Ch 87 [Making her Submit]

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[No art this chapter for obvious reason's] !Lemon/Smut Warning!

Tatsumi's P.O.V

After ending up stranded on this island with, Esdeath she was almost instantly trying to seduce me and it was obvious to me that she was gonna try and dominate me but i'm not standing for that, if anyone dominate's it's me.

Tatsumi:"I've figured out your little game, Esdeath. You're trying to seduce me so you can dominate me, aren't you?"

Esdeath:"Your domination last time was nothing but beginner's luck, i never submit willingly."

Tatsumi:"Then i'll make you submit."

I swiftly kicked her out from under her feet and pinned her to the ground, after that i tore her skirt and bra off leaving her completely naked, i dug through her clothes and found the coller i put on her previously and made her wear it again.

Tatsumi:"Accept that i'm the one who's dominant and i may just make it worth your time."

She attempted to grab me so i grabbed some vine's from the tree's and tied her hand's behind her back.


Tatsumi:"Guess you haven't learned your lesson yet, i'll just have to put you in your place again."

Esdeath's P.O.V

Whoever trained him clearly made sure he could beat anyone, now i'm in a possision that i can be taken advantage of and i can't get out of it, these vine's are tougher than most chain's and rope that people have tried to tie me up with.

Tatsumi:"I won't be so gentle with you this time, Esdeath. You should've learned the last time we were in this situation."

Esdeath:"Kya! Ease up y-you brute, you c-can't do this to me!"

He didn't listen to me objection's and continued thrusting into me, there was no opening for me to escape my bind's and turn the tide's on him, if i say so myself, he's more sadistic than i am when it come's to stuff like this.

Esdeath:"Ahhhhh ohhhhh f-fuck hahhhh y-you bastard hahhhh ahhhhh ohhhhh fuck ahhhhh hahhhh!":(I never thought i'd be out matched when it came to my sadisim but i guess there really is a first for everything.):"Hahhhh ahhhhh ohhhhh d-damnit g-gahhhh hahhhh fuck ahhhhh M-Master Master hahhhh ohhhhh f-fuck fuck ahhhhh!"

I guess he wasn't sadisfied with just having me tied up and having a coller around my neck, he grabbed me by the neck and pressed his thumb against my wind pipe making it harder for me to breathe and not having my hand's to break his grip only made it worse.

Esdeath:"Hahhhh hahhhh hahhhh ahhhhh ohhhhh gahhhh ohhhhh hahhhh ahhhhh!":(C-Can barely breathe, h-he's controling my breathing! F-Fuck, i-i never thought i'd be in a situation like this!):"Gahhhh *Deep Breathe* guh hahhhh ahhhhh hahhhh ahhhhh ohhhhh hahhhh ahhhhh!"

Eventually he removed his hand from my throat but he tightened the coller to restrict some of my breathing, he then pulled out a dagger and drew it across my thigh's, the cold metal sent a shock through out my entire body. He never actually cut me but i think it was more for the thrill of scaring me into thinking he was.

Esdeath:"Ahhhhh hahhhh ahhhhh ohhhhh d-don't do that p-please hahhhh ahhhhh M-Master ahhhhh ohhhhh hahhhh ahhhhh fuck fuck!"

The feeling of him peircing my womb was euphoric and he wasn't stopping until he was sadisfied, and i wouldn't have it any other way.

Esdeath:"Hahhhh M-Master, f-fill me with your seed ahhhhh hahhhh ahhhhh ohhhhh y-yes yes yes!"

Esdeath+Tatsumi:"HAHHHH AHHHHH!"

After calming down a little he spoke to me.

Tatsumi:"Learn your lesson? Or am i gonna have to get rougher with you next time?"

Esdeath:"I-I've learned my lesson Master, i won't disobey you again."

Tatsumi:"Good, now keep that in mind next time you try and upstage me."

He slapped my ass and walked to the ocean side to watch the cloud's go by.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the Lemon/Smut. I'll see y'all later, peace]

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