Ch 49 [Final Planning & Preperation's]

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[Art is not mine]

Tatsumi's P.O.V

I woke up early in the morning sleeping next to Sayo, i knew that today the Oarburgh clan would be meeting up with the Retributionary group to discuse our next move. I was planning on jumping Gozuki and taking him by surprise, he likely wouldn't expect the entire Oarburgh clan and Retributionary group jumping him all at once so that would give us a huge advantage against him, at least i'm hoping it does.

I quickly got out of bed and went to the Retributionary group's base and to my surprise the Oarburgh clan was already there waiting for me.

Akame:"Glad you could make it, they're getting it all set up."

Tatsumi:"Good, and i have a plan how to take on, Gozuki."

Akame:"Okay, that'll be good in this meeting. Let's just hope this, Suzaku guy isn't in a bad mood."

After two or three minute's they were finally finished with there preperation's and let us in for the meeting, everyone was there including, Mashiro. I thought she was gonna leave the group but i guess she didn't end up leaving.


-Shall we begin?"

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-Shall we begin?"

Mudi:"We shall, first order of business. We can clearly see the Oarburgh clan has grown quite a bit."

Merraid:"All are former member's of the Elite Seven, might i add."

Loris:"We knew you could convert them, Lady Mera!"

Meela:"There wasn't a doubt in out mind's."

Kurome:"It was really sis who converted up, not her."

Mashiro:"Heh, nice."

Suzaku:"Okay okay, everyone shut up. Let's just get this underway."

Tatsumi:"Good, i'd like to open with a plan on the assassination of, Gozuki himself."

Natala:"Hm, i think we should listen to it."

Tsukushi:"Yeah, he's never steared us in the wrong direction before."

Gin:"That's something we can all agree on."

Poney:"Then let's hear him out instead of talking over him."

Tatsumi:"All of us will attack him at once, he still has no idea that his entire team has been turned against him and he won't be expecting three full group's coming at him at once so that will give us the edge there. And we'll have to wear some kind of armor to protect ourselves against Murasame so we don't get poisoned like Babara did."

Suzaku:"And how do we all attack him together at once?"

He was clearly being sarcastic and was trying to get me angry but i just ignored his remark.

Tatsumi:"We'll attack from every angle and early in the morning too, he won't expect it and it will hopefully end in a successful assassination. Once the kill is conformed we'll all flee back to the Oarburgh base and prepare for our next mission and we'll likely begin looking for a bigger base as well, just a thought."

I heard a chuckle come from, Kurome about the bigger base, Najasho then chimed in with a pretty good idea.

Najasho:"We can consider teaming up with the group known as Night Raid, they're a smaller group consisting of only six member's and they're always looking for new member's. If we team up with them we can effectivly increase our power especally with them all being Teigu user's."



Cornelia:"They're all Teigu user's!? That's amazing!"

Mudi:"Indeed, we could all benefit off of one and other."

Suzaku:"I hate to admit this, but he's right. We should consider them if this mission goes off successfully, now what time do we attack, kid."

Tatsumi:"The crack of dawn.-

-The old bastard will never see it coming

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-The old bastard will never see it coming."

Suzaku:"You all heard him, tomorrow at the crack of dawn we rush the bastard and put him down for good."

We were all preparing for the upcoming battle and it was gonna be a big one, Gozuki wasn't someone to be taking lightly and it will show in this fight.

Mashiro:"Oi, Tatsumi."


Mashiro:"Meet me in my bedroom tonight, 'kay?"

Tatsumi:"Sure, i guess."

She gave me a slightlt seductive smile and went back to her preperation's. What is she planning?

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I'll see y'all later, peace]

|Damn, "The Only Thing I Know For Real" is such a good song! Being honest i kinda wanna see a Tatsumi V.S Wave match with that song playing in the background|

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