I'll ask around, you two stick to the shadow's."


I went to the bar and started asking around for, Ibara's location. Telling them i was a friend of his and we had planned on meeting here got some answer's out of them pretty fast. He went around south-east and ditched the bottle in the south-west to avoid us finding him, guess he didn't plan on me asking people where he was.

Mashiro:"You two."


Mashiro:"I have his last known location, follow me."

We followed the trail for over an hour, i was starting to think this plan was a bust and we'd have to return back to base with a failed mission under our belt's. But just when all hope seemed lost we found a note written by, Ibara himself.

To whomever it may concern.

So, i've heard me and my team have come under Night Raid's spotlight. So, i'm going to the little secret entrence to good ol' Bolic's palece to deal with a few assassin's who want the poor old man dead.

Regard's, Ibara.

P.S Better hurry if you want to see your friend's in one peice.

Mashiro:"Akame. Tsukushi. We have to hurry and now!"

I didn't even bother to explain to the twin's what was going on and ran as quickly as i could to where, Akame, and Tsukushi would be so i could prevent, Ibara from ambushing them. I've never ran so fast in my life.

Meela:"What's happening, Mashiro-San!?"

Mashiro:"Our allie's are in danger and we have to stop it.":(If they get hurt, i'll never forgive myself. Even if we're fianceé's or not they're my allie's and i have to look after them. I've already lost someone who was close to me and i'm not about to lose anymore.)

It didn't take long to find them and thank god we got there quickly.

Mashiro:"Hey asshole!"


|To be continued|
[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I'll see y'all later, peace]

|What do you think would happen if, Akame obtained the Carnage symbiote? I think she'd be extreamly blood thirsty but very careless when it's activated. But what do you think?|

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