Ch 66 [Obsession]

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[Art is not mine]

Tatsumi's P.O.V

After the four of us returned from the forest, and thankfully, Gil, Meela, and Loris stopped arguing and they were finally getting along, i was given a scouting mission that the Boss wanted me to do along side, Sheele.

Najenda:"This mission is rather important, you two will be scouting out place's close to the base and tracking any enemy camp's. If you see an enemy camp kill everyone in it, leave no enemy witnesses alive. If a captive citizen see's you, use some kind of intimidation to keep them quiet."

Tatsumi+Sheele:"Roger that, Boss."

We wasted no time in leaving the base so we could complete our mission, we ran into a couple Danger Beast on the way but it wasn't anything we couldn't handle. We had been scouting for a couple hour's and found just about nothing aside from a couple Danger Beast but other than that there were no enemies around to speak of, so we decided to take a break from walking and learn a little more about each other.

Sheele:"Usually these forest are crawling with enemies, i wonder what's so different about today that's making them avoid it."

Tatsumi:"Maybe they heard that they're friend's went in and never came back? It's unlikely but it's a possibility we can't overlook."

Sheele:"I've seen more unlikely thing's happen in my time as an assassin."

Tatsumi:"Sheele, what made you want to be an assassin?"

Tatsumi:"Sheele, what made you want to be an assassin?"

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Sheele:"Huh? I didn't decide at first."

Tatsumi:"Huh? Were you not given a choice?"

Sheele:"I was actually sought out by Night Raid after they saw the murder's i commited, it is a little more complicated than that though but i wouldn't want to bore you with yhe detail's."

Tatsumi:"Go ahead, i'm all ear's."

Before she could start her glasses fell off and she started looking for them, being honest she was pretty cute when she was looking for her glasses.

Sheele:"Where are they? I should really consider getting contact lenses,-

Sheele:"Where are they? I should really consider getting contact lenses,-

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-Maybe i wouldn't lose them as much."

She looked a little upset that she couldn't find them, so i helped her get them so she could see clearly.

Sheele:"Thank you, Tatsumi. I'm sorry that i'm so clumsy."

Tatsumi:"Don't be, it's just part of your charm."

Sheele:"Th-Thank you, Tatsumi."

After she got her glasses back on she explained her story and how she became an assassin.

Sheele:"I was never able to hold down a real job because i'm so clumsy, people always made fun of me thinking maybe i was insane or something, i eventually met one of my closest friend's who never made fun of me no matter how badly i messed up, we spent every day together and never wanted to part way's. But eventually i caught on that her boyfriend was highly abusive to her and i witnessed him pick her up by her throat, so i took a knife and i stabbed him in the back of his neck which killed him quickly."

I was kinda surprised to hear that she apparently lived a pretty normal life leading up to her new life as an assassin for the Revolution. At least a couple day's before hand.

Sheele:"After i killed him my friend told me that she didn't want to be anywhere near me, it upset me to my very soul. A couple day's afterward i found out that the man i killed was the leader of a very powerful gang, and when they figured out i killed there leader they murdered my family and intended me to be next, that's when i discovered my talent for killing. I killed every last one of them and left there and left them in there corpse's in the street's."

Tatsumi:"As you should've, they didn't deserve even a halfway decent burial for what they did."

She looked at me with some confusion, she likely didn't think i would agree with her action's but something that other's don't agree with i do. Scum bag's like that deserve to die in the worst way possible. She stood up to give me a hug but she tripped on a rock and fell on me. Her breast were in my face and my hand was on her butt, i didn't intend to touch her there but i wasn't exactly upset by it.

 Her breast were in my face and my hand was on her butt, i didn't intend to touch her there but i wasn't exactly upset by it

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Sheele:"I'm sorry you have such a clumsy mentor."

Tatsumi:"Th-That's alright."

I was a little embarrassed after touching her there, but i made sure not to mention it.

Sheele's P.O.V

Sheele:(He touched me, but he's so embarressed. Why is he so cute when he's blushing, i-i have to see it more i want to see it more. Wh-What's going on with me. I-I'm feeling different i feel.....excided, *Yandere Giggle*.)

For some reason i was feeling like he should belong to me, and only me. Maybe it's fate that we end up together? If it is i'll insure it happen's, no matter the cost *Yandere Giggle*

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I'll see y'all later, peace]

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